Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 523: There are not so many scenes of long-lasting love

"Uncle Jiu, see off the guests!" Shen Jingyu didn't look at her again before turning upstairs.

Lan Xi knelt and refused to get up.

"Mrs. He..." Uncle Jiu persuaded, "San Ye has made up his mind, not to mention that the young grandmother has just miscarried and is in poor health. Please come back."

Lan Xi shook his head and knelt firmly.

She can find the best doctor and give He Ning the best care, and she will treat He Ning as her own daughter for the rest of her life, just to save her daughter.

Ding Qinen stepped forward and was surprised to see her kneeling, "Lan Xi, what are you doing?"

"Qin En..." Lan Xi cried and said the matter again.

Ding Qinen helped her sit on the sofa: "The things that Jingyu decides, no one can change."

"If you, the He family, said well before, maybe I could help you persuade Jingyu. But now that's the case, He Ning has come back from the dead, and after so much suffering, I don't have a stand to help you speak."

Lan Xi said sadly: "I didn't know that Bi Rong did so many things behind my back. When I knew it, it was too late. I always meant that I didn't want to hurt He Ning..."

Ding Qinen couldn't help it, except to sit with her for a while, she couldn't accept anything else.


After Shen Jingyu went upstairs, he picked up his mobile phone and confessed that Qin Zhengduo had sent someone to guard He Ning.

Originally, he wanted to make a call to He Ning, but when he put his finger on the screen, there were thousands of words in his heart, but he didn't know which sentence to start with.

Maybe even He Ning won't answer his call.

He finally pressed the dial key.

Sure enough, he was right, and He Ning did not answer.

After He Ning's phone rang, she looked at the two words on the screen, husband.

What a close word used to be, and how distant it is now.

She did not answer, and let the phone ring to end automatically.

In the computer behind him, a piece of music is being played randomly, and the female voice softly and tactfully:

I tell you not to believe in the love and love that is performed

Young people are good at telling lies

One look deceived the world

Looking back, there is at most a scar in my heart

It's a fool who stays in the falsehood

The tenderness you have seen is fake

Love is all fake

What you witnessed

Hugs are fake

Guessing thoughts are false


I want to tell you it's too hard to fall in love

There are not so many scenes of long-lasting love

Since the two sides have been separated

It's better to forget this love

It was a bit cold at night, and Hening tightened her clothes and wrapped herself up.

He Yiming's car was parked downstairs, and he came specifically to see He Ning.

After He Ning left, he couldn't relax his emotions for a long time.

Such a real pain appeared in his heart like never before, and it was a kind of throbbing that even He Peishan could not provoke.

This time he came, just wanting to see He Ning.

The bodyguard downstairs reached out and stopped him: "General He, our general explained that no one from the He family can enter."

"I have no malice against He Ning. You can search your body, I don't bring anything in." He Yiming today is dressed in casual clothes.

"That won't work either. The general specifically explained it."

He Yiming grabbed one of his arms and moved out, this person couldn't stop him at all.

"He Yiming!" Shen Jingyu's voice came from behind, and he strode forward.

Without waiting for He Yiming to speak, he punched him severely and hit him in the nose.

He Yiming backed away painfully: "Shen Jingyu what are you doing?"

"Warning, don't come to He Ning!"

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