Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 798: Where are our children?

Chu Zhuohang stopped talking, turned around and walked out.

Many people stood outside the door.

Old man Lan, Lan Xi, He Yiming, Ye Shu, Shen Fengshan, Mrs. Shen, Ding Qinen...

Even Chu Ye's car was parked far away in the corner of the hospital, waiting for news from He Ning.

He Ning has not woken up after losing a child, and everyone's heart is suppressed a little bit uncomfortable.

Chu Zhuohang's eyebrows and Qingjun's eyes were filled with worry.

"How is He Ning?" Lan Xi rushed forward, grabbing Chu Zhuohang's hand and asked.

"I haven't woken up yet." Chu Zhuohang shook his head.

"Why on earth? Why did Zhang Ming do this?" The old lady Shen said in an air, "Our Shen family didn't feel sorry for them. Jingyu treats them with both kindness and power, and never makes it difficult for them to do anything!"

Chu Zhuohang also didn't know why.

When he went, he only knew that Zhang Ming was going to draw He Ning's blood, saying that he was going to treat his son or something.

At that time, the situation was critical and Chu Zhuohang didn't have time to think and ask questions. He just wanted to save He Ning.

Fortunately, he did it.

He Ning's baby was also greeted smoothly.

However, after all, there was one, he was not protected, and before he came, he had disappeared.

No one understands why Zhang Ming did this.

Only He Yiming and Ye Shu faintly guessed that Zhang Zekun's son, Zhang Zekun, should have been one of the lieutenants who were infected with the virus along with Shen Jingyu.

The baby was put on the crib and pushed out.

Everyone hurriedly gathered around.

After the bath, the baby has taken milk again, and now his face is blushing, and he is a young master.

Although everyone's eyes are very loving, but the happiness now is always mixed with worry.


Shen Jingyu stayed by He Ning's side, and the doctor said that she should be able to wake up soon.

The childbirth this time was too dangerous. It caused great trauma to her body and heart, and there was heavy bleeding. After returning, he took a lot of blood from He Yiming and infused it to her.

Fortunately, Zhang Ming did not succeed in drawing her blood. If not, she would be even more dangerous.

He Ning was unsteady in the dream, with her long eyelashes flapping, she felt like she was in a deep dream, and she felt that she could wake up soon.

She stretched out her hand, trying to grab something.

Shen Jingyu held her hand tightly and whispered in her ear: "Ning, don't be afraid, I am here..."

He Ning finally caught a life-saving straw like a drowning man, and suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him was Shen Jingyu's clear and magnified handsome face, his familiar long and narrow phoenix eyes, and the small mole on his right cheek...

"Husband..." He Ning blinked, and tears filled her eyes aggrievedly.

"I'm here." Shen Jingyu squeezed her hand, "I'm here."

His calm and mellow voice stabilized He Ning's heart, and she felt the temperature of his palm coming from her, making her feel more relieved.

He Ning subconsciously reached out to touch her stomach, and was surprised: "Where is our child?"

"The baby is outside, it's fine." Shen Jingyu wanted to tell her the truth, but she couldn't say that.

He has sent additional troops to search for it, and the search and rescue team sent out has taken nurses and doctors from several hospitals.

The doctors and nurses of the Shen Family Private Hospital were all arranged.

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