Chu's father changed his face for a moment, and also gathered together to check Chu Ning's big handbag, so he changed into the previous shape of ice.

"Ning Ning, are you doing it on purpose? Is that what you think?"

"You must have more than that in your hand? Look at what Lan Lan looks like now? Don't worry? My hair has been white for two days. Don't you worry!"

In the face of the complaints and accountability of her parents, Chu Ning was a little aggrieved, but this time she didn't answer back, just looked at Chu LAN, "don't worry, I said I'd find a way, so I'll find a way."

Then in the confused eyes of her parents, Chu Ning walked out of the ward.

Sitting quietly on the edge of the corridor, Chu Ning was in a mess and didn't know what to do.

Think about it for a long time, Yang Lele is the only friend around, but Yang Lele is still a student at school. He always feels that he should not ask her for help first, which is not in line with the actual situation.

Chu Ning held the phone tightly. Some didn't know what to do. She searched the address book. It seemed that there was no one who could help.

Except for Yang Lele, which is Jiang Yunxian, Chu Ning really doesn't want to have any similar relationship with Jiang Yunxian.

Moreover, Chu Ning felt that even if Jiang Yunxian said that he was willing to help, who knows it was not out of politeness? Maybe now he is busy making an appointment with Murong Bai and has no time to pay attention to himself.

Therefore, Chu Ning's fingers clubbed in the air, and Jiang Yunxian's three words made her tired of thinking.

"I don't understand what you're thinking! Just ask Xiaojiang for help earlier? As for such hesitation, now time is Lan Lan's life. Call him quickly! I'll help you if you don't call!"

Chu's mother didn't know when she suddenly appeared. She grabbed Chu Ning's mobile phone, and then pressed the dial piece.

"Mom! What are you doing!"

"Wait, why is it a woman's voice? Tell her quickly!"

The phone seemed to be connected, but Chu Ning looked puzzled. She separated the mobile phone a little and approached it again. Finally, she returned the mobile phone to Chu Ning and whispered in her ear, "maybe it's his secretary or someone! You must speak well and lower your posture, maybe it's OK!"

Chu Ning also wondered about her mother's words. When she heard the voice of the people over there, she took a breath.

"Hello? Why is no one talking? Is he looking for Yunxian? He's busy now. Hello... Are you... Is there anyone?"

"I'm Chu Ning."

Murong Bai's voice over the phone was full of pride and provocation. Chu Ning suddenly heard it, but at this stall where she wanted to find someone to help, she could only pretend not to mind, and then lower her attitude according to what her mother said.

"Well... Could you ask President Jiang to answer the phone? I have something urgent to find him."


Murong Bai deliberately lengthened his tone, "what's the matter? He's very busy now. That's good. I'll ask him to call you back later. You can talk to him in detail..."

"Thanks... Thanks..."

Chu Ning's thanks were only half exported, and there was only a busy tone left on the phone. She was a little helpless. Although she was a little unhappy when she heard Murong Bai's voice, she couldn't change anything. Besides, she was just a helper and had to endure it silently.

"Hey, Ning Ning, what did Xiao Jiang say? Why did you hang up before you finished talking? If you don't want to speak, give me the phone and I'll call!"

Chu's mother came over and tried to take Chu Ning's mobile phone, but Chu Ning stopped it in time.

"Mom... People are busy now. They said they would call me back later. Don't make trouble!"

"What does it mean to make trouble... I'm not worried... My own brothers are like this... I haven't seen you worry much..."

Chu's mother grumbled and went to the ward.

Chu Ning waited alone for a long time, but she didn't wait for Jiang Yunxian's phone. Until the evening, she didn't have any news. She tried to call again and found that it was turned off.

At this time, she went back to her brother with some depression. Only then did she find that her brother's condition became worse. The whole person suddenly fell into a state of high fever and coma.

"Look at you! Why are you doing things? You can't borrow money for such a simple thing! Lan Lan is infected because she is too seriously injured!" Chu's mother patted Chu Ning and wanted to kneel down and cry for heaven and earth. The whole person seemed to be about to collapse.

She dragged Chu Ning in one hand and the doctor in the other hand, wailing: "I'm such a son! If there's something wrong, I won't live!"

"Don't worry, we'll try our best, but the mother's current situation seems that the operation is imminent! Because he is not only the problem of comminuted fractures of his legs, but also the knife wound on his body is infected now, so..."

"Oh, doctor, save my son anyway! I beg you! As long as you save him, I can do anything to thank him!" mother Chu cried even more, and even her tears fell on the mattress.

She kept stroking Chu Lan's face, full of heartache, "I knew I wouldn't let you go to the construction site! It's really hurting you! LAN LAN! Can you hear me? Mom is here! You have to support me and don't fall asleep! I'll be sad..."

Chu's mother's voice rang through the whole ward and attracted many passing patient's family members. Everyone unanimously cast pity and sympathy eyes, sighed, took another look at Chu LAN lying in bed, seemed to have a tacit understanding, looked at each other or shook his head, and then returned to his own situation.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you hear what the doctor said? If you want an operation, you must want money! Lan Lan is like this. What do you think? Where's your money? Is it difficult to see him suffer like this?"

Chu's father ran over and scolded Chu Ning. His eyes were staring to the maximum. Without any room for reply, Chu Ning was forced out of the door.

"If there is no way, don't stand here foolishly! Don't you see that the doctor is busy sending LAN LAN to the operating room?"

Chu Ning was stunned by her father's words. It turned out that except for money, other normal concerns were unnecessary or even in the way.

Seeing her brother pushed to the operating room by a group of medical staff, Chu Ning is very anxious. Now it's just rescue. If the operation cost of both legs can't be raised, it's almost meaningless.

Chu Ning tried to call Jiang Yunxian several times, but she was still turned off, which made her don't know what to do. She was so anxious that she was sweating on her forehead, and the whole person felt cool behind her.

Why won't Jiang Yunxian answer the phone? No reason?

Chu Ning feels puzzled, but now the only thing he can think of is Jiang Yunxian. What will he be busy doing? Murong Bai is with her, and probably won't be particularly busy?

Maybe it's just that Jiang Yunxian doesn't want to answer the phone.

Chu Ning feels very sad and helpless. He has a further estrangement from Jiang Yunxian, so his so-called need to contact at any time is just a polite remark.

However, the next second Chu Ning couldn't help blaming herself, "why do you keep such a low profile? Moreover, Jiang Yunxian has no responsibility to help. It's love to help, and it's not his problem not to help. Chu Ning, you're too selfish!"

But in addition to this self reproach, there was a stronger emotion wrapped around Chu Ning, which almost made her unable to move.

She could not help but doubt the authenticity of what Jiang Yunxian had said before, so she was more convinced that she was insignificant in his mind, some regretted and some mocked herself.

"Lan Lan, you have to hold on! We're trying to find a way with you! Don't worry, it'll be fine! We're all with you!"

Before entering the operating room, Chu Ning also rushed there. His brother had completely fallen into a state of unconsciousness. His mother took him, almost hindering the work of the medical staff. Finally, he was forcibly blocked at the door.

"Mom, calm down. Lan Lan must be fine!"

"How do you want me to calm down now? Before the leg operation is done, people are in a coma first, one thing after another! I'm dying of anxiety! You don't think of a way! Xiaojiang, as long as you call, he will definitely promise to help. I don't think you can save face!"

Chu Ning ate a dumb meal, remained silent for a few seconds and explained with tears, "he is busy now and turned off."

Chu's mother glared, "won't you continue to play when it's turned off? What if there's no electricity now?"

She took a white look at Chu Ning and was full of complaints. "Didn't you keep your mind when she told you Lan Lan wanted an operation early in the morning? What would you do if you came back without money? Can you change money or help cure the disease? Pestling here makes me more upset!"

Chu Ning doesn't want to argue. Her brother is rescuing, and her mother is almost out of phase because of sadness and fatigue. She can't stand any stimulation.

And Jiang Yunxian's phone has been unable to get through. Chu Ning is impatient.

At this time, Yang Lele actually called. When she heard her voice, Chu Ning couldn't help but shed tears.

"Ling Ling, where are you? I'm still not sure. Did you have something urgent when you answered the phone at home yesterday? At that time, I thought something was wrong, so I decided to ask about the situation."


Before Yang Lele finished, Chu Ning finally couldn't help crying and called her name.

This cry scared Yang Lele, because Chu Ning would never be so straightforward. Even if she encountered great difficulties, she would rot in her stomach silently and never show weakness in front of others.

"Ning Ning, don't cry yet. Tell me what happened so that I can help you!"

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