The man next to me didn't seem to respond. He continued to watch the film.

Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief and touched her red face with her cold hand. She blushed like a little girl without personnel!

Finally, the temperature on Chu Ning's face gradually faded.

On the screen, the male and female protagonists, after experiencing life and death, find that they finally love each other most and are embracing and kissing each other.

Chu Ning hasn't had time to blush. Her sight is black. She doesn't know what's going on. There's a little cold on her lips and she's careful.

Stared at the man close at hand.

The man's funny voice sounded, "close your eyes."

Chu Ning closed her eyes and fell into his tenderness.

Chu Ning sat waiting at the bus stop, looking at the buses coming and going.

Jiang Yunxian regretted and rubbed his eyebrows. Why did he do that just now? He can only say he can't help it.

Looking at the expressionless woman beside her, Chu Ning didn't say a word when she came out of the cinema just now. Jiang Yunxian couldn't tell whether she was angry. She originally said to take her home, but the latter insisted on taking the bus back. From this point, he understood, well, Chu Ning was angry, and she was still very angry.

"Chu Ning."

Every time he called his name, his heart always missed half a beat, as if it were some good piano music.

Chu Ning said a faint "en" and didn't speak again.

Jiang Yunxian brewing for a while, just wanted to talk, Chu Ning has got up, "the bus is coming."

The bus stopped in front of Chu Ning without any hesitation. Chu Ning got on the bus, made a stop, turned around and said, "I'm very happy tonight." she got on the bus.

Jiang Yunxian stared at Chu Ning's back, and his mind was full of Chu Ning's just words.

I'm very happy tonight.

So she's not angry?

How long has it been? I'm not happy because of a person's happiness. I'm happy because no one likes it.

The bus has been out for a long time. Jiang Yunxian is still standing in place, his mouth slightly raised, like a fool, and his tall body is elongated by the light behind him.

After a while, Jiang Yunxian restrained his emotions, got on the bus and disappeared into the night.

The cold wind was blowing on my face, and my hair was flying with the wind.

In the quiet car, only a few people echoed the sound of the radio.

The scenery outside flashed in front of her. Chu Ning supported the window with one hand and her face was soft.

Suddenly stretched out his hand, touched his lips, and then put down his hand

Back to the apartment, it was very late. Chu Ning just wanted to go to bed. The mobile phone prompted the sound. He took his mobile phone and glanced at it. His heart was warm and mixed with a trace of fatigue.

Holding her mobile phone, she fell asleep unconsciously. Her still lit mobile phone became the only light in the room. The mobile phone displayed a text message from Jiang Yunxian: rest early, and I will always stand where you can see when you look back

Because Shen Hanxi was too arrogant, Chu Ning felt that she could not easily let Shen Hanxi go, so Chu Ning ordered people to investigate Shen Hanxi.

Chu Ning looked at the survey results on the table and frowned. What does this hateful Shen Hanxi want to do! When she was dating Fang Yuhao, she was repeatedly targeted. Now she has taken the initiative to stay away from the scum man. How can she still find her own trouble.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning found Shen Hanxi's contact information from the mobile phone list and dialed directly. Soon, Shen Hanxi's strange voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yo, isn't this Chu Da designer? What do you want me to do?"

Chu Ning picked her eyebrows and smiled strangely at the corners of her mouth. She probably guessed that Shen Hanxi would never come to her own banquet. She deliberately made an excuse and said, "Han Xi, I heard that Miss Gong has become the hostess of the Fang family. I got some news about her abroad, and I was going to give it to you. It seems that you don't pay attention. In this case, I'll disturb you."

Shen Hanxi has just designed Chu Ning. Naturally, she doesn't believe her words. But as soon as he thought that it was a secret about Gong Qingtian, he agreed to her appointment. After the two set a time and place to meet, they hung up the phone.

The next day, at 10 a.m., in Vera's restaurant. Chu Ning arrived at the appointed place early and waited for Shen Hanxi's arrival. It seemed that she had already felt Shen Hanxi's nature of being late. She didn't stick to herself. After ordering a meal, she ate it by herself.

Sure enough, when it was nearly eleven o'clock, Shen Hanxi came late. After she looked at the mess on the table, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes and mocked Chu Ning.

"Chu Ning, I didn't expect that you still have no quality for such a long time." after struggling, Shen Hanxi sat down on the table on Chu Ning's side, waved to the waiter, ordered a cup of coffee and brought it up.

"Oh, by the way, where's my information?" she asked proudly as she stirred the coffee with a spoon.

Chu Ning glanced at her wristwatch and didn't want to discuss with her at all. Who has no quality. For Shen Hanxi's words, she didn't mean to return at all. She directly asked the local people about her doubts.

"Shen Hanxi, you sent someone to design me. What exactly do you want to do? I have left the Fang family. Now I have nothing to do with you. You must explain this to me."

For Chu Ning's question, Shen Hanxi obviously didn't think of it. She reacted for a while before she remembered what the other party said. It seems that Chu Ning is ridiculous. After taking a sip of coffee, Shen Hanxi laughed.

"Chu Ning, who do you think you are? I'll give you an explanation. I take myself too seriously. I'm Shen Hanxi happy. I can design whoever I want. Can you control it?"

Shen Hanxi's indifferent attitude angered Chu Ning bit by bit, and her face sank slowly. The palm also slowly closed and clenched the fist. Do these people still think I'm the old Chu Ning? No. You're wrong.

"By the way, you shouldn't have brought me here just for this matter. The so-called secret about Gong Qingtian doesn't exist at all, does it?"

Shen Hanxi didn't notice the change of Chu Ning's face at all. She seemed to think of something important. She pointed to Chu Ning and screamed.

"Yes, that's right. I lied to you." Chu Ning stood up, walked to Shen Hanxi's side, poured the cup of hot coffee in front of her mercilessly.

"Ah! What are you doing, Chu Ning!" maybe the temperature of the coffee burned Shen Hanxi, or the nausea caused by the sticky thing on her head stimulated her. Shen Hanxi didn't move for a long time except for a cry.

"I tell you, Shen Hanxi, you are nothing in my eyes. In the future, don't look like a dog. After all, retribution will always come." Chu Ning looked at Shen Hanxi and smiled coldly.

"Also, today's thing should be my free teaching for you. Fang Yuhao, you can complain, I'm not afraid of you."

It was not until Chu Ning walked out of the restaurant that Shen Hanxi reacted. She took out a lot of paper from the carton on the table and wiped it on her hair and face.

"Damn! I won't let you go. Wait for me." knowing that people have gone far and can't hear their own cruel words, Shen Hanxi still shouted outside the door. This is not good. It attracted more attention. Everyone looked at her embarrassed appearance and talked about it one after another. Shen Hanxi's face suddenly turned red. He picked up his bag and ran out of the restaurant.

"Hey, did you hear that? Jane and her ex boyfriend have broken ties. She was caught by her current girlfriend and made a big fuss. Tut Tut, I didn't expect that she was such a person." in places like the office, it must be the trifles among colleagues that spread fastest, but what is more terrible than these comments is unrealistic gossip.

"Don't talk nonsense. How could Jane be such a person? It's said that she was designed by others?"

"Oh, who dares to design her?" Chu LAN, who was going to enter the tea room, unconsciously stopped her steps after hearing some discussion in the door and wanted to listen to her.

"Shen Hanxi, Miss Shen."

This stupid woman. Chu LAN had not finished listening to the words behind, so she scolded in her heart and became my sister. She was bullied and had no place to say. Although the relationship between sister and brother is not good, most of them don't talk to each other except for bickering at home. But Chu Lan was a little angry at Chu Ning's incompetence at the moment.

As he muttered to himself, he turned and walked out. But I didn't expect to bump into a man before I took two steps.

"Knock or not, lower your head and mutter something. Watch it when you walk." Chu LAN didn't have time to look up, Chu Ning's voice came down from his head. It's rare that he didn't answer back this time. After looking at Chu Ning strangely, he nodded and walked out.

"What's the matter with this guy? What's the stimulation?" Chu Ning felt goose bumps all over by his eyes just now. After touching her arms, she looked at Chu Lan's back and said strangely.

At the moment, Chu Lansi didn't know such a misunderstanding. He recalled Chu Ning's concern in his mind. Unexpectedly, he grinned and thought of Chu Ning. And young people are young and energetic. They do what they say. Soon he quit work, contacted a group of his "friends" and ambushed downstairs where Shen Hanxi worked.

Although Shen Hanxi didn't see himself, for the sake of safety, he took the lead in hiding when he saw Shen Hanxi out of the company from a distance.

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