Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3444: Of course there is me!

When the outside world mentioned Shen Ming, he couldn't even help but poke his spine: "Even his sister-in-law dared to move? It was really a lard! Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise it would be a question whether Shen Ming could live! But having said that, there was no problem. Shen Ming would have to lie down in the hospital for a year or a half. Shen Muhan really can't offend someone!"

Although everyone doesn't know what Chen Qi did to Shen Ming secretly, they can guess that Shen Ming has been bad and what's in it.

Now, Shi Hui, the mother and son, let alone continue to rely on Shen Muhan to enjoy the life of the rich and aristocratic before, and there is not even an ordinary peaceful day.

It is said that Shen Ming's hospitalization expenses are all the money Shi Hui collected from selling various jewelry bags.


After Xia Jiu passed her early pregnancy, her reaction to morning sickness was much better.

Sometimes the food delivered in the kitchen can be eaten.

It's just that it's better than what Shen Muhan did, which made her appetite wide open.

Seeing that Shen Muhan came back at noon and rolled up her sleeves to cook, she said while eating fruit, "Or, don't you come back at noon in the future? It's hot, and it takes time and effort for you to cook a meal." ."

"Then who will get my wife and children to eat?" Shen Muhan said without looking back.

"I can eat the chef's for the time being at noon." Xia Jiu said, "Also, the third aunt said that she has nothing to do around her and can cook a meal for lunch."

Shen Muhan turned around and said, "It's so unconscionable. Just now I have a better appetite, so I'm going to kick me?"

"You don't have a conscience. People are obviously thinking about you. You go back and forth every day, but it's actually quite hard. And the kitchen is so hot, you have to take a shower and change clothes every time you cook. The time wasted even more."

Shen Muhan wanted to say that the reason why he had to take a bath and change clothes after cooking was completely because she was dangling in front of him.

Sometimes they would hug him from behind and talk to him softly, which aroused people's minds.

But he didn't say.

I'm afraid I won't have this benefit if I say it.

"I'm also afraid of getting tired of my husband." Xia Jiu said arrogantly.

"What? I didn't hear clearly." Shen Muhan turned around and hugged her waist.

Her belly has already begun to highlight. The triplets are pregnant earlier than other pregnant women. It can be seen that it is much harder than other pregnant women.

"I said, I'm afraid of getting my husband tired."

"Who is tired?" Shen Muhan asked nonchalantly.

Xia Jiu turned around: "The wind is too strong, you can't hear it clearly. I'll tell you when the wind gets smaller."

As soon as she turned around, Shen Muhan was holding her belly, and when he thought that it was the crystallization of their love inside, the corners of Shen Muhan's lips rose.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and said in his ear: "Husband!"

Then he broke free of his hand and swayed out.

Surprised, Shen Muhan hurriedly reached out to help her.

Realizing what she was called just now, smiles poured in Shen Muhan's eyes.

After all, he agreed to Ding Qinen to take care of Xia Jiu for a period of time.

He is really busy.

I also want to finish part of the affairs as soon as possible, so that he can spend more time with her and the baby after her late pregnancy and delivery.

Instead of spending time on a meal of food, it is better to stay in a more useful place later.

Ding Qinen happily came to complete this task.

Shen Fengshan couldn't help but smiled: "You, you!"

"What's wrong with me, I just think these two kids are pretty good." Ding Qinen got busy, but his face was radiant.

Actually, Shen Fengshan knew that she just felt sorry for Shen Muhan's childhood experience.

Because of the absence of three sons, Ding Qinen has always been more concerned with children who have suffered from childhood problems.

She is projecting part of her emotions.

Thinking of this, Shen Fengshan let her go.

Anyway, when she is older, she is also idle when she is idle, so it is better to do something that makes her happy.



Shen Muhan stayed at home to accompany Xia Jiu.

The butler came over and said, "There is a man named Qin Zheng who said he wanted to see Miss Xia."

"Then let him in." Xia Jiu said hurriedly.

Shen Muhan: "..."

So now there are not only women, but also more men, right?

Xia Jiu tilted his head to look at him: "Is this my own home?"

"Of course." She is the hostess here, why not?

"Then I can meet friends or something here, okay?" Xia Jiu asked.

Shen Muhan: "..."

What else can he say?

Seeing him upset, Xia Jiu reached out and touched the tip of his nose: "Shen Muhan, do you think I would like so many people? My favorite person is not you. Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset. But what is Qin Zheng doing?" Shen Muhan was smoothed, and his expression was obviously soft.

Before Xia Jiu had time to answer, Qin Zheng came in.

As soon as he entered, he felt Shen Muhan's eyes staring at him coldly.

It is now summer and the weather is quite hot, but Qin Zheng felt the coldness of winter.

"Xia Jiu, I bought something for you." Qin Zheng took out the gift box.

"Is it the toast suit you mentioned last time? I can't believe your eyes." Xia Jiu happily took it.

Shen Muhan said quietly: "Xia Jiu gets married, so what toast clothes do you need to buy?"

He snatched it from Xia Jiu's hand and held it in his hand, obviously meaning that he did not intend to take it.

His eyes were half-sided, and in his eyes that couldn't see the emotions, there was a deep chill at this moment.

Qin Zheng was actually worried that Xia Jiu and Shen Muhan were together before.

It is said that Shen Muhan is very difficult to get along with, and Xia Jiu will inevitably be wronged with him.

But at this glance, Qin Zheng was sure that Shen Muhan overturned the vinegar jar for Xia Jiu.

When a man is a woman, it means that he has overturned the jealousy, and he almost loves this woman deeply.

Some men's jealous jars are just pure possessiveness.

But the man in front of him had too many things in the jealous jar that was overturned. As a man, Qin Zheng knew the meaning too well.

He didn't get angry but laughed, and said flatly, "Young Master Han, as Xia Jiu's maiden family, what's wrong with me buying a toast suit?"

Maiden family?

The cold color of Shen Muhan's face froze for a while.

Xia Jiu reached out and took the gift box again: "Qin Zheng is the young man my dad is most optimistic about, and he grew up with me. I always treat him as an older brother. My parents are gone. The toasting suit is reasonable. It was given by my mother’s family, not from Qin Zheng. Who else can it be?"

"Of course there is me!" Jiang Bai's voice appeared!

Because Chen Qi knew her well, as soon as she arrived at the door, she just met Chen Qi, and Chen Qi invited her in directly.

She just heard these words as soon as she came in, so she took a sentence.

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