Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3465: alone

But seeing Xia Jiu's expression as usual, he quickly put away his mind.

Xia Jiu remembered that when he was kidnapped, the voice said, "But be careful, don't touch her stomach, otherwise you will have your life to take the money, and you will not have your life to spend."

She had to be very clear at the time, but she remembered the voice very clearly.

At that time, I was too afraid of the baby being hurt, and she would always remember that person's voice.

"Hello, can you pour me a glass of water later?" she said.

"Okay." The man hurriedly responded in a low voice.

"Bring it to Shen Muhan's office."

After Xia Jiu finished speaking, the elevator arrived, and she stepped out.

The man cried secretly.

After the kidnapping, he was sent to Africa. Shen Muhan's rewards were so abundant that he naturally couldn't refuse.

It was only recently that his mother became seriously ill, so he had to come back and came to Chen Qi to perform his duties by the way.

Who knew that just for a few minutes, he had a face-to-face meeting with Xia Jiu.

He was really suffering, never expected that this would be the case.

However, Xia Jiu probably didn't see herself at the time, and she covered her eyes with a black cloth, shouldn't she be able to wear it so quickly?

Xia Jiu arrived at Shen Muhan's office soon.

He was in a meeting, and Xia Jiu specifically asked not to disturb him.

Shen Muhan didn't know she was here.

She was sitting in his office, the decoration in black, white and gray, showing his always cold and compelling style, without temperature, but because of the open space, it did not make people feel suffocated.

Xia Jiu stood up and walked toward his bookshelf, which contained various documents.

She reached out and flipped through them one by one, all of which were nothing more than work.

Did not find anything related to his father.

Nor did she find anything related to Charlene.


Shen Muhan is in a meeting, listening to the report of the senior executives in the company.

He tapped the table with long fingers, his expression indifferent.

Chen Qi hurriedly walked in and whispered into his ear: "Miss Xia arrived at the company and had a face-to-face meeting with the person who kidnapped her last time."

Shen Muhan's tapping fingers stopped quickly and roughly interrupted a high-level report: "The meeting ends here, the meeting ends."

Everyone didn't know what happened, and saw Shen Muhan get up and leave.

However, in the company, no one can disobey Shen Muhan's will. Everyone did not speak, but filed out of the meeting room.

Xia Jiu was sitting on the sofa eating fruit, Shen Muhan pushed the door and walked in: "Why are you here? It happened to be in a meeting, and no one prepared anything for you."

"No, I asked someone to pour water for me, and bring it in in a while." Xia Jiu raised his eyes with a smile on his face.

But there is a trace of alienation and indifference.

"Just drink water? Don't you like to drink juice and milk? Chen Qi, let someone pour milk over."

Xia Jiu pursed his lips: "No, I need water. Let that person bring me in."

Shen Muhan paused for a moment, and said, "Then drink water. Why do you want to come over and miss me?"

Xia Jiu raised his eyes and met his gaze: "How did you investigate the case of my parents?"

"Didn't you tell me, the case of your parents has been closed?" Shen Muhan walked to her, "Still thinking about it?"

"I'm always upset," Xia Jiuping said.

"That's because you feel guilty for your mother."

Chen Qi knocked on the door, and soon he came over with water.

"Where is the person who poured me water?" Xia Jiu asked.

"I don't know which person Miss Xia is talking about?" Chen Qi smiled, "I always take care of the young master. By the way, there are many secretaries in the secretary office. Did you see the secretary general?"

Xia Jiu knew that he couldn't ask why today.

She sighed: "I don't know who I met. Maybe it's just a random person. By the way, how is the situation with the person who kidnapped me last time?"

Chen Qi glanced at Shen Muhan and said, "It is Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan's unconscionable mother and daughter. The young master treated them well. As a result, they actually avenged you and wanted to kidnap you to embarrass the young master. These people , Must be brought to justice."

When Xia Jiu heard these words, there were cocoons in her ears.

She took a sip of water, "Really?"

"Yeah, that's it. Fortunately, you and the young master and the young lady are fine." Chen Qi whispered.

Seeing that Xia Jiu was silent, he said, "If there is nothing to do then, I will go out and be busy."

Chen Qi turned around and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Shen Muhan said, "I came to test Chen Qi? If you are still angry in your heart, I will help you solve the people you don't like."

"Where is there anyone I don't like. I just dream of my parents and sisters more and more recently." Xia Jiu approached his arms, "Shen Muhan, there are no relatives by my side, I don't want... people."

"Of course not, I will always be by your side." Shen Muhan hugged her waist tightly.

After Xia Jiu left.

Chen Qi came to report: "Miss Xia has nothing to do, and hasn't seen anyone, everything is as usual."

Shen Muhan sighed, I hope he has thought about it more.

After Xia Jiu returned, he called Qin Zheng.

A few days later, Qin Zheng called the police because of a contract dispute, and he was taken to cooperate with the investigation.

After Xia Jiu received the call, he called Shen Muhan: "Qin Zheng went to the police station because of Xia's business. I have to go over and see."

"I will let Chen Qi go over and deal with it."

"No, I can solve it myself." Xia Jiu said, "It should be a small matter. Even if the other party sue us, we will respond to the lawsuit. At that time, I may have to ask you to borrow a lawyer."

Shen Muhan agreed.

Xia Jiu arrived at the police station and met Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng said: "It's arranged, you go to see Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan."

"Good." Xia Jiu nodded.

Those who followed Xia Jiu were all guarding outside, and they reported to Shen Muhan when they heard that Xia Jiu and Qin Zheng were negotiating a contract.

Xia Jiu went straight to see Shi Hui and Shi Youxuan.

After giving birth to Xia Jiu, her complexion was ruddy, her waist and limbs had already recovered to the time when she was not pregnant, and there was no trace of pregnancy on her whole body, and there was no sign of having a baby. On the contrary, her complexion became more beautiful Shrouded in long hair like a waterfall, mysterious and lazy.

She was wearing wide-leg pants and high heels, and she brought wind when she walked in.

"So it's you?" Shi Hui said in surprise.

Shi Youxuan stared at Xia Jiu with hatred.

"It's me." Xia Jiu sat down in front of her, "I didn't expect that I would come to see you, so surprised?"

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