Chu Ning was stunned when she heard the speech. Her good-looking eyebrows wrinkled subconsciously. "Mom, fate can't come in a hurry, and Nannan is still small." Chu Ning only felt a headache when she heard her mother's idea of playing her secretary.

"Where is it small?" Chu's mother was dissatisfied with Chu Ning's words. "You don't know. The children next door are about the same age as Nannan. Now the children can run on the ground."

"But..." Chu Ning wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Chu's mother. "It's nothing, but I think the little girl just now is good. Ning Ning, go and talk to her and let her stay with our Nannan." Chu's mother said in high spirits, as if something was going to be done soon, and her face was full of joy.

"Mom, looking for someone depends on fate. You don't think it's appropriate." Chu Ning was helpless.

"What do you mean?" Chu's mother was dissatisfied. "Do you mean that my Nannan can't compare with your little assistant?"

Looking at Chu's mother pressing step by step, Chu Ning has a little more annoyance in her heart. She is busy working these days and has no time to have a good meal. How can she have time to argue with Chu's mother here.

Simply, Chu Ning directly said what she said from her heart, "Xiao Li is my secretary, graduated from a key university, a local, family and career, and she looks very good. Why do you think she will be with Chu Nan?"

Chu Ning's words were straightforward. As soon as her words were finished, Chu's father and mother were silent.

Chu's mother held her back and was very dissatisfied. "Nannan in our family can't compare with her. Nannan is also a college graduate. Xiao Li is your secretary. It's her honor to be with the boss's brother."

Hearing that her mother counted herself in, Chu Ning felt angry.

Over the years, Chu Ning has long been used to the entanglement of Chu's mother, so Chu Ning knows that reasoning with Chu's mother can't solve the problem anyway.

"Chu Nan wants to find someone. You help her find him. He is old and old. With his current conditions, he can't find a girlfriend. Don't make up Xiao Li's mind."

Chu Ning's face was cold and sat back in her seat. She didn't look at Chu's mother.

Now, Chu's mother also knew that she annoyed Chu Ning. Her voice was soft, "Ning Ning! It's not your mother who forced you, but those girlfriends Chu Nan made himself. They either look bad or have no education. How can they deserve my Nannan."

"Ah..." Chu Ning's mouth gave a sneer. If she was a girl, she would not like Chu Nan even if she was blind. But Chu's father and mother didn't know their children's level and began to dislike others.

But Chu Ning didn't say these words from her heart.

"You see, my black eye can not cover up the foundation. I've been so busy that I haven't been home these days. I'm living in a company every day. What am I doing? In order to make money, I'll look at Chu Nan again. What is he doing now?"

Facing Chu Nan's question, Chu's mother choked, and Chu's father's eyes became complicated.

"I can't help you with this matter. Please go back!"

Now, Chu's mother was stunned and looked at Chu Ning at a loss. She just wanted Chu Ning to introduce an object to Chu Nan. She didn't think how things would develop like this.

The sight fell on Chu Ning's sharp chin, and there was a trace of heartache on Chu's mother's face.

"Ning Ning! Don't be angry. It's my mother's fault. My mother is too anxious to pay attention to you. You haven't seen it for a while, and you're thin again."

Chu's mother's tone was pitiful. Chu Ning felt his nose sour.

She always knew that Chu's father and mother really cared about Chu Nan. More often, she was forgotten by Chu's father and mother, but perhaps because of this, she was particularly eager for family affection. She was willing to pay something to maintain this warmth.

Thinking, Chu Ning's tone was soft, "I'm fine, mom and dad. If you're fine, go back early so that Chu Nan won't be hungry at home."

Chu Ning knew that Chu's mother was used to Chu Nan. Sure enough, Chu's mother felt a little nervous when she heard this, but her purpose of coming was not achieved. She was unwilling to let her go back like this.

At this time, Chu's father, who had been silent for a long time, said, "what you said is also reasonable, but Nannan is old and can only count on you as a sister. If you don't help her, who will help her. We'll go back first. If you have news, inform us in time."

Hearing the speech, Chu Ning's eyes were a little surprised. She knew Chu's father, so she knew how difficult it was for the angry Chu father to say these words.

At this moment, Chu Ning really felt a trace of warmth.

"OK." Chu Ning answered.

Seeing this, Chu's father nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said, "work is important, but don't hurt your body." after that, before Chu Ning reacted, he turned to Chu's mother, "let's go!"

Chu's father spoke, and Chu's mother naturally dared not resist.

Chu Ning followed Chu's parents to the front desk and said, "Xiao Li, call a driver for me and take my parents back."

"Yes." Xiao Li answered. Just as she was about to call the driver, she saw a tall and slender figure coming in from the door. Suddenly, she looked at Chu Ning, "Jane."

Chu Ning looked at Xiao Li's eyes. When she saw Jiang Yunxian's handsome face clearly, her eyebrows immediately frowned, "Why are you here?"

Before Jiang Yunxian answered, Chu's mother rushed to Jiang Yunxian and said, "it's you! I knew a year ago that you like our lemon. You don't think our lemon is the same. I'm sure I'm right." Chu's mother said, a pair of Jiang Yunxian has eyes and takes a fancy to her daughter's posture.

Jiang Yunxian looked embarrassed when he heard the speech, but he pursed his lips and didn't speak.

Chu Ning was angry. "Mom, what are you talking about?" Jiang Yunxian liked her? She almost believed it a year ago, but what happened? Now Jiang Yunxian can't like her. She and Jiang Yunxian can only be enemies.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Chu's mother glared at Chu Ning. "I thought Jiang Yunxian forced you away, so as soon as he came back, your father and I came to the door, but he was not angry. Instead, he gave us 50000 yuan when we were desperate."

"What are you talking about?" Chu Ning's tone was full of surprise. She didn't expect that Chu's father and mother had the cheek to ask Jiang Yunxian for money, let alone Jiang Yunxian would give it.

What does Jiang Yunxian want to do?

In the face of the information just got, Chu Ning only felt a headache.

"Xiao Li, have you contacted the driver?"

"All right."

"Send my parents back!" Chu Ning said, giving the security guard a wink. The security guard came over and said to Chu's parents, "please."

Chu's father and mother had no choice but to go out, but Chu's mother turned back three steps and said, "Ning Ning, take care of your body. We'll see you again when we have time."

When Chu's father and mother left, the scene was finally quiet.

"What's the matter with President Jiang here?" Chu Ning's face suddenly cooled down.

Facing the change of Chu Ning's attitude, Jiang Yunxian frowned. Chu Ning's attitude was expected, but he was still difficult to adapt.

"Are you sure you want to say it here?" Jiang Yunxian said, glancing around.

Chu Ning just came back. Just now, Chu's father and mother had attracted everyone's attention. At this time, everyone stared here for a moment.

When her heart was blocked, Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian with more dissatisfaction. "Come with me." she said and turned around.

Looking at Chu Ning's back, Jiang Yunxian's mouth aroused a smile, and he raised his feet to keep up with Chu Ning.

In the office, Chu Ning sat on the sofa and poured himself a cup of tea before looking at Jiang Yunxian. "I thought I made it very clear with President Jiang last time. I don't know why President Jiang came this time? Is it for the case just obtained by our lemon studio? Unexpectedly, the situation that the grand emperor group can't compete for the contract has to be solved by the president himself." The irony in Chu Ning's tone was not concealed at all.

Jiang Yunxian was not angry, "you misunderstood. I didn't come because of this."

"Oh?" Chu Ning raised her eyebrows, a little surprised in her eyes.

"I think there are some misunderstandings between us. I came to remove the misunderstandings between us." Jiang Yunxian said with a serious face.

However, Chu Ning didn't pay attention to Jiang Yunxian's words. "It seems that Jiang will never let me go if he doesn't let Jiang speak out his heart. In that case, Jiang will please." Chu Ning said and made a gesture of invitation.

Jiang Yunxian's face changed, but he was patient and explained: "after you left, I went to Korea, so I didn't know what happened later. I hope you believe me."

"I believe."

Chu Ning's words made Jiang Yunxian stunned. Before Jiang Yunxian could recover, he heard Chu Ning continue to say, "so? So the harm caused to me by Huangtian group doesn't exist?"

Chu Ning's words made Jiang Yunxian choke. This time, Jiang Yunxian couldn't say anything else.

"If there is nothing else, Mr. Jiang, please come back!" Chu Ning made an eviction order without politeness.

Jiang Yunxian's eyes never left Chu Ning from beginning to end. At this time, he just felt that Chu Ning in front of him could not coincide with Chu Ning in his memory.

After a long time, Jiang Yunxian took a deep breath, stabilized his mood and walked out.

Just as Jiang Yunxian was about to step out of the office, Chu Ning suddenly said, "by the way, there is one thing I need to tell President Jiang, that is, our lemon studio will still pay special attention to the cooperation of Huangtian group in the future."

Chu Ning directly declared war on Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning's words successfully stopped Jiang Yunxian. Seeing this, Chu Ning went to the desk, opened the drawer, took out an envelope and stuffed it in Jiang Yunxian's hand.

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