Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3937: Emperor extra

Information also shows that Wang Zhi had already gone to the United States a few days ago.

Then the rest is Jiang Han and Lu Yuling.

Shen Jingle said indifferently: "I'm looking for someone to get all the materials of these two people and all the designs they have done. You wait for them to call."

Xiaoyi stood aside, desperate and tearful.

"Xingjian, you take Xiaoyi to the room and wait." He Xiasheng said.

Without a word, He Xingjian picked up Xiaoyi and entered the room.

Soon, as Shen Jingle predicted, He Xiasheng received an anonymous call.

"Mr. He, Qiao Jin is in our hands. If you still want her to be well, I want a sum of money."

Although the other party used a voice changer, He Xiasheng already knew their identities.

However, He Xiasheng did not expose him, fearing that he would jump the wall in a hurry.

"How much do you want?"

"I want five hundred bitcoins."

"So many, I can't buy it quickly for a while," He Xiasheng said, "Presumably you also know that Bitcoin is not something you can buy if you want to."

"Don't talk nonsense, now the market conditions are good, after you buy 500, give me the trading key."

After speaking, the phone was hung up over there.

Shen Jingle also heard these words and said, "They are very cunning."

"It's very cunning. Bitcoin is a free market currency and is not under the jurisdiction of the government. Now it is the time when the market is good. When they get it, they can realize it immediately without being traced to their identity. Five hundred Bitcoins are cheap. , More than 20 million dollars..."

He Xiasheng is not worried about money.

It's people.

People who can be cruel to be kidnappers are all frantic. Jiang Han and Lu Yuling have already been blacklisted by companies in the industry due to social deaths.

In case they get the money and don’t let them go...

Shen Jingle saw his concerns: "You should prepare first and delay time. I will find out where they are hiding as soon as possible."

He Xiasheng restrained the shaking of his hands and called Han Dong to ask him to buy 500 bitcoins as soon as possible.


When Qiao Jin woke up, she had a splitting headache.

She wanted to reach out and touch her head, only to find that her hands were tied.

Memories emerged. She recalled that she first went to the car with her luggage. She was hit by someone just after putting the luggage, and then fainted.

Realizing that she was kidnapped, Qiao Jin quickly calmed herself down after a brief panic.

I can’t have any accidents, I still have to take care of Xiaoyi, and I have to go back safely!

There was a sound of footsteps.

Someone came over with a bowl of water and a piece of bread.


Qiao Jin glanced at the man. He was a man with a mask, but the voice was a bit familiar.

Looking at the other person, I don't want to die so early. It seems that I am still useful to them.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

"Don't have so many questions, eat deliciously."

Qiao Jin suddenly remembered where he had seen him before, and a name flashed in his mind, Jiang Han!

Isn't he a senior project management manager?

Because what happened last time fell apart?

For safety reasons, Qiao Jin did not say his name.

After the kidnapper is recognized, he is likely to choose to kill.

"My hands are tied, how can I eat?"

Jiang Han knelt down and tore the bread into small pieces to feed her.

A female voice came: "What are you doing here? Why are you giving her food, and you won’t be starving for one, two, three, or four days."

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