Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 410: I just listen to the story

Qin Zheng said: "Shen has many family members and many side branches. But those are not important people. The main thing is to look at the line of closeness related to San Ye."

"San Ye's father, Shen Fengshan, Shen Ye has four brothers in total, and Shen Ye is three. The other three brothers have passed away."

He Ning couldn't help being curious: "So this is why everyone is called Sanye Jingyu?"

"That's not true. San Ye actually has two older brothers. But they both died early. San Ye is the third son of Shen Ye and his wife."

He Ning nodded lightly, that was the case.

"Shen's eldest brother and second brother each left a son, that is, Sanye's cousin, who are both younger than Sanye. Therefore, Sanye is both older and strong, and he has always been in the Shen family since he was a child. Also the favorite of the elders."

In this regard, He Ning could see that the whole Shen family both loved and respected Shen Jingyu.

"The third uncle has two uncles. The elder uncle has a son and a daughter after getting married; the second uncle is not married and is still single."

"You have a good relationship with the Shen family, He family, Gu family, other big families, and even the Presidential Palace."

He Ning tasted them one by one.

The Shen family's relationship is obviously far more complicated and involved than the He family's relationship.

"I remember there is a fifth aunt?" He Ning asked curiously.

"The fifth uncle was adopted by old lady Shen from a family where her parents passed away. The fifth uncle and the fifth aunt have no children, but they are still able to please the old lady."

He Ning pointed to some content and asked about the situation.

"I heard that Mom and He Yiming's mother are best friends?" He Ning asked softly.

"Did you say your wife? Yes, she and General He’s mother Lan Xi are family friends and best friends. In fact, they are also best friends with General He’s aunt He Birong. At the beginning, they had another best friend, and the four of them had good relationships..."

He Ning was curious: "Who is it?"

"This..." Qin Zheng suddenly realized that he had said too much, and said hurriedly, "She is no longer here, and that's not important anymore."

He Ning became curious when he said this: "Does it mean that he has passed away?"

"It's not, but we don't know her current status."

"It stands to reason that they are their best friends, and they should also be from an extraordinary family background. Whether they marry, they should also live in Jingyuan's family?" He Ning said.

Qin Zheng didn't know how to answer this question, and regretfully said, "We really don't know."


"This one……"

"Didn't Sanye ask you to tell me about the relationship between the Shen family? I want to know, why didn't you say it again?" He Ning looked at him seriously, with a calm expression.

But Qin Zheng raised a lot of pressure.

He could only say: "She's called Feng Ling, with his wife Ding Qin'en, Mrs. He's wife Lanxi, and Mrs. He's Miss He Birong, who are the four famous golden flowers of Jingyuan back then, and they are also best friends. They are all the rage."

"Later she married Fu Hongxuan, the current president. But then I didn't know why and disappeared without a trace. So we don't know about the rest."

"San Ye's second uncle was also because he liked Feng Ling at the beginning, but he hasn't married yet..."

He Ning was a little fascinated.

Qin Zheng said: "These have nothing to do with the third master, so I shouldn't actually say it. Please don't take it to heart after the young lady."

"I just listen to it as a story." He Ning smiled slightly.

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