Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 621: I'm ex-husband soon

"You go and rest, San Ye, I can do it myself."

Shen Jingyu picked up a book from her bedside: "I slept for a long time during the day, and now I can't sleep?"

He saw her, her careful thoughts were always so easy to be seen by him.

She pretended to sleep because she wanted to avoid him during the day, but she fell asleep, and she slept for a long time, and now she has no sleepiness at all.

She wanted to read a book for a while.

"I'll read it to you." Shen Jingyu said, "I don't know if there will be a chance to take care of you in the future."

He Ning was suddenly very sad, and a layer of mist formed in his eyes.

She lowered her head, suddenly lost control of her emotions, and plunged into his arms.

Shen Jingyu was taken aback, stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly.


The next day Gu Yunchen and Ye Shu came, and Shen Jingyu frowned slightly to look at them: "Something?"

"I'll come over to accompany He Ning for the checkup." Gu Yunchen said immediately.

"No, I'll go with her." Shen Jingyu said.

"How can this work?" Ye Shu said immediately.

"Why not?" Shen Jingyu asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ye Shu stuttered a little: "That...that..."

"After the abortion of He Ning last time, there were still some gynecological examinations to be done. Wouldn't it be this that you have to accompany you?" Gu Yunchen said.

"Even if I can't be with me, I can't let you be with me." Shen Jingyu looked at Gu Yunchen with an arrogant expression.

"I'm a doctor." Gu Yunchen patted his chest.

Shen Jingyu said: "I am He Ning's husband."

"I will be the ex-husband soon." Gu Yunchen hummed.

Shen Jingyu's face suddenly turned pale.

In this world, Gu Yunchen is probably the one who can stun Shen Jingyu speechlessly.

Ye Shu hurriedly pulled Gu Yunchen: "Don't open which pot or mention which pot, just say a few words. San Ye, it is not convenient for He Ning to check if you are not with you, let me accompany you."

"Furthermore, He Ning is not willing to let you accompany you." Ye Shu said, "Men have to avoid this kind of inspection."

Shen Jingyu hugged He Ning into the wheelchair without saying a word, and Ye Shu hurriedly snatched it over: "I will accompany He Ning, and I will make sure to return back later. You can listen to Doctor Gu tell you about He Ning's injury. ."

Ye Shu accompanied He Ning for an examination to ensure that the fetus had no problems.

"Very healthy, everything is fine. But the twins need to strengthen nutrition, pay more attention to exercise, but don't go to dangerous places. Don't break your arms and legs next time, it will also affect the children. "

He Ning nodded slightly: "Okay, thank you doctor."

Ye Shu smiled and said, "Doctor, we have all written down, please keep our family members secret."

Ye Shu and He Ning have told me these words several times, and the doctor replied, "I see."

When Ye Shu returned with He Ning, He Ning was taken over by Shen Jingyu.

She came out with Gu Yunchen.

"Have things been checked?" Ye Shu asked.

"You treat me as a god, Aunt He hasn't gotten her blood yet. Tomorrow, the results will come out tomorrow."

As he was talking, a figure came over here, and Ye Shu hurriedly greeted him: "Yi Ming!"

He Yiming gave the things to Gu Yunchen: "This is my dad's blood. He is still busy in the army and can't spare time to see my mom. I'm still hiding things about He Ning from him. When will you give the results?"

"I'll do it urgently, and tomorrow will satisfy your curiosity. I'm going." Gu Yunchen took the things and left in a hurry.

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