Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3576: Extra Sinking Heian (32)

He Yixia has actually received a friend approval request.

She thought that her eyes were dizzying, and she could see clearly after repeated confirmation. It was really sent by Shen Yu'an.

Don't know what Shen Yu'an is looking for?

She wanted to click and go through immediately, but she hesitated again.

In terms of work, Cao Tezhu was in contact with him, so it is almost impossible for Shen Yuan to find himself because of work.

Not because of work, what could it be because of?

Was it because he cared about his confession several times before and came to warn himself?

He should not be so free.

After all, it is Minister Shen, who has everything to do with everything.

So the slippage is wrong?

It's not like it, otherwise, her title and his name will not be so complete.

He Yixia couldn't guess the way.

It happened that Li Xueying called, and she told her concerns again.

"Minister Shen took the initiative to add you? You can do it, what did you do recently?"

"I just took a job as a simultaneous interpreter and helped him work. However, I usually work with him as a special assistant. Therefore, I am also panicked now, I don't know why he added me."

Li Xueying couldn't figure it out: "Could it be that he is very sympathetic to his subordinates and adds everyone's contact information?"

"This is possible." He Yixia nodded hurriedly, "It seems that their department does have this habit. The first day I went to work, everyone left WeChat with each other, of course, not including the Minister Shen."

"That's it, he must add a subordinate WeChat to prepare for emergencies." Li Xueying felt that her thoughts made sense. "After all, this workaholic adult, I heard that he usually has no private life. As for falling in love, Not to mention that, it's completely an insulator of the opposite sex."

He Yixia thinks so deeply: "Then I might as well not add it. I can’t explain what happened before. If I add WeChat, it makes me feel flustered. Anyway, I have only been working for a few days. I didn't see it."

"It's okay. Anyway, he doesn't care if one less part-timer has added him." Li Xueying said.

He Yixia felt that it made sense, and even deleted this added message.

Anyway, for work matters, Cao Special Assistant will contact him.

After deleting, she was refreshed, and she quickly forgot about it.


Shen Yuan woke up the next day, and after dealing with all morning work, Cao Special helped to arrange for him to eat.

During the meal, he replied a few WeChat messages, only then remembered that he added He Yixia last night.

However, so far there has been no response.

"Special help from Cao." Shen Yuan sat up straight.

Cao Te helped hurriedly responded: "Minister, you have ordered."

"All the information you gave me is accurate, right?"

Cao Tezhu immediately got up and down, recalling in his heart which information he had made a mistake?

It seems that all the information he gave to Shen Yu'an had been carefully checked and sorted out to be correct. Shouldn't there be any mistakes?

"Minister, which document is the problem, please make it clear, I will check it." Cao Tezhu really can't remember what's wrong.

When Cao Te helped speak, his mobile phone WeChat kept ringing, which should be the content of work.

"You handle the work first." Shen Yuan raised his chin to signal.

Cao Tezhu took a look at his mobile phone and told Shen Yu'an, "It's Miss He."

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