Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 669: I didn't take it and let you down

Especially when he knew that in the future, perhaps only Chu Zhuohang could be worthy of He Ning and could protect her, the more he resisted Chu Zhuohang's appearance in front of He Ning now.

This is a very contradictory idea, but Shen Jingyu's reason is not under his control.

He Yiming stood beside He Ning and said, "Well, you two are not qualified. Let me accompany He Ning."

As his eldest brother spoke, Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang had to die.

He Yiming pulled He Ning aside and whispered, Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang didn't look at each other, they were immersed in their own thoughts.


In the room, Lan Xi walked slowly in front of Master Chu.

Seeing the wound on his face, her heart felt like a stabbing pain.

She originally thought that after so many years, her heart would no longer hurt, but now, she still can't control such emotions.

"You haven't come back for so many years, do you really want to see me?" Lan Xi suddenly asked.

Master Chu's voice choked, and the person in front of him had silver threads in his hair and wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. However, the way he was when he was young is still in his heart.

Just as she is standing in front of him now, his feelings for her have not changed at all.

"I came back. When I came back, the whole Jingyuan was looking for me. No one listened to me to explain. The Presidential Palace directly issued the most wanted order for me. I don't want to cause trouble to you, the He family, or the Lan family. That's why I left again." Chu Ye also carried a hint of heaviness in his voice.

For so many years, looking at the homeland and the location of home, but never been able to enter, how could I not miss her?

It took him so much reason to overcome his feelings and not to bring trouble to them.

Lan Xi was weeping. She understood everything Chu Ye said, and understood everything in her heart.

But when I think of so many years, the two people have been separated by countless times, places and distances, and grief springs up in their hearts.

She whispered: "On the night before agreeing to marry He Boyuan, I imagined that you could come back. I think as long as you come back, no matter what happens, no matter what they say about you, I will leave with you."

"But you didn't come, I've been waiting for you, I haven't waited for your news..."

She couldn't help sighing in her voice, suppressing her crying.

Master Chu's hand clenched.

It turns out that she thought so... It turns out that she really didn't want to marry He Boyuan of her own accord.

A relieved smile appeared on his face, with distress, it turned out that she was really waiting for her back then.

He stretched out his hand and stopped by her ear, but did not put it on her hair.

Lan Xi's cry was low and depressed. After so many years, she knew she shouldn't say such things, but those who were buried deep in her heart, those misses and regrets... all turned into tears and filled her eyes.

"I asked my dad to inquire about you everywhere, and they all said that you are gone." Lan Xi cried in a low voice, "These years, I dare not think about it, and I dare not expect it. The child grows up and lives this life."

Master Chu's voice was low: "I'm sorry, Lan Xi. I didn't take responsibility and let you down."

"Have you been doing well these years?"

he asks.

Lan Xi shook his head, then nodded again: "There is nothing good or bad. Yiming is very sensible, obedient, and very proud. He Ning is also very well-behaved..."

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