Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 900: Lip feel, soft touch

The staff who opened the champagne, of course, thought that this was just for He Peishan to better celebrate Shen Jingyu and let more good luck on Shen Jingyu, and agreed with one sip, without doubting that there were other things.

On the corners of He Peishan's lips, a happy smile evoked, waiting for the most important moment tonight.

He Ning sat in the corner and glanced at Shen Jingyu from time to time.

Seeing him occasionally say a few words to He Peishan, her eyes are gentle, and a bit of sourness rises in her heart.

Could it be that Shen Jingyu whom Gu Yunchen said has someone he likes, is He Peishan?

Just now I asked Lele about Lele and killed someone Shen Jingyu likes out of thin air. He Ning's mood is really not good.


Several bottles of champagne were opened at the same time.

Champagne was spilled on everyone, arousing bursts of laughter.

A lot of champagne was spilled on Shen Jingyu's body. The alcohol stained the skin of his face and hands, and some passed through the shirt on his chest and stained his chest.

For a moment, Shen Jingyu's face quickly became a drunk red.

He frowned slightly, holding the cup, and stepped out.

He Peishan hurriedly said to Miyazawa, "Miyazawa, go and get a set of clothes, and let Lord Shen change it."

Miyazawa went away.

"Jingyu, I'll accompany you to the room, and Miyazawa will bring the clothes over immediately." He Peishan said kindly, gently holding his arm, "Just right, I want to tell you something Lele."

Shen Jingyu took out her arm from her hand: "Lele's matter, I'll talk about it later. You don't need to accompany me."

After he finished speaking, he went straight into the elevator.

The body's reaction is very heavy, but it's no wonder anyone. It has always been a corporate habit to celebrate with champagne, and champagne has also contaminated other people's bodies.

Before, he was often touched. Just take a cold shower in the hotel room and change his clothes.

But today, it seems that I got a lot of champagne. In my mind, a young boy Qingjun's face suddenly appeared. The feeling that she had kissed his lips, the soft touch, seemed to be solid, and Shen Jingyu's heart moved. .

This accelerated his body's reaction.

In the past, his heart felt like water, even if he was drunk occasionally, it was not difficult.

Now that the boy was full of **** desires, it seemed that it was no longer an easy task to be pure-hearted.

He even dreamed of holding her under his body when he was dreaming at night... doing whatever he wanted.

Shen Jingyu shook his head and tried to stay awake.

Miyazawa took the clothes and walked into the hall. He Peishan smiled and said, "Miyazawa, give me things, I will deliver them."

Gong Ze didn't doubt that he was there. He Peishan was the only woman who could approach Shen Jingyu, although he didn't like He Peishan very much.

But selfishly, I still hope that Shen Jingyu choose He Peishan.

At least, it's better than letting Lord Shen choose to like a male vixen.

As a close friend of Lord Shen, he still hopes that Lord Shen can lead a normal man's life.

He Ning and Gu Yunchen saw He Peishan's small movements on the side, and they had a full view of all her thoughts.

"Damn! This woman is really wicked!" Of course, Gu Yunchen knows Shen Jingyu better than others, not to mention that Shen Jingyu confessed to him today and fell in love with a man!

Without thinking about it, he took out a needle tube from his bag and walked forward.

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