Murong's white face was ugly, but he still couldn't help walking into the door.

Jiang Yunxian has put Chu Ning's luggage on one side and poured a glass of water on the sofa. Everything is so leisurely.

Chu Ning glanced at Murong Bai and finally pursed her lips. She felt only unspeakable embarrassment.

"Yun Xian, let's have a good talk. Do you want chu Ning to live with us now?" Murong Bai tried to make his tone softer, and his smile slowly hooked up, not so aggressive.

Jiang Yunxian put down his teacup and looked at Murong Bai with shining eyes, "just like what you see!"

Murong Bai is in a hurry. What do you mean? It's the same as I saw.

"But aunt said she wanted us to have fun outside. Is it a little inappropriate to have three people now, and you only have one bed!" Murong asked her to stay with another woman and Jiang Yunxian. She couldn't do it.

"I don't have enough bed with you. Now you two sleep in bed and I sleep on the sofa. It's just right," said Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning's staying can also solve a problem for him. It's really good.

Murong Bai did not know what to say. She turned around and silently began to roll her eyes. It was really not suitable for her to stay here, but she was unwilling to leave so soon.

Chu Ning sipped her lips tightly.

If it hadn't been for Jack's order, she would never have compromised so much.

Chu Ning couldn't help feeling numb when she thought of sleeping in a bed with Murong Bai.

"I'm hungry!" Murong Bai said angrily.

"Then go out and eat." Jiang Yunxian's eyes swept over Chu Ning. Why did he try so hard to keep her.

Murong Bai noticed Jiang Yunxian's eyes, put his fingertips into the palm, and the fire of jealousy burned on her.

She strode to Chu Ning's side, took Chu Ning's hand and said enthusiastically, "Chu Ning, please accompany me to buy something to eat."

Hum, she won't give Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian a chance to be alone.

Chu Ning saw through Murong Bai's mind and skillfully followed Murong Bai behind.

There are some small restaurants and shops outside the hotel.

"Just eat here. Other stores are too far away," Chu Ning reminded.

"Whatever? You think I'm as casual as you. I don't want these food. I'd rather be hungry!" Murong Bai swept around and didn't have the tall shop she was going to.

Chu Ning turned her head and was ready to go back.

Murong Bai grabbed her wrist. "What are you doing? I said I didn't eat. I didn't say I didn't eat fruit. I'm going to buy fruit."

She said, forcibly pulling Chu Ning's hand out.

Picked out some cherizi, rambutan and Murong white eyes and fell on one side of the durian.

Chu Ning stood so far away and didn't look very good. Can't she smell durian, so she should deal with her better.

Thinking, Murong Bai went to the side of durian.

"Boss, how to sell this durian!" she raised her voice and successfully attracted Chu Ning's eyes.

Chu Ning looked at Murong Bai and thought what moth would this woman produce again.

"Boss, I heard that some people who can't eat durian will faint when they smell Durian?" Murong Bai's voice was gloating.

The boss nodded, "some people also say durian is like shit and doesn't understand appreciation."

Murong Bai directly skipped the boss's vulgar words, pointed to the two durians and said, "open both of them for me, and I'll take them back."

The boss sliced and packed it neatly.

Chu Ning looked at Murong Bai's self-directed and self performed, and thought ridiculously that she wouldn't think I wouldn't eat durian, so she deliberately bought durian to disgust me. It's too belittling her eating property.

It seems that Murong Bai is destined to lose!

Chu Ning's big eyes were slightly cat, and suddenly wanted to tease her.

"Well, Chu Ning, let's go back!" Murong Bai put on a cold look and wanted Chu Ning to carry the bag.

Chu Ning's face was cold. She was not her servant. Why did she command? She looked directly at the distance, far away from Murong Bai.

"It's so smelly, carry it yourself!" Chu Ning said disgustingly.

Murong's eyes were filled with the joy of success.

Chu Ning really doesn't like the taste of durian. When the door of the room closes, the whole room smells of durian. Then she can't stand it and will leave.

Although a pile of fruit was heavy, Murong Bai desperately carried them back and kept her elegance.

Back in the room, the tip of Jiang Yunxian's nose moved.

"Did you buy Durian?" he asked Murong Bai.

"Do you want to eat durian? Durian is delicious." Murong Bai winked at Jiang Yunxian.

"I can eat, but I don't like it very much. Eat it yourself!" Jiang Yunxian faintly refused, and looked at Chu Ning next to him, but Chu Ning stared at him.

Chu Ning sat on the stool beside her and began to turn the book.

In my heart, I'm facing Jiang Yunxian. My girlfriend is still there. What's good for me.

Murong Bai always pays attention to Jiang Yunxian. Seeing that he cares about Chu Ning so much, he is not happy. He stares at Chu Ning and deliberately starts eating durian.

When the transparent plastic paper wrapped with durian was lifted, the smell of durian began to come out.

Odor molecules float in the air.

Murong Bai looked at Chu Ning with an eyebrow, but Chu Ning's face was blocked by the book. She couldn't see her ugly face. She felt a little disappointed, so she deliberately ate slowly.

Instead, Jiang Yunxian's face changed. He couldn't bear to go to the balcony and open all the windows. "Please eat faster. I can't accept the smell of durian."

"Ah, Yunxian, you can't smell durian. I knew I wouldn't buy it." Murong Bai regretted.

Jiang Yunxian has breathed on the balcony.

Murong Bai's eyes noticed Chu Ning. She made a delicate manicure and beckoned to Chu Ning, "come and help me eat durian together, so that the taste can spread faster."

Although people who can't eat durian won't be allergic to the smell of durian, it should be difficult for them to eat what they don't like, Murong Bai thought with bad water.

Chu Ning took down the book blocking her face and said faintly, "forget it!"

"Forget what, I have something delicious to share with you. Don't you look down on me if you don't eat." Murong Bai swayed and put a large piece of durian meat into Chu Ning's mouth.

There was a smile on her face.

To see how Chu Ning made a fool of herself, she deliberately cleared her throat and "coughed" twice to attract Jiang Yunxian's attention.

Jiang Yunxian turned his head and saw Chu Ning eating durian. He took a big bite. He turned his head hard again. The air on the balcony was relatively fresh.

"Miss Murong, the durian is finished. You still need me to help you eat!" Chu Ning looked at Murong Bai stunned.

Murong Bai bought two durians!

She was a little tired of eating, so she gave Chu Ning the durian on her hand.

Chu Ning began to eat with relish. Murong's white face was about to turn green. It was really that stealing chicken could not erode rice.

Durian was wiped out, and Jiang Yunxian returned to the room.

"I beg you not to buy this kind of food in the future. It's too polluting the air!" Jiang Yunxian couldn't help but export.

"Miss Murong bought it. I'm full this time. Don't ask me to eat it next time. It's very angry." Chu Ning pointed to Murong Bai and continued to pick up his book.

"Yun Xian, I......" Murong was so angry that he hid in the bathroom.

Jiang Yunxian saw through everything and stared at Chu Ning. He said softly, "you did it on purpose!"

Chu Ning shook his head and didn't know, "what's intentional? You're pretending. Didn't you rob durian thousand layers with me when I saw you before?"

"Is it durian thousand layer, not mango thousand layer? If so, I must have taken it for others." Jiang Yunxian answered the question seriously.

Murong Bai washed his hands and came out. Seeing that they were talking happily, he felt as if he had knocked over the vinegar jar.

"Yun Xian, why don't you talk to me? You see I'm from China. Should you take me to Korea and eat some specialties?"

Murong Bai's fingertips circled Jiang Yunxian's clothes.

Jiang Yunxian dropped her hand and said, "it's still early."

What a shame!

Fortunately, Chu Ning was still reading and didn't see it. Murong Bai took a breath in his heart.

When night fell, Jiang Yunxian took Murong Bai and Chu Ning to a restaurant and chose a Chinese restaurant.

"The seafood here looks very good." Chu Ning's Apricot eyes almost fell on the picture of the restaurant's profile.

Murong Bai took the tea and said, "I'm allergic and can't eat seafood."

"When did you become allergic to seafood? Why didn't I know?" Jiang Yunxian looked at Murong Bai coldly and wanted to expose her lie. Chu Ning should order what she wanted to eat.

"I'm allergic now because my physique is getting worse. Let's order a vegetarian feast to keep in good health!" Murong's white red lips raised.

"Forget it, Miss Murong and Mr. Jiang, you can eat together. I'll order some seafood alone." Chu Ning picked up the menu and slipped aside.

"How dare you?" Jiang Yunxian and Wannian's icy eyes were freezing Chu Ning.

Chu Ning sat motionless, but she didn't say a word.

Really, call her a vegetarian, No.

"I'd better order it." Jiang Yunxian looked serious and fair.

Jiang Yunxian ordered an Aolong, a shrimps, two meat, and finally two vegetables.

The food was served after a while.

Chu Ning snorted and ate happily. Murong Bai thought about what he said, bit vegetable roots, silently didn't speak, and suffered a loss again.

"I'll peel the shrimps for you." Jiang Yunxian rolled up his sleeve and took away the shrimps in Chu Ning's hand.

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