Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 549: Going to be a voyeur

"Ye Zi, thank you. During my absence, you can still help me handle TV station matters in an orderly manner."

"It's not just me, but also Gong Yunxi and Senior Chu. I can't do it alone." Ye Shu said.

He Ning met with everyone and simply held a meeting to let everyone proceed as usual.

"By the way, during this time, He Hongtao and Chen Fufen didn't come to ask for trouble, did they?" He Ning asked Ye Shu.

Ye Shu said: "What trouble are they looking for, they can't take care of themselves."

"Since being slapped in public by the third master at the wedding, the He family's company has not been able to do business. No one can afford them. But they are still dragging on, and there is no time to trouble us."

"Also, they still owe a bunch of credit cards."

"There are even more amazing things, Hening, don't you know what happened to He Manni being caught by several men..."

He Ning was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

"It's true. Not only that, but she was also sold to some bar street, specializing in that kind of business. Because the He family can't control her, she has such a thing, and there is nowhere to stand in the west of Portugal. ."

"Fortunately, you are okay. He Ning, do you know that the street where she had an accident was originally the one you would pass through."

He Ning had the answer faintly in her heart: "Will she arrange and arrange those people and wait for me there? But because I didn't go, she let her suffer the consequences?"

She does not like to jealously jealous of others.

But the various things He Manni made made He Ning have to make such a conjecture.

Ye Shu slapped his head: "Don't say it, it's really very possible. Otherwise, how can such a thing happen perfectly? Not to mention on the day of your wedding and Sanye!"

"If she really did it, then this is how she should end up." He Ning said, without sympathy at all.


He Ning didn't ask for that necklace.

He Yiming sent the necklace to Shen Jingyu.

He stayed.

Because the necklace was always in He Peishan's hands, he asked Qin Zheng to take it for professional cleaning before sending it back.

At present, Shen Jingyu has moved to the villa closest to He Ning.

Except for a few cronies around Shen Jingyu, no one knew about this.

Standing in front of the window, he could see the lights in the villa opposite He Ning, and he knew when she was eating, when she got up and rested.

Thinking of the rainy night when she was a child, she trusted him so much and made him feel that he must take on her entire world...

A trace of warmth passed through my heart.

Shen Jingyu picked up the cigarette, but did not light it.

After He Ning came back, he stopped smoking and didn't like the smell of second-hand smoke from her on him.

"San Ye, Doctor Gu is here," Qin Zheng said.

Gu Yunchen walked in: "How did you move? What's the best place here, the room is small, and it's lined up with others..."

After speaking, he saw the opposite villa from the window. Isn't that where He Ning lives?

The corners of Gu Yunchen's lips twitched: "Are you planning to be a voyeuristic demon? He Yiming protects sister crazy demon, you are a voyeuristic demon, can I still find a normal person by my side?"

"I ask you something."

"You ask." Gu Yunchen walked to the window, "Do you need me to help you set up a telescope?"

Shen Jingyu brought back his topic: "I heard Sister Li who took care of He Ning said that He Ning still has morning sickness, what's the matter?"

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