Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 413: Okay, good

He Ning shook her head vigorously.

Regarding He Peishan, she could no longer speak.

Even if you have had doubts, if you ask again, it seems to be your own guilt.

It was distrust of him and questioning of feelings. In his sincere eyes, she couldn't ask such a question.

She is so stupid, he is as firm as a rock, but she is as fragile as glass to feelings.

Therefore, it is impossible to continue to be stupid and break the rare trust between each other.

"No, I'm all over..." He Ning smiled brilliantly at him.

The corners of Shen Jingyu's lips curled up, and a kiss fell on her lips: "Okay, good."

He Ning nodded heavily, the previous unhappiness scattered into the dust of memories, and no longer existed.


In the ward.

He Yiming's expression seemed a bit cold.

This is the attitude he has never shown before He Peishan.

In the past, the bottomless indulgence has been replaced by the indifferent estrangement at this moment.

He Peishan shed tears and looked more and more pitiful.

She had a pale face, her hair hanging down to cover half of her face, as delicate as a flower that could be blown away by rain and wind at any time.

"Big brother, I know I was wrong..." He Peishan was arrested and it was impossible not to admit his mistake.

"I was also angry for a while, and it was only after Ye Qing's provocation that I would treat He Ning and Ye Shu like that. I won't do it next time."

She cried with rain, and her breathing was heavy, and she felt like she would faint if she cried again.

Everything was pushed on Ye Qing, she said while secretly observing the reaction of her elder brother.

With the love of her elder brother, this little thing shouldn't embarrass her too much.

He Yiming's expression eased a bit, after all, he couldn't bear her to continue to suffer.

"This time, I can convince Ye Shu and Hening not to care. But Shanshan, Ye Shu and Hening don't owe you. You can't vent your temper on them anymore." He Yiming's voice was very loud. severe.

He Peishan choked: "I remember, brother."

He Yiming felt uncomfortable looking at her extremely pale face.

He patted her on the shoulder, turned and left.

"Big Brother..." He Peishan wanted to say something more.

However, He Yiming did not look back, or even responded.

He Peishan grabbed a corner of the skirt and squeezed his fingers, which were already pale, but there was a burst of whiteness that could see the bones.

He Yiming just walked out and saw Shen Jingyu coming.

He was a little surprised, Shen Jingyu hadn't cared about He Peishan for a long time.

He walked up quickly: "Jingyu..."

"I went to the presidential palace to report, and the president has already approved me to send a report to reduce military affairs." Shen Jingyu said flatly, "I know you are here, so I came here to tell you."

"Then you... go and meet Shanshan?" He Yiming asked with some uncertainty.

Shen Jingyu only glanced in the direction of the ward, then withdrew his gaze.

"No. I want to explain something to you, let's go together." Shen Jingyu walked out side by side with He Yiming.

Just a few steps, his cell phone rang.

Picking it up, He Birong turned out to be calling.

Shen Jingyu thought for a moment, then picked it up.

He Birong's voice seemed a little excited, and his emotions were a little rushed: "Jingyu, He Ning trespassed into Shanshan's ward and caused Shanshan to get sick. Are you and the Shen family not even a little bit of attitude?"

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