During their conversation, Murong Bai also woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the scene of Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning looking at each other affectionately. Suddenly, jealousy filled her heart.

Murong Bai glared at Chu Ning fiercely, and his tender eyes fell on Jiang Yunxian. "Yunxian, what did you just say? Shall we go back today?"

"Yes." Jiang Yunxian answered coldly.

"Yunxian, we had a good time. Why are we going back all of a sudden?" Murong Bai didn't think it was really good, but because Chu Ning put forward the matter of returning home, so Murong Bai was very unhappy.

"If you don't want to go back, just stay here," said Jiang Yunxian. Without looking at Murong Bai, he got up and went into the bathroom.

Murong Bai's face changed. Damn it, Jiang Yunxian didn't leave face for himself in front of Chu Ning.

Chu Ning is not surprised at the scene in front of her. She acts as a transparent person all the time. Seeing that Jiang Yunxian was really determined to return home, Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how hard it is for these three people to travel. Chu Ning feels that she is a huge light bulb, sandwiched between Jiang Yunxian and Murong Bai.

Chu Ning doesn't believe Jiang Yunxian's attitude of liking himself. After all, more than a year's money is like this. Jiang Yunxian steps on two boats

After Jiang Yunxian came out, Chu Ning was just ready to wash. Murong Bai passed Chu Ning and strode into the bathroom.

With a "bang!" sound, the door of the bathroom was closed. Chu Ning looked at the closed door in front of her, silently pulled out the corners of her mouth and helplessly spread her hands. Chu Ning decided to pack her things first.

The three simply had breakfast and went straight to the airport to catch the first plane.

In this process, Murong Bai has been honest. In fact, she has long wanted to return. Three people get along and live together. It's just a torment for Murong Bai, who was high up since childhood. In addition, Jiang Yunxian didn't give her a good face all the way, which frustrated her self-esteem.

Murong Bai thinks that what she should do now is to hurry back to China and settle her marriage with Jiang Yunxian. In this case, she is the president and wife of Huangtian group.

And Chu Ning, where nature comes from, where to go.

Three people boarded the plane smoothly.

In first class, Chu Ning sat with Jiang Yunxian, while Murong Bai sat on the other side with a blonde foreigner.

The ticket was ordered by Jiang Yunxian, so Chu Ning didn't know whether it was the result of Jiang Yunxian's intention or carelessness. She sat honestly and didn't speak.

Murong Bai watched Chu Ning sitting with Jiang Yunxian and immediately fried his hair.

She stepped on hate sky high to Chu Ning, "you, go there."

Chu Ning followed the direction of Murong Bai's fingers and his sight fell on the position of Murong Bai's fingers.

Chu Ning is very upset with Murong Bai's condescending appearance. Why should he tell me what to do? Do you really think the daughter of Murong family can do whatever she wants?

Chu Ning subconsciously wants to refuse, but when she sees Jiang Yunxian with a calm face beside her, Chu Ning's heart rises an anger.

Murong Bai came to change seats with himself obviously because of Jiang Yunxian, and the culprit sat aside, holding a high attitude that it was none of his business.

Thinking, Chu Ning stood up with her lips pursed.

Before Murong Bai could be happy, he saw Jiang Yunxian's bony hand stretched out and grabbed Chu Ning back, "don't go."

"You let go." Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian angrily and easily caught the faint threat in Jiang Yunxian's eyes.

Helpless, Chu Ning had to sit down honestly.

Seeing this, Jiang Yunxian nodded with satisfaction.

Murong Bai wanted to say something else. The stewardess came in and looked at Murong Bai with a standard smile, "Miss, please go back to your seat."

Seeing that Jiang Yunxian didn't look at himself at all, Murong Bai stamped his feet and walked back to his seat.

The first-class cabin was finally clean.

Last night, she slept with Murong Bai. Chu Ning didn't sleep well at all. At this time, when the plane took off, Chu Ning was sleepy, and she fell asleep.

Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning's sleeping face with a smile on his mouth. He reached out and gently moved Chu Ning's head to his shoulder. Seeing that Chu Ning slept more soundly, Jiang Yunxian said hello to the stewardess and asked them not to come to deliver the meal for a while. After that, he also closed his eyes.

Murong Bai has been paying attention to Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning. When she saw this scene, her baptism didn't mention how jealous she was.

Her hand on her knee was tightly clenched. Rao's fingernails were deeply embedded in the meat, and she didn't feel the slightest pain.

Damn Chu Ning, one day I will step on you so that you can recognize your identity.

As time passed quietly, Chu Ning opened her eyes because of the turbulence caused by the plane landing. When she found herself leaning against the arrow of Jiang Yunxian, Chu Ning's cheek was instantly flushed.

Seeing Jiang Yunxian still closed his eyes and Murong Bai didn't look here, Chu Ning was relieved.

After the plane stopped, Chu Ning got up first. However, Jiang Yunxian slowly put away her things, which made Chu Ning bite her teeth in resentment.

After getting off the plane, Murong Bai raised his feet in front of Chu Ning and looked at Jiang Yunxian. "Yunxian, let's go back quickly! Uncle and aunt should wait."

Jiang Yunxian glanced at Murong Bai coldly, "you go back to your house, I go back to my house. My parents are in a hurry. What does it have to do with you?"

Murong Bai's face turned white. "Yunxian, how can you say that? I will soon be the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Yunxian's breath was cold, his cold thin lips closed in a straight line, and Murong Bai's eyes were full of condensation.

Somehow, listening to Murong Bai's words, Chu Ning felt a pain in her heart. Feeling the awkward atmosphere, she hurried to one side while Jiang Yunxian didn't pay attention.

Just when Jiang Yunxian returned to God and wanted to catch Chu Ning, he saw that there was another Yang Lele around Chu Ning. At this time, Chu Ning took a guilty look here. Jiang Yunxian knew it for a moment and took a break to catch Chu Ning back.

He has more important things to deal with, and Chu Ning... It will be his sooner or later!

This trip to South Korea made Jiang Yunxian more firm in his heart.

Thinking, Jiang Yunxian raised his feet and walked in the direction of the driver.

Murong Bai was stunned and hurried to keep up with Jiang Yunxian.

"Brother Yunxian, wait for me." Murong Bai didn't expect that Jiang Yunxian would be so obedient this time. Although the blind scene was exactly what she wanted to see, somehow, Murong Bai had a bad hunch in his heart.

Chu Ning was relieved to see the figure of the two leaving. She was worried that Jiang Yunxian would stop her from leaving after getting off the plane, so she hurried to call Yang Lele after confirming the trip home.

Yang Lele also noticed the figure of Jiang Yunxian and Murong Bai. She looked at Chu Ning and wondered, "what's going on?"

"Go back and talk!" Chu Ning shrugged.

Yang Lele nodded and reached for Chu Ning's salute.

After getting home, Chu Ning took a bath and told Yang Lele what had happened in Korea.

"Ning Ning, do you think Jiang Yunxian still likes you?" Yang Lele thought for a while and looked up and asked. Jiang Yunxian's previous action of beating Murong Bai's face for Chu Ning can be said to be successful and won Yang Lele's favor. Therefore, Yang Lele does not reject Jiang Yunxian as before. Instead, he agrees with song Yimin. Is there any misunderstanding between Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning.

Chu Ning was stunned. Yang Lele said this idea. Chu Ning thought about it before, but soon Chu Ning denied it.

"Lele, have you forgotten what happened more than a year ago?"

Chu Ning's simple words made Yang Lele's face sink instantly. At the beginning, it was not because Jiang Yunxian stepped on two boats. After touching Chu Ning, he patted his ass and left. Regardless of whether he did the thing that Chu Ning was blocked by the design circle later, it always caused great harm to Chu Ning.

The harm already exists, which can't be erased anyway.

"What are you going to do now, Ning Ning?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I don't want to be caught between Jiang Yunxian and Murong Bai. I wish I could stay away from these two people."

Hearing the speech, Yang Lele frowned and wanted to say something. His eyes fell on Chu Ning's irritable face. After all, he nodded.

Yang Lele left before long. Chu Ning has just returned from abroad. What he needs most now is rest.

Chu Ning left behind a series of bad things that happened in South Korea, and then fell into sleep.

After waking up, Chu Ning saw several missed calls on her mobile phone, which belonged to Jiang Yunxian. Only slightly frowned, Chu Ning threw the mobile phone aside.

The next day, Chu Ning appeared in lemon studio with the best posture.

"Let's stop first." Chu Ning reached out and patted. Everyone stopped their work and looked at Chu Ning.

"As we all know, I went to Korea with Xiao Li to get cooperation with Jack, so now there is good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Good news!"

"Bad news!"

The two voices are equal.

Chu Ning smiled, "in that case, I'll say the bad news first."

"The bad news is that Jack has renewed his contract with Huangtian group."

With Chu Ning's words, the scene sighed.

"What's the good news?" someone asked.

"The good news is that although Jack renewed his contract with Huangtian group, we still cooperated with Jack on some small lists. Although these lists are small in Jack's eyes, they are the largest list since the establishment of lemon studio."

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