Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3842: Extra Sinking Heian (299)

He Yixia drove out. I have to say that a luxury car is a luxury car. Although the performance is completely different from the car he drove before, the driving experience is very good.

During this lap, she drove out directly, her mood rising, Shen Yuan sat aside, and saw her smile, which really felt the value of buying this car.


Shen Yuan and He Yixia were married in the fourth year.

Four years have passed, and the relationship between the two has not changed with the passage of time.

On the contrary, because of the tacit understanding brought about by the mutual running-in, they are more adaptable to each other's existence, and more accustomed to living with each other in their lives.

In the evening, after attending a full moon banquet for a friend’s baby, He Yixia felt a little bit. When she came back, she couldn’t help saying: "Today’s baby is really good, do you see it? When I hugged her, she She smiled at me."

"Well, it's pretty good-looking." Shen Yu'an actually didn't care much about other people's children. He had no idea about children, and he didn't own them, so he didn't look much at it.

He Yixia leaned on his shoulder and whispered: "Shall we have a child too?"

"Have you figured it out?" Shen Yuan asked softly, "When you are pregnant, it may affect your work. The tenth month of pregnancy will also put your body under a lot of pressure. Of course, once the child is born, I will Stay with her and take care of her as much as possible, but in those ten months, I can't help you bear too much."

"I have a good idea." He Yixia has indeed been thinking about this issue for a long time.

She is already very skilled in her work and learning new content quickly. The two have a stable relationship and she feels that everything is just right.

She raised her head, and his handsome appearance was reflected in her eyes: "Why, we will..."

Shen Yuan's Adam's apple slid because of her words: "It's better to be respectful."


A month later, at the family dinner at Baijing Palace.

Chu Xiuping followed Shen Fengshan to go fishing and brought back some fresh and delicious sea bass.

The butler is here to ask for your taste.

The others didn't care, Shen Chuxin raised his hand and said, "I want to eat steamed."

He Yixia, who has never been picky eaters, said: "Sauerkraut fish."

When the dinner came out, He Yixia smelled the sauerkraut fish, and there was pantothenic acid in her stomach. She ran to the bathroom and retched for a while.

Shen Yuan followed in, frowning and said: "Is the fish not fresh enough? Don't eat it if you don't want to eat it, I will let the kitchen change dishes."

He Yixia turned to Shen Yu'an in the mirror, and said, "My husband, do you think I am pregnant?"

Shen Yuan looked at each other in the mirror, her eyes froze for a moment, and said, "I'm going to call the family doctor!"

"No, I checked. It's no use calling a doctor now. There is a pregnancy test stick in my bag. You can help me get it."

He held He Yixia's fingers, trembling slightly, turned around and walked out of the bathroom to the place where He Yixia put his bag. When walking, he either hit the door or knocked his leg on the furniture, finally stumbled and took things back.

It made Shen Chuxin and Chu Xiuping weird, good brothers, what's wrong?

I don't know how long it took before Shen Yuan and He Yixia came out together.

He carefully supported He Yixia, and Shen Chuxin and Chu Xiuping curiously asked: "Big brother, sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

"Chuxin, don't you want the latest high-order evening dress from es? You place the order and the bill is charged to me."

"Xiuping, the latest machine building instrument you want, also charge me."

Shen Chuxin and Chu Xiuping's eyes widened for a while before they uttered aloud together, and asked in surprise and excitement: "So brother, is my sister-in-law pregnant?"

[Shen Yu'an vs. He Yixia's special episode is over here, thank you for watching.

Later, it is possible or maybe to write about other children of the younger generation. After all, there are many children, and all of them are very loving. You can stop if you don’t like to see them. The stories written later will not destroy the established characters in the front. happy.

As for when to write or not to write, it has not yet been decided.

However, I would like to thank you all again, and I wish you all a happy life, everyone can be happy and love you. 】

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