Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 883: Is a thorn in the heart

Shen Jingyu's body was mixed with a cold wind, turned around, and walked towards the door.

Miyazawa quickly followed.

Lord Shen was even rejected by a man!

Miyazawa is really unfair for him!

That little assistant, what does she dislike Lord Shen's capital? Neither did she look at who she was, nor did she weigh the identity of Lord Shen!

Shen Jingyu sat in the back row, and Lele sat in the safety seat obediently this time instead of lying on his body.

He Ning does not need to remind him, he actually knows what is right, what is wrong, what to do, and what not to do.

It's just that before, he didn't want to do it.

Because it doesn't matter what you do, no one deserves him to think about it.

But for that young lady, Lele thinks it's better to do the right thing.

Shen Jingyu was carrying a puff of cold air all over her body.

Miyazawa looked at the back from the rearview mirror, shocked by the state of the father and son.

The little one has become obedient.

The big man's hostility was heavier than usual, and he was on the verge of exploding.

One big and one small can't hurt each other, but if the volcano really erupts, the power will only affect people like them.

Sure enough, the end that was affected was that the meeting that night was held until five o'clock in the morning!

Everyone was picked.

He Ning did not feel better than them.

She can afford to put it down now, which does not prove that when she gives up Shen Jingyu, she can easily put down chopsticks, cups and spoons.

That was the man she loved and still loved deeply, and she was her peaceful dad.

It was the man who deeply carved a mark on her heart, and it was also a thorn in her heart.

But she knew that one day she could pull him out.


He Ning worked desperately while helping at the TV station.

Xiao Yao and Gong Yunxi were both grateful and distressed to her.

Especially Xiao Yao, who was infected by He Ning's smile, couldn't help but smile shyly when thinking of her.

While He Ning was doing something, a large group of people suddenly came outside.

These people, even wearing military uniforms, looked fierce and terrifying, which was extremely scary.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot! Stop for the inspection! Everyone is standing here, waiting for the inspection!"

All the staff were called aside.

And this job was only received by Gong Yunxi, who was rushing to work in the past two days, and all the old employees who came back to film were all former employees.

"Where do we have problems and need to be inspected?" He Ning stood up and asked the headed person.

The man looked arrogant and domineering: "We said we want to check, that is, we want to check! As for where there is a problem, it will be clear after checking it out?"

"You have to have a basis for the inspection? Do you have any documents? How do we know what your identities are? What if you are just gangsters on the side of the road?"

The person on the other side was very upset and said, "We are in military uniforms, can't we show our identity? I think you are the little gangster on the roadside!"

He saw that He Ning was thin, slender and thin, and could be crushed with one hand. He saw that he was not a difficult master to deal with, and he reached out to catch He Ning.

Gong Yunxi and Xiao Yao couldn't help but scream. If they really fight, where is He Ning their opponent?

What's more, even the police won't care about this kind of thing!

Because the other party's people are He Boyuan's people at all!

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