Fang Yuhao thought Chu Ning was a little moved by herself, and his heart jumped with joy.

In the restaurant, Chu Ning has been eating in silence and has not communicated with Fang Yuhao for a moment.

After eating, she wiped her mouth and made it clear, "I'll say it again for the last time. The last thing has nothing to do with me. I'm already investigating. I believe there will be results soon. Please don't go around outside my studio every day. It's really annoying."

She threw down the paper towel she had used. Before Fang Yuhao could react, she got up and went out of the restaurant first.

Jiang Yunxian appeared in Chu Ning's studio and saw that there were only a few people working overtime in the office, but Chu Ning was not there. He thought she should go to dinner and waited patiently for her back in Chu Ning's office.

Sitting where she had sat, fiddling with the gadgets on her desk.

The door suddenly opened with a squeak, followed by Chu Ning's surprised voice, "Why are you here?"

Seeing her coming in, Jiang Yunxian didn't get up immediately, but when she came over. "I'll come when I miss you."

Chu Ning's straightforward words made her ears red. She stood up in front of him and said, "get up, I'm going to work." she felt strange. Shouldn't the boss of a large company be very busy? Why does he look so idle?

When Jiang Yunxian heard the speech, he still didn't get up, just slightly raised his eyelids, and then patted his legs, "sit down." a polite expression.

Chu Ning's face became more red and lifted her hair behind her ears. "Don't make trouble, I work." this is in the office. If the employees see it, gossip will fly all over the sky tomorrow. She still wants to be quiet for two days.

Jiang Yunxian didn't speak. He directly stretched out his long arm and held the woman's waist. With a force, she sat steadily on her thigh.

Chu Ning struggled, "what are you doing? Let go of me."

Jiang Yunxian's slightly tired voice came, "just a minute." he put his head on Chu Ning's shoulder and closed his eyes slightly.

Hearing his fatigue, Chu Ning didn't move again and stayed in his arms honestly.

Jiang Yunxian also kept his word. A few minutes later, he reluctantly let Chu Ning go.

"You go, I have to work." Chu Ning mentioned work again.

Jiang Yunxian rubbed his eyebrows. He finally came to see her. What he opened his mouth and shut his mouth were all work. Unexpectedly, some were jealous of work.

He got up and gave his place to Chu Ning.

Chu Ning sat down, and the temperature on Jiang Yunxian remained on the chair.

Jiang Yunxian didn't leave immediately. Instead, he sat on the sofa, supported his chin with one hand and looked at the woman not far away.

Chu Ning turns on the computer and wants to ignore Jiang Yunxian's eyes. However, the other party's eyes are too hot.

She put down the information in her hand and looked at Jiang Yunxian helplessly, "aren't you busy?"

The latter shook his head and continued to stare at her without hesitation.

Chu Ning helplessly lowered her head and hid herself behind the computer. She could still feel each other's eyes. Finally, she couldn't help looking up, "pour me a cup of coffee."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Yunxian got up and came to Chu Ning's studio several times. He knew the layout here and went straight to the tea room.

Xiao Li's voice floated out from inside, "today's Fang Yuhao, who is called Fang Yuhao, came to find Jane again. I have to say that he is really infatuated. If this continues, will Jane give up President Jiang and stay with him?"

A female voice sounded, "I think Jane will choose President Jiang."

Jiang Yunxian coughed gently. The two people who were gossiping were slightly stunned. Then they each carried their own coffee and the cat ran out with his waist.

Pour the instant coffee into the cup and wait for the water to boil.

Jiang Yunxian leaned against the platform and thought deeply.

"Coffee." Jiang Yunxian put the coffee next to Chu Ning.

Chu Ning was busy. She didn't look up. She just answered and continued to busy herself.

Jiang Yunxian didn't speak. He just picked up a piece of paper and a pen next to him, quickly wrote a few words on it, pressed it under the coffee cup, closed the door and went out.

Chu Ning stretched himself and twisted his neck, "finally finished this."

Her head was excited. She thought of Jiang Yunxian. She looked around the office and there was no one.

Muttered, "where are the people?"

Xiao Li just came in with the document to sign for her. Chu Ning signed his name and asked, "where's Jiang Yunxian?"

"Ah? Haven't you gone?"

Chu Ning was slightly stunned, "I know."

Xiao Li went out with the document in his arms. Chu Ning saw the note next to him with sharp eyes. It was a strong font. I went first and paid attention to rest.

There was a trace of warmth and guilt in her heart. She had been busy since he arrived at the office. She didn't even know when he left.

After collecting the note, Chu Ning tidied up her mood and continued to work. She must make herself stronger in order to be qualified to stand beside him one day.

On the other hand, due to Gong Qingtian's intentional neglect, Fang Yuhao hasn't seen her for several days. At the thought of Gong Qingtian's cold and gorgeous beauty, Fang Yuhao was bored at home for a few days, so he couldn't wait to go to the company to find her.

"It's sunny. It's almost time for work. Later, let's go to lunch. I know a good French restaurant has just opened in Paris street." Fang Yuhao knew that he had caused the displeasure of the goddess because of Chu Ning last time. Worried that his rash arrival would disturb Gong Qingtian's work, he also deliberately chose a time point.

But after a long time, Gong Qingtian kept staring at the notebook on his desk, knocking on something, and didn't even give him one.

"Cough." Fang Yuhao felt embarrassed when he was ignored for no reason. He consoled himself in his heart that he must have worked too hard on a sunny day and didn't notice his arrival at all.

Thinking about it, he sat aside and stared at Gong Qingtian's face without doing anything else.

Gong Qingtian wanted to ignore Fang Yuhao, so he would leave without interest, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't have a little self-awareness, even if he had a blatant lust for himself.

With a "pa", Gong Qingtian closed his notebook in front of him, made a posture of lifting his hair, and didn't answer his previous words. Du Du's bright red lips and spoiled Fang Yuhao.

"Yu Hao, didn't you ask Chu Ning to apologize to me last time? I didn't wait for several days."

Fang Yuhao's mind sank when Gong Qingtian mentioned it. It's really strange that Chu Ning's unkind bitch dared to play with her temper. Next time, we'll see how to deal with her.

Before Fang Yuhao had time to explain, Gong Qingtian's face changed. His eyes were full of tears. Looking at Fang Yuhao, he said pitifully, "isn't it Yu Hao, what feelings do you have with that Chu Ning and protect her wholeheartedly? In that case, what else do you come to me for?"

Gong Qingtian has always been an image of iceberg beauty. When was she so weak and pathetic that she had a Jiao with Fang Yuhao. He looked at Gong Qingtian, who was about to wipe his tears, and his heart melted at once.

He sat up from the sofa with a "Teng" sound, holding his fist head like Gong Qingtian's oath, "sunny day, I really have nothing to do with Chu Ning. Wait. I'll ask Chu Ning to apologize!"

Gong Qingtian looked at Fang Yuhao's figure who got up and left, raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, revealing a joking and ironic smile on his mouth. She really wants to see. Can Fang Yuhao really bring Chu Ning to apologize?

Fang Yuhao lingered at the bottom of the lemon studio for a long time and didn't go up. It was humiliating to think that Chu Ning beat him out in public last time. And all her colleagues upstairs. If they start again, they will definitely suffer.

"OK, I'll stop her downstairs. Anyway, it's time to get off work. I don't believe she can't come down." it seems that he thought of a wonderful idea. Fang Yuhao clapped his hands and hummed in a good mood.

He looked around for a long time. After seeing an insignificant sofa in the corner of the hall, he sat down slowly. While playing with his mobile phone, he thought that no one was aware of his "waiting for a rabbit".

Chu Ning thought that she told Fang Yuhao very clearly at noon. Unexpectedly, she saw Fang Yuhao at the door after work.

She thought that if it went on like this, she would really go crazy.

Directly ignored Fang Yuhao and walked towards the bus station, followed by Fang Yuhao.

Chu Ning couldn't bear it anymore and turned around, "Fang Yuhao, can't you understand people? I said, please don't come to me again."

Before Fang Yuhao spoke, a Rolls Royce stopped in front of them. Jiang Yunxian stretched out his long legs and got out of the car. He naturally walked to Chu Ning and held her shoulder. "What's the matter?"

Chu Ning really didn't want to bother Jiang Yunxian, "it's all right."

Jiang Yunxian bent over and said something in Chu Ning's ear. Chu Ning nodded and got into the car first.

After confirming that Chu Ning was in the car, Jiang Yunxian suddenly punched Fang Yuhao in the face.

Fang Yuhao looked up at Jiang Yunxian with a trace of blood around his mouth.

It was concise and comprehensive. "Don't bother Chu Ning again in the future. If you let me know, you know the consequences." put down this sentence, opened the door, started the car and disappeared from sight.

Fang Yuhao always stood in place and rubbed his face. He was unwilling in his eyes, but he had nothing to do.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" there was a trace of reproach in his tone.

Chu Ning turned his head. His face was expressionless and could not see joy and anger. "I just don't want to trouble you."

In a word, the distance between the two people suddenly became far away.

"I feel troublesome because I am not familiar with you? I feel troublesome because my relationship is not in place?"

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