Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3451: It's her

Shen Muhan was a little angry, and loosened his tie. Does this woman care that other women find herself?


Xia Jiu really didn't think so much. After putting off the phone, he didn't take this matter to heart.

The next day was the weekend, everyone’s affairs were almost busy, and I could relax on the weekend.

"Would you like me to go out with you for a while?" Qin Zheng asked.

"I don't have to. I just stay in the hotel to rest."

Qin Zheng knew her physical condition and did not force it.

Seeing that the other female designers were not there, Xia Jiu asked, "How about Xiaoqin and others?"

"A date for a date, a gift for a gift. Don't you know, today is Valentine's Day?"

"Today is Valentine's Day, isn't it July? Where does Valentine's Day come from?"

"July 14 is the Silver Valentine's Day." Qin Zheng reminded.

Xia Jiu: Okay, people who fall in love can live forever.

Unexpectedly, it would be enough to come on a business trip and eat other people's dog food.

Why didn't she know that such a Valentine's Day could also be spent?

After returning to the hotel after breakfast, she sent a WeChat message to Shen Muhan: "Do you know that today is Valentine's Day?"

Shen Muhan: "?"

Very good, it seems that Shen Muhan doesn't know it anymore.

Wrong, it should be, he was able to know the meaning of 520, it took a lot of effort, and let him know that today is Valentine's Day, I am afraid it will kill him.

Xia Jiu changed the subject and didn't say this.

Shen Muhan asked Chen Qi: "Today is Valentine's Day?"

Chen Qi said that he didn't know.

Shen Muhan checked and found that every year, July 14th is the Silver Day (silverDay), which is a holiday for bringing the loved ones home to their parents or introducing them to other elders whom he respects.

Silver Valentine's Day is also a day when lovers exchange silver gifts and accessories. The traditional custom is to use a silver ring for engagement and wear it on your hand as a testimony to your sweet mood.

"Chen Qi, book me a plane ticket."

Chen Qiyi was stunned, all this thought came out all the time, where did he go?

"Master, you still have an important meeting, customers from Europe!"


Xia Jiu was a person who could stay in a hotel. He swiped his phone for a while, watched the show, and had some fruit, and the days passed.

Then lie down by the window and look at the sea view outside the window. The day is also pleasant.

It's not that I don't want Shen Muhan, but there will be something on the production line next week. She has to stay for a few days, so she can't go back now, so she can only think about it.

She patted her belly: "Baby, do you miss dad yet?"

The baby turned over and said it was okay.

Xia Jiu pursed his lips and smiled. In fact, Shen Muhan was also quite good. Being able to let herself come out this time, she could see that he was almost as uncomfortable as being killed.

But he still agreed.

Therefore, she solemnly decided that she would stop angering him by not saying sullen words in the future. If there is anything, she should discuss and communicate well.

Respect is mutual, and freedom must be given to each other.

If you don't say double standard, you won't double standard.

Just thinking about it, the doorbell rang.

Xia Jiu walked slowly to open the door, it should be afternoon tea.

Now she eats frequently and is hungry fast. Not long after lunch, she has a little groaning in her stomach.

Xia Jiu opened the door and said, "Thank you."

Seeing that she saw a pair of long legs, she lifted her eyelashes and looked up, and then she saw Shen Muhan's handsome face, clearly appearing in front of her!

"Shen Muhan!" Xia Jiu was surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Isn't it about Silver Valentine's Day today?" Shen Muhan stepped forward and hooked her waist, helping her stand firmly, "By the way, explain that Shi Youxuan was looking for me that day."

Xia Jiu blinked, Shen Muhan was so cute by her, she lowered her head close to her forehead, and she was close to her, with the tip of her nose facing each other, and her breath could be heard.

Just didn't dare to kiss her.

You can't brake if you are afraid of a kiss.

The atmosphere slowly became warm and ambiguous, and Xia Jiu's ears were red.

She is tall, and he has to lean over. This man is really tall enough.

She had just thought about his a lot of good, and now he appeared in front of him, Xia Jiu's heart was filled with satisfaction and sweetness.

She just casually said something about Valentine's Day, and she didn't even care about it.

He actually came.

Such a good man belongs to her!

Xia Jiu pursed his lips: "Aren't you busy today? Chen Qi said earlier that you have had a lot of things in the past two weeks."

"No matter how busy I am, I will accompany you." Shen Muhan took out a brocade box with a silver ring inside. "Didn't you still say that you want to exchange the silver ring today?"

He rushed to buy the silver ring, which is not worth money in itself, but it did take a little effort to find a style that suits his heart.

Otherwise, you can actually come over at lunch time.

He took it out and put it on Xia Jiu carefully.

Just right.

"So, what about mine?" Shen Muhan asked.

Xia Jiu didn't know about the silver ring that she would give away on Valentine's Day, so of course she didn't buy it either.

She said guiltily: "I didn't prepare... Actually, I heard them say that in the morning and asked you casually. I didn't know there was this festival before, let alone have it."

"Unconscionable." Shen Muhan gritted his teeth with anger, really wanting to beat her, picking the fleshy place.

Xia Jiu blinked: "Then I will buy it for you now, OK?"

Where is Shen Muhan willing?

If she didn't buy it, he would be disappointed, but he was also grateful that she didn't go shopping with a big belly. In contrast, he would rather she honestly rest in the hotel.

In the evening, all the gift buyers from the date came back, and everyone planned to have a dinner together.

A female designer volunteered to go upstairs to find Xia Jiu, knocked on Xia Jiu's door, and Shen Muhan opened the door, shocking her: "Sorry, I knocked on the wrong door."

"Looking for Xia Jiu?"

"Huh? I didn't make a mistake? Yes, let's find Xia Jiu to have something to eat with the people in the company. If it is not convenient, then forget it."

Although he didn't recognize that this was Shen Muhan, he always felt that this man was particularly difficult to provoke.

"I will accompany her down for a while." Shen Muhan said.

The door closed, and the female designer patted her chest, but she really frightened her, so handsome man, but why is the eyes so scary?

It was cold and chill, even though he didn't look at her seriously, he also scared her out of sweat.

I don't know what kind of woman can control such a man?

But... that man in Xia Jiu's room, isn't it Xia Jiu's man? Her fiance?

She patted her chest again, scared to death, Xia Jiu is so delicate, can she really control such a man?

"Who is it?" Xia Jiu asked.

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