Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 3942: Emperor extra

Qiao Jin was in the bathroom and heard them quarreling more and more.

After she locked the door, she quickly found the small window.

The window was very small and it was close to the ceiling. She guessed where it was in her mind, grabbed something, and leaped over.

Then, she got in from the window.

When I jumped down, I smelled an unpleasant rancid smell.

It seems that she is correct in her estimation, it must be a sewer pipe here.

She immediately estimated the position and ran straight forward in one direction.


He Xiasheng and Shen Jingle have already checked all the places to be checked.

Suddenly, the two thought of a place at the same time.

The two immediately ran towards this position.

This is a sewer pipe near the building where Qiao Jin lives now.

Except here, all other places have been investigated.

And this sewer pipe happens to be a blind spot for monitoring.

"That's right here." Shen Jingle ran over and took a look at the scene, almost certain.

The reason why I didn't think of this before was completely because this sewer pipe belongs to another building, and there is a wall from the building here.

The kidnapper is really cunning.

"This kind of sewer pipe has a height of two to three meters. The workshop was built before, but it was abandoned later." He Xiasheng said as he clicked on the drawing, "I'm sure, there are two abandoned workshops and the items in the workshop. Although they have been abandoned, they should still be able to use backup power generation, and there is no problem with the network and signal. But they use shielding devices, so we have been unable to locate them before."

Shen Jingle glanced at the situation: "I will take someone over."

"I am going too."

"I am the detective."

"But I am Qiao Jin's husband."

Shen Jingle took a deep look at him, "Oh, isn't it?"

Everyone is very suspicious of this problem.

He Xiasheng added: "In the legal sense. There is no time, let's go!"

"The soldiers are divided into two paths, let's go!" Shen Jingle took a group of people and arranged for another group to follow He Xiasheng and head towards the two abandoned sewer workshops.


Qiao Jin ran out with one foot and one foot shallow.

She remembers that when she first studied architecture, she heard the teacher mention the structure of the sewer. Based on these, she was able to determine the direction instead of running around without end.

At the same time, Shen Jingle and He Xiasheng also took people down.

When Jiang Han and Lu Yuling were arguing, they found that something was wrong.

The two rushed to the bathroom at the same time and opened the door to see, where is Qiao Jin's figure?

"She ran away!" Jiang Han yelled, all thoughts were lost.

Lu Yuling also had a tingling scalp, and he could almost have a hunch that everything was over!

The two were reduced from geniuses in the industry to the kidnappers they are now, because they are addicted to gambling and cannot be changed at all.

If you owe so many gambling debts, if you don’t pay them back in time, let alone go abroad, you will be hunted down by those who engage in high-interest loans before being caught by the police.

It's over, everything is over!

When Shen Jingle walked halfway, he said to the walkie-talkie: "A bomb should be installed where the annoyance is located. Be careful."

"Received, Chief Shen."

"Let He Xiasheng not be impulsive!"

He Xiasheng's eyes were red when he heard that there was a bomb.

At about the same time, Shen Jingle had arrived at the workshop he was in.

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