"One hundred thousand dollars!" Chu's mother pressed directly in front of Chu Ning, her eyes filled with bitterness, "Ning Ning! Look at Lan Lan's face as your brother. Give me the operation fee quickly! I can't delay any more. I can recover from a minor injury, but now it's a comminuted fracture, and the doctor won't let me use painkillers all the time. LAN LAN can only lie still now. I'd rather be hurt for him..."

Chu Ning is very sad, but this number can also scare her.

"I'll find a way as soon as possible, mom, don't worry too much..."

As soon as this came out, Chu's mother looked at her incredulously and wondered, "what did you say, Ning Ning? Find a way as soon as possible? Don't you have it in your hand now? I don't believe it. The chief designer of Huangtian can't get 100000 yuan? Are you just trying to deceive us? Your brother was hurt! You're not worried at all?"

She grabbed Chu Ning's handbag, searched inside and outside, and finally found five 100 yuan RMB and some change.

"Mom, really not. Don't you remember giving you 20000 last month? And the previous ones. Where do I have any savings? Even if the salary is high enough, I can't afford to spend..."

"You mean... Our fault? Now your brother's life is in your hands. You are so patient? You've been working for more than half a year. Haven't you won any competition awards recently? Don't you have a bonus? I think you have it yourself, but don't want to give it! Hey... Look at my life. My son was unlucky and was injured in bed, female I don't want to help. I think it's going to kill me and your father! "

Chu's mother cried and fell on the edge of Chu Lan's hospital bed with a runny nose and tears. "My son, it's our inability to be parents. If you were born in a rich family, you wouldn't have such an accident. Why do you work hard on the construction site for some decoration expenses? You see, you have offended the people on the road. If you don't say it, you have become like this!"

Chu Lan was already in an unstable mood. For a moment, the room was completely covered up by the voices of two people, and the air lacked room to remain.

"Be quiet!"

Chu's father came over with his hands on his back and looked at his wife. He was a little impatient. "What can be solved by crying? For decades, he just cried when he met a problem. Which time do you think was solved by crying? Why doesn't he have a memory?"

After stopping Chu's mother's sobbing, Chu's father seriously walked up to Chu Ning and looked aggressively, "tell the truth! Ning Ning, you don't want to pay? You can also lie at such a critical moment? Your clothes alone are worth thousands. Can't you make up for the operation expenses?"

Chu Ning was wronged and angry, "This dress was bought for important occasions when I came to the company, and it was provided by the company. Can I buy such luxurious clothes myself? It's not my habit. I said, I'll find a way to raise money immediately. Don't doubt me like this. Chu LAN is my brother and I'm also your daughter. Why can't I trust each other?"

Chu's father immediately wrinkled his nose, took a deep breath, tilted his head and stared at Chu Ning, "trust? Now you talk about trust with me? If we don't trust you, can we call you? But what do you do when you call? Hang up directly. There's no need to say. Now just ask you, do you have money? Would you like to give it?"

"Now I only explain one word, no, but I'm willing to find a way..." Chu ningsi didn't look frightened at all, which added fuel to the fire for Chu's father.

"Find a way, find a way! In addition to these words, what else can you say? How important time is to Lan Lan now? Do you know? The doctor said that surgery must be performed within three days! Don't look like you're not in a hurry!"

Chu's mother interrupted Chu Ning again, "If you think about it, LAN LAN is only 20 years old and hasn't graduated from college, what should he do in the future? What should we do? You don't want to help now, and we'll be dead by then. If your brother is disabled, I think you'll give up, won't you? How did I raise a child with no conscience like you?"

"Mom, can't you say that? Instead of scolding me here, I can use this time to raise money. I said I don't have any savings, but I can take tens of thousands at least, but I must find a way to deal with the rest. What else should I do? Why are you always like this and convict me before you know the situation? I'm good for nothing in your eyes Isn't that right? Only when you need money can you have a little value, but Lan Lan is different, isn't it? Even if you are an adult, you can hold it in your hand... "

"What are you talking about! Do you mean we're biased? What do we eat and wear from childhood to adulthood? Even in the years when I just married your father, my family still owed money. Every year, even if I don't have new clothes and money to buy meat, I won't lose you. Now you're blaming us?"

Chu's mother was so angry that she couldn't help holding Chu Ning's hand. Spittle stars flew to Chu Ning's face. "Think about it yourself! You won't be ashamed when you say these words? I really raised you for nothing!"

"Mom, will you stop arguing? Let people see..."

Chu LAN, lying in the hospital bed, couldn't help reminding, almost exhausted her strength to raise her head, trying to attract everyone's attention and end the war on the scene.

However, they didn't see it. At this time, Chu's father and mother were busy trying to "teach" Chu Ning a lesson. Just as his father's palm was about to hit Chu Ning's face, a cry behind made the three people turn their heads in an instant.

It turned out that Chu LAN struggled to make some noise in order to stop everyone, but because her body couldn't move, her upper body suddenly deviated from the pillow and almost fell down. Fortunately, she was caught in time by the family members of the hospital bed.

"I said, let's focus on the patients! Stop making meaningless arguments. They are relatives. Who doesn't want their relatives to be healthy!"

At the same time, the patient in the next bed couldn't help making a noise. She had tried to endure the noise for a long time, and now she was relieved.

"Ah! Lan Lan, are you okay? Is it okay? Does it hurt? Do you want to call a doctor? Why do you move? The doctor told you not to move again and again. Why don't you listen?"

Chu's mother hurried to check, and Chu Ning and her father followed. The war was a little relieved.

"I think your daughter looks like a sensible child. How can she not give money? They all say that her daughter is a cotton padded jacket. I don't think it's false. You're still looking for her for money and won't care about anything else? It looks like you came back from a sleepless night!"

The clinical female patient opened her mouth again. She looked a little gentle, but thin and terrible. The girl who just held Chu LAN in time was almost 70% like her.

Chu Ning couldn't help looking at such a stranger who was willing to speak for herself and couldn't help being grateful.

"You don't let your children finish talking and start blaming. How can you not quarrel? Look at me. You are a person deeply hurt by quarrel."

The woman's knot took a sip of water from the glass handed over by her daughter and couldn't help sighing. "When she was young, her father and I, that is, the man who never cared about his feelings and didn't listen to explanations, divorced because of a small misunderstanding. He didn't want to listen, and I didn't want to say more, so we broke up like this, and there was no relationship anymore."

When she looked at her daughter, she seemed very happy, with a real smile on her mouth, "fortunately, I still have this cotton padded jacket, but I'm a sick child, which makes her more bitter. She has to go to school, work by herself and take care of me. Now she has graduated and is doing several jobs at the same time."

There were tears in the woman's eyes. When she looked at her daughter, Chu Ning couldn't help but envy her and red her eyes.

"According to me, no matter what, it's good for the family to be harmonious. While you're only arguing, you forget the patients who need to be taken care of most. See if the gains outweigh the losses? Or do you think of a way quickly. The young man is so strong and strong. You should get better quickly!"

These words were originally used by women to comfort Chu's father and mother and let them not act impulsively, but Chu Ning's parents didn't seem to understand except that Chu Ning was in a sympathetic mood at the moment.

Even they just looked at the situation of Chu LAN and ignored the woman's earnest words. They seemed even more angry after hearing a few words.

"Listen, listen! This girl looks almost as old as you. She works several jobs at the same time. Her family responsibilities are all on her. She doesn't have any complaints. You are good. You have such a good job and are not as tired as others. Can't you praise more money?"

Chu's mother attacked Chu Ning's handbag again, found the wallet in the inner layer, then found several bank cards in the wallet and stared at Chu Ning. "If you don't have money, what do you want so many cards to do? Go and raise money for me now. If anything happens to LAN LAN, I will never forgive you!"

Then, without waiting for Chu Ning's response, she found several photos taken by Mr. Smith when Chu Ning was in the United States. Suddenly, it seemed that she had discovered the new world. Her pupils dilated and her nostrils dilated.

Chu's mother threw the picture on Chu Ning's face, and the whole person was wrapped in anger. "Can you explain what this is? If you have money to go out and play, you don't have money to see a doctor for your brother? When your mother is a fool?"

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