Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3593: Extra Sinking Heian (49)

Mr. Xu smiled and said, "Then I will let Meiyi help and fix the hospital for your mother. I hope you can help me a lot in the next few days."

Mr. Xu meant that he wanted to apologize for Xu Meiyi's rude words in the morning, and also wanted to play the emotional card again, hoping that He Yixia's next work would be stronger.

"Meiyi, you can handle this matter." Mr. Xu confessed to her.

Xu Meiyi agreed.

When Mr. Xu left, Xu Meiyi looked at He Yixia and said with a smile: "Your mother is sick? Then I will help you contact the hospital as soon as possible. It will be fine, don't worry."

Contact the hospital? She would have a ghost if He Yixia contacted the hospital!

She procrastinated and proceeded slowly, not only gave her father an explanation, but also let He Yixia "enjoy" the feeling of scratching her heart.

"Then thank Miss Xu." How could He Yixia fail to understand her thoughts?

It's just that I don't bother to care about her.

Does it make sense to use this kind of caution?

Seeing He Yixia's expression calm, her pretty face seemed as if nothing had happened.

Xu Meiyi felt that she was holding it deliberately to conceal her guilty conscience.

"Then take it slowly! He Yixia, you will come to me one day!" Xu Meiyi said in her heart.


After He Yixia went to the hospital to visit her mother, she was about to take a taxi to drive home.

Seeing Cao Tezhu's call, she answered: "Cao Tezhu."

"Yixia, Minister Shen asked you to come to his office. I have to explain some things about work to you." Cao Tezhu said, "I don't know when you have time?"

"I only have time at night these days."

"Then you see when you are free, I'll come to pick you up."

He Yixia was a little strange: "What is it?"

"It's not convenient for me to disclose this in advance, but it is really important and has a great impact on your career prospects."

These words made He Yixia a little bit in the bottom of her heart. Wasn't she doing something wrong in her last job?

Is Shen Yu'an planning to settle accounts after Autumn?

But she racked her brains and couldn't think of what she had done wrong.

Except for not attending the final celebration banquet, it seems that I did not miss anything?

But Cao Tezhu resolutely refused to disclose what the matter was, He Yixia had to give up, and made an appointment to see Shen Yu'an the next night.

In my heart, I was really worried.

She just hung up and another call came in.

"Ms. He Yixia He? My name is Tang Wen from Wensheng Group. The senior in the industry introduced you to me." A young man’s nice voice came across, "I heard that Miss He plans to develop in Jingyuan in the future. There is a lack of an Arabic simultaneous interpreter. I wonder if Miss He intends to come to our company?"

"Hello, Mr. Tang." He Yixia was pleasantly surprised, "I do intend to find a full-time job, but I won't have time until next week. I wonder if Mr. Tang can wait for me for a few days before coming to talk in detail?"

"Of course." Tang Wen said with a smile, "Ms. He can contact me at any time if she has any needs."

The other party is very refreshing, and the conversation is also very neat, which makes He Yixia very good.

Depending on her mother's situation, she might indeed be staying in Jingyuan.

A stable job is definitely easier and more reliable than a part-time job.

Since there is such a good opportunity, she will definitely not give up.

Thinking of this, I feel a lot more confident about the way ahead, and the shadow of my mother's condition is no longer so troubled.

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