Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 506: He doesn't allow himself to be ignorant

It was already late at night, and there were not many cars on the road. Such a dense traffic flow made Chu Zhuohang's heart full of vigilance.

He increased the throttle and sprinted forward.

He Ning also noticed something. Looking at more and more cars behind, she knew that the worst result had happened.

Maybe there are people from the He family behind, and people from the Shen family...

There was even Shen Jingyu who was following...

The thought of that name made her heart choked.

At this time, does she still refuse to let herself go? For He Peishan, he is so decisive, must he put himself to death?

"Don't be afraid, He Ning. We will be fine." Chu Zhuohang comforted, the car was as fast as an arrow from the string.

He Ning nodded gently, but hesitated in her heart. She said: "Senior Chu, you give me the car, you go back first, and I will drive by myself."

He didn't want to hurt him, He Ning just wanted to face it alone.

"What silly thing to say?" How could Chu Zhuohang abandon her, "Sit down!"

The car galloped forward faster.

This is a section of mountain road connecting the city and the manor.

Chu Zhuohang was very familiar with these road sections, and soon the cars behind were thrown off a lot.

Chu Zhuohang increased the speed of the car while calling.

He told He Ning: "When you get off at an intersection ahead, there will be a car to pick you up. I will lead them away."

"But Senior Chu..."

"It's nothing. My people will send you to the airport. They have already bought a ticket and use another identity. You go to the United States. Then someone will come to meet you, and I will come to you. Obedient!" Chu Zhuo After Hang finished speaking, seeing that the car behind him had disappeared, he stopped, opened the door, pulled Hening down, and stuffed it into another car.

He said to the subordinate who drove: "He Ning's life is like mine. If she is not delivered safely, you don't have to come back to see me!"

After speaking, he closed the car door.

Before He Ning could tell him anything, the car had already sped out.

Chu Zhuohang turned into his car.

Behind him, the cars that had just been thrown away continued to follow, and followed Chu Zhuohang's car.

Chu Zhuohang still kept his speed until he saw that the car He Ning was riding in disappeared in front of him. Then he drove the car with confidence, drifting, braking suddenly, shifting left and right, and following the cars. , Playing around.

He Ning was in another car, worried about Chu Zhuohang behind him.

But his car became a bright spot in the back, and then gradually disappeared.

Chu Zhuohang took another path, leading them in other directions.

He Ning owed something in her heart, very uneasy, she really owed Chu Zhuohang too much.

She churns her fingers, this place is far from the airport, this section of the road, I don't know what will happen...


In the middle of the night, Shen Jingyu stood in the study room, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, and smoke surrounded him.

Being unable to fall asleep for a long time made him very haggard and his spirits tense.

During this period of time, Shen Jingyu watched all the monitors in the west of Portugal and visited everyone's homes along both sides of the river, just to get a little bit of information about He Ning.

In He's house, he also ordered people to be covered with eyeliner.

In case, if He Ning is still alive, he will not allow himself to be ignorant.

Although I know, that in case, it is really maybe only one in a million, or even one in ten million.

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