Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 632: Sow discord

He Peishan has long been dissatisfied with this matter, but there is nowhere to complain.

Seeing her father coming over after drinking, she remembered in her heart the quarrel between her parents and her eldest brother when she went home that day.

It seems that the parents are very different on the matter of He Ning.

She had a calculation in her heart, and slowly said: "Mom loves He Ning and always visits her, but no one has accompanied me recently. Even the big brother doesn't love it anymore. Fortunately, you are here, Dad."

Her tone is like ordinary coquetry, especially her daughter's tone to her father, which doesn't make people feel anything wrong at all.

But He Boyuan had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and it was also very complicated.

His tone became cold: "Your mother often goes to see He Ning?"

"Yeah. You don't know. Mom injured her arm in order to save He Ning. I don't want to talk about it. It just got better, so she quickly made all kinds of delicious food for He Ning. I persuaded her Take a good rest, I can’t persuade me at all. Mom is just like being mad. It’s more painful to love me than to love me."

These words were originally mixed with elements that fan the flames. He Boyuan's tense reason has long since disappeared, and now He Peishan has ignited all the anger he had just extinguished.

He stood up suddenly and said, "You have a good rest."

After speaking, he strode out of the ward.

Sister Rong brought tea, "Huh? Where's the old general?"

He Peishan smiled and said, "Maybe you are busy with something. You can put the tea there."

Sister Rong said: "I don't know how He Ning's affairs are handled. That woman is so scheming, I'm afraid the whole He family will be bought by her."

"It's not that easy." He Peishan showed a dark smile.


Chu Zhuohang took care of He Ning's side.

When He Boyuan came, not only was He Ning very surprised, but Chu Zhuohang was also very surprised.

"How old general are you?" He Ning asked.

When she met him at the wedding, she still had a vague impression.

"It's fine if you know it." He Boyuan looks a bit similar to He Yiming, but his sturdy figure makes one can tell at a glance that they are all figures who have been immersed in the barracks for a long time.

He Boyuan saw that He Ning and Shen Jingyu were still dating other men after they were married. This moment he touched his most disgusting point, and his eyes could not help showing boredom.

Chu Zhuohang stood up, a flash of disapproval flashed in his eyes, and he smiled evilly: "He Ning wants to heal her injury. If you have anything to say, wait for her to recover. You can go."

He Boyuan squinted at Chu Zhuohang: "The son taught by Master Chu is just like this without rules?"

"Fortunately, I don't have to perform national military affairs, but General He trespassed in their wards like this. Is this the rule taught in your army?" Chu Zhuohang asked back.

"I am too lazy to argue with a child like you." He Boyuan retracted his gaze on Chu Zhuohang.

"He Ning, you are of Lan Xi's blood. I already know it. I came in person and gave you enough face. The He family will not accept you. I hope you can understand this."

He Ning looked at him faintly: "I understand that General He came in person, and I am very grateful."

"It's okay if you understand, I hope you won't be entangled in the future." He Boyuan saw that she was still acquainted and had a slightly better attitude.

He Ning smiled: "General He, I also hope you understand that not everyone wants to cling to He's family."

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