Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 847: A vase is more vase than a woman

"The matter of finding a personal assistant has been several months since the company opened, and Lord Shen hasn't even paid attention to it."

"Is it so difficult to choose a personal assistant or someone you like?" Someone whispered.

"Hahaha, don't you think that Lord Shen likes men?" Someone joked.

"It's hard to say, now there are rich men and women who are tired of playing with them, so they will think about changing their tastes."

These words became more and more unpleasant. He Ning was filled with righteous indignation and was about to interrupt them. A serious-looking man pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, pointed to this side, and said: "You, you, you, and you , Out!"

It was the few people who were speechless.

They looked at each other: "Why?"

"You have discussed the privacy of your employers before you apply for the job. Do you think there is any hope of being favored by Lord Shen?"

Those few people were dumbfounded, can they be heard even if they speak so quietly?

They left dejectedly.

He Ning gave a thumbs up at the man with gold-rimmed glasses. That's good, Shen Jingyu should leave such a glaring employee.

"Don't think you can succeed in staying by flattering." The man glanced at He Ning and criticized her for being too delicate.

He wanted to help Shen Jingyu choose a personal assistant, who was flexible and minded.

Not a beauty pageant boy.

The young man in front of him was dissatisfied at first glance. He was too weak and beautiful, and his eyes were too restless. For some men, vases were more vases than women!

Forget it, he pushed his glasses, even if she could pass the ability test, she couldn't pass Shen Jingyu's personal interview. Let her be coquettish for a while.

He Ning bowed her head and stuck out her tongue.

Whether she can stay or not does not depend on him at all, okay?

As long as she sees Shen Jingyu and reveals her identity, she can meet him again. As for the assistant or not, He Ning doesn't care at all.

Finally it was He Ning's turn.

She was brought in with five other applicants.

The man with gold rim glasses announced the rules: "Now, you have ten minutes to process the documents in front of you, then defeat the bodyguard at the door and go to the president's office. If you don't complete any of them, you will be out immediately."

"Is it all completed?" someone asked, "Is it approved when I see the president?"

"No, the president opens his mouth to keep you, even if you pass." The man in glasses pointed to the direction where the bodyguard was standing. It was a glass window. From here, you could see Shen Jingyu's figure buried in the document.

Everyone is speechless.


After the timer started, He Ning found that it was not easy to process so many files within ten minutes.

However, after staying with Shen Jingyu for so many years, she is very familiar with the way he handles things, and also knows how he likes to classify them.

Therefore, He Ning processed the files as quickly as possible, and then defeated the bodyguard as quickly as possible-the training in the American manor for so long was not for nothing.

The man with glasses looked at He Ning dumbfounded. Among the six people who came in, she was the best-looking and the thinnest. Although the resume indicated that she was twenty-five years old, she was visually inspected based on her skin and appearance. , She looks more like an eighteen or nine-year-old boy.

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