Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 719: I'll make up for what I owe her

"Well, you can't stop your mouth if you have food." He Ning stuffed it into Ye Shu's mouth.

In the evening, He Ning called Lawyer Nie.

"I personally gave the things to the third master. However, the third master may be busy and has not had time yet." Lawyer Nie said.

"Thank you, Lawyer Nie." He Ning hung up the phone. Since he has received it, he should be sent over soon.

She is not in a hurry, because she is afraid that the Shen family will be dragged down and become anxious.

Lan Xi knocked on the door and came in, brought a bowl of tonic soup, and said, "Daughter, you didn't eat much at night. What if you get hungry? Sister Li specially made it for you, and it's very good."

He Ning took it, took a few sips, and couldn't drink it anymore.

"Is the retching still serious recently?" Lan Xi asked with concern.

"It's been okay recently. It may have passed that period. I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

Lan Xi smiled: "It was like this when I was pregnant with your eldest brother. The baby will compete with you for nutrition, of course you will be sleepy. So eat more and rest."

She went to bed with her daughter, covered her with a quilt, and said, "Okay, rest early."

"Well, mom, take a break sooner."

Lan Xi helped her turn off the light, walked out of the room gently, closed the door, and walked out.

Chu Zhuohang hurried upstairs: "Aunt Lan, is He Ning asleep?"

"Yeah, let her sleep a little longer." Lan Xi smiled, "I haven't seen you these past two days. Going to work?"

"Yes. Go back and see my dad." Chu Zhuohang took out a brocade box and handed it to Lan Xi. "My dad said, this is for you."

Lan Xi hesitated for a while before reaching out and taking it.

"Then I won't disturb you, come tomorrow." After Chu Zhuohang finished speaking, he turned and left with brisk strides.

Lan Xi went back to the room and opened the brocade box. Inside was a platinum ring. It was a very simple style, but also very unique. It was just right to wear on her hand.

Before he left on the mission, they set aside for life, and he said he would marry her when he came back.

Before he left, he gave her a hand-knitted ring with a dog's tail and put it on her finger.

After so many years, he still made up for her what he owed her.

Although the two cannot live together at the moment, he still remembers it in his heart.

Lan Xi's eyes became hot, and he looked at the night sky outside the window, and his heart became bright.


Once Shen Jingyu's condition showed signs, it developed very quickly.

When he was dealing with military affairs in the army, he sweated down and was sent back by Qiao Hai.

This is the first time in Shen Jingyu's career.

No matter what happened in the past, he was able to survive to the end.

"What's the matter? Is it injured or sick?" Qin Zheng and Jiu Shu helped Shen Jingyu upstairs.

Qiao Hai also said that he didn't know, but was worried: "The military doctor said that he might be overworked and prescribed the medicine, but the general refused to take it."

"Okay, I will watch Third Master take the medicine." Qin Zheng had no choice but to come down.

He guessed that the reason why San Ye would be like this might be because he just broke up with his young grandmother recently.

Qin Zheng went to deliver the medicine, and Shen Jingyu was lying on the bed, sweat wet all his military uniforms.

He raised his hand to make a fist, covering his eyes, frowning, and even the bridge of his nose was wrinkled.

"San Ye, this is a medicine prescribed by a military doctor, it is better for you to take a little first." Qin Zheng pleaded.

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