Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 858: It's still useful for handsome men and beauties

Xiao Zhan hurriedly withdrew his mobile phone, and seeing that He Ning's face was extremely ugly, he did not dare to say anything to persuade her this time.

He Ning grabbed her hair, sat on the sofa decadently, holding a pillow in a daze.

After a long time, Xiao opened his mouth and said: "Sister elle has a show today that will be taken on the catwalk. Master Ning, do you want to go and see it?"

He Ning stayed still, her heart was ashamed.

"I heard that this job was undertaken by He Shi, a local TV station. There were many handsome men and beautiful women..."


TV station?

This reminds He Ning, didn't this TV station manage it by itself?

Not long before she left, Shen Jingyu helped her find the blood of the girl Ning Wan, the girl was Xiao Yao, and He Ning returned the company and the cottage to Xiao Yao together.

When I came back this time, she was going to have a look over there.

"Xiao Zhan, you clean up and come with me." He Ning said, and immediately went into the room to change clothes.

Xiao Zhan scratched the back of his head, and he said that handsome men and beautiful women are useful!

I hope Master Ning can forget Master Shen and find a better man, no, a woman.

He Ning and Xiao Zhan came to the shooting scene.

This time I shot only a small brand under elle's company.

So elle herself was not present.

He Ning walked around the scene and saw a familiar figure at a glance, that was Gong Yunxi!

"Yun Xi!" He Ning greeted immediately.

Gong Yunxi looked up hesitantly, did not recognize the person in front of him, but gave a commercial smile: "This gentleman is..."

"I am... My name is Chu Ning. I came to watch the scene today, hoping to have a chance to cooperate in the future." He Ning was afraid of causing trouble to her and did not directly reveal his identity.

"Mr. Chu, please sit down, and I will talk to you after I finish my work here."

He Ning nodded and watched Gong Yunxi's work while checking the surroundings.

This is also her previous work habit, even if there are some things that don't need to be personally responsible, she will take a look at it.

Although today's brand is not big for elle, it is still a big event.

She found that there were very few people around Gong Yunxi doing things, and many of them needed her to do things by herself.

He Ning wondered, when did the TV station have so few people?

Seeing Gong Yunxi struggling, she stepped forward to help.

Xiao Zhan cast a look of admiration from the side-his young master is really good, and both men and women kill him.

After Gong Yunxi was done, He Ning said, "Miss Gong, let's have a meal together."

Gong Yunxi has no objections, and it is very good to be able to get the cooperative business.

"Miss Gong, why do you have so few manpower?"

"Mr. Chu, don't worry, although we have few manpower, things are still doing well!" Gong Yunxi said immediately, for fear that the other party would not trust him.

"It's true that Miss Gong said that I also worked with He Ning before, but it was not like this at the beginning. Why is this situation now?"

When Gong Yunxi saw her face-to-face, who was He Ning's friend, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Now the TV station is like this, everyone is struggling to support it, and I don't know when it can be done.

"Why?" He Ning was surprised.

"I won't lie to Mr. Chu. People in the He family always like to get something for nothing. It was okay when He Ning was there, no one dared to make trouble. Later, after He Ning handed over the company to Xiao Yao, He Hongtao and Chen Fufen came back. Up."

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