"No, Miss Chu, please calm down. We have to do this. Think carefully. Didn't you offend anyone? In short, my praise is not nonsense, but it really happened suddenly, and we couldn't help ourselves..."

"What do you mean? Who did I offend?" Chu Ning looked blankly, and his words were confusing.

"Are there some contradictions between you and your former employer that you don't understand? If the situation is true, we really can't accept your entry. Although you are excellent, I can only say that. I believe you should have understood."

The man completely moved his eyes away. It seemed that he was afraid that Chu Ning would ask anything again. He quickly asked the assistant to bring the next interviewer in. Therefore, Chu Ning's question had not been sent out yet. He withdrew because of his politeness and self-knowledge.

Burying her head all the way forward, Chu Ning felt that she was completely wrapped by doubt and loss. A person accidentally collided with the person coming in front of her.

"What's the matter? You don't even look at the road? It's annoying! I'm in a hurry to the meeting!"

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"It's really bad! It's really unpleasant to look bad!" the woman gouged out Chu Ning with her eyes before turning away, and then left impatiently.

Grievances spread from the bottom of my heart and circled into my eyes. After meeting with the lacrimal gland, the source was initially opened. However, looking around at all kinds of people watching the play, Chu Ning pressed the valve hard.

"Are you all right? That was the head of our department just now. She always has such a temper. Even if she is wrong, she won't easily admit her mistake."

When Chu Ning squatted down to pick up her scattered resume and design draft, several enthusiastic girls joined the ranks.

"Thank you. I'll do it myself."

This is a depressing place full of strange characteristics. Chu Ning doesn't want to stay longer for a moment. She doesn't dare to accept the olive branches thrown by people inexplicably. Moreover, when the other party looks at her with an exploratory and confirmatory eye, she quickly picks up her things and turns around and leaves.


Chu Ning was surprised by the sound behind her, but she still stopped.

"Are you... Chu Ning, the champion of the previous designer competition? I have... Paid attention to you for a long time. Your design is really great... But don't you know the recent thing?"

This sentence completely aroused Chu Ning's curiosity. The sixth sense told her that maybe this person could help her solve the mystery of how she couldn't find a job.

"What's the matter?" Chu Ning almost blurted out and suddenly turned around, which surprised the other party.

The girl took two steps forward. She looked at Chu Ning in disbelief, and then looked at the photo on her resume in her arms, "didn't you find anything unusual when you went to the interview? Everyone knows..."

The more he said this, the more outrageous Chu Ning couldn't find the purpose and theme. She had to tighten her eyebrows and continue to ask, "what's the matter? It's related to me?"


The man nodded. He didn't have the heart to tell the truth. He seemed worried that the dialogue would be heard by others. He looked around and came up to Chu Ning, and his voice was the most subtle.

"I've also heard from others. It seems that Huangtian's boss gave us an order. If someone comes to apply for a job and doesn't agree, otherwise some measures will be taken... So I'm surprised to see your resume."

Huangtian's boss

Chu Ning's mood suddenly became clear, but after combing, it was difficult to calm down.

When she went out, Chu Ning almost looked up at the winter sky with a stiff smile. Even the twisted dead wood branch would oppose her and allow a crow to laugh at her.

At this time, she finally understood the truth of the matter. No wonder she ran into a wall on the way to find a job. No company was willing to accept herself. Even if she accepted it at the beginning or appreciated it very much, she would cancel it inexplicably with various excuses later.

Chu Ning didn't expect that Jiang Yunxian would use such means to deal with herself. Now it seems that only she herself is in the dark, and those companies must have received his notice in batches.

Yeah! Huangtian's powerful role is almost the most influential enterprise benchmark in this party. It is not impossible for everyone to be instructed by him honestly.

But Chu Ning couldn't swallow a breath. She quickly turned out her mobile phone and pressed Jiang Yunxian's number, but there was no response. She tried several times in a row. She couldn't help being angry and helpless.

Friday is the most relaxing time of the week for Yang Lele, which is suitable for relaxation and dating. However, song Yimin is busy with the company recently and has no time to spend more time with her. More often, she is looking for fun by herself.

A month has passed since Chu Ning's brother's operation. Yang Lele can't help but want to care about Chu Ning's recent situation.

However, when she stood at the door and knocked several times, no one answered. She couldn't help feeling anxious and confused. But when the phone called, she clearly heard a bell ringing in the room.

"Ning Ning, are you at home? Why don't you open the door? It's me? What's the matter with you? Are you sick and uncomfortable?"

After knocking for several seconds, Chu Ning still didn't come out to open the door. Yang Lele panicked. She stepped back and ran for more than ten meters, but found that the door was not locked at all. She fell to the ground because of inertia.

Almost unbearable pain hit in an instant. Yang Lele supported himself with the uninjured part of his arm and rode up. Chu Ning heard the laughter of watching.

"Hahaha, Lele, you can't even walk! Why did you fall? This is flat, flat! What are you thinking? I see, everywhere is... Full of danger and tricks, or it's more realistic to drink and sleep..."

Yang Lele finally got up. Before he could get angry, he was tripped by the staggering beer bottle under his feet and almost fell another dog to eat shit.

Looking down a slipper with the bottom facing the sky, Chu Ning is lying on the sofa like a walrus. Her pajamas are stained with red wine from the neck to the chest. The folds of the cloth are exaggerated.

Looking up again, Chu Ning's face was pale and frightening. The slightly lazy and decadent voice just now matched her dead gray expression. Her hair was tied up carelessly. It was better to say no than horsetail, because at one end of the sofa, she didn't care about her hairstyle.

"Ning Ning... What are you doing? Why do you drink alone at home and don't even know to close the door? In case of any accident, will you scare me to death? It's going to be dark soon. You don't know that you have a little safety awareness. The community is not completely safe..."

Yang Lele went to help Chu Ning up, took the empty bottle in her hand, and then pedaled the small tea table several meters away from the table to a place that Chu Ning couldn't reach with one hand.

"Ha ha... Bad people? What are bad people and good people? How is it safe and how is it unsafe? Forget it, I don't want to care. Only drinking makes people happy, a real happiness that doesn't bother people and makes no sacrifice... Lele, do you want to drink? Together?"

"Wake up! What happened, Ning Ning?"

Yang Lele tried to straighten Chu Ning, who was drunk like mud, and slapped her on the cheek, trying to wake him up.

"Who told you that drinking is not old and annoying and has no sacrifice? Now you are sacrificing your health and bothering your brain. Do you know? You are a designer. Your work is already tiring enough. Why waste it yourself? I really don't understand. It's not your style!"

Chu Ning half opened her eyes, as if drowsy. She didn't listen to Yang Lele's words. She still coveted the unfinished beer.

In the standoff, she giggled, "designer? I'm no longer... Not a designer! Now no one even wants to apply for a designer assistant. Lele, do you think I'm a failure? It's really difficult for you to make friends with a failed person. I don't think it's good..."

"What are you talking about? What are you looking for a job? You are the chief designer of Huangtian. What assistant do you want to apply for? Isn't it overqualified? I think you really drink too much. Sit down first and be quiet. I'll give you hot milk."

Chu Ning grabbed Yang Lele, who was going to get up, and suddenly fell into her arms with tears, "it's rare to be so concerned by you. I'm a failure. Now I don't know what to do. People's self-confidence and endurance can be eroded. Now I'm forced to the bottom of the valley..."

"Ningling, don't cry first. Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help you! Even if I can't do it for the time being, I can find someone to help you. Is your brother in bad condition?"

Chu Ning shook her head sadly. "He's recovering well. I'll return the money to you as soon as possible. Don't worry!"

"You know I don't need your commitment. Why do you always talk about it? With your current design level and popularity in the industry, it's not easy to pay back the 100000 yuan? I naturally believe you!"

Yang Lele wanted to show his sincerity, but Chu Ning suddenly cried badly. His eyes were red and swollen, exaggerating, wiping tears and sobbing.

"But... It's probably impossible in a short time... I've completely lost my job, so... I'm not a chief designer. In the past two weeks, I've been walking a road with no end and no scenery..."


Chu Ning's words obviously shocked Yang Lele. She wanted to ask more questions, but Chu Ning couldn't support sleepiness and fell heavily on the sofa.

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