Chu Ning doesn't know what happened there. Her life is still the same.

After a busy day, Chu Ning moved her neck a few times and looked at the full design drawings in front of the table. She relaxed and breathed a long breath. She couldn't help sighing: "it's almost finished!"

Looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, she had already passed the time for lunch. Since she was almost busy in the afternoon, her stomach began to rumble.

Chu Ning simply sorted out these design drawings, picked up her bag and came to the restaurant downstairs. She felt very happy after a full and busy morning.

Just missed the meal. The restaurant downstairs must be full at ordinary times, but there are few guests at this time. Chu Ning randomly chose a position near the window and ordered several dishes.

As soon as she ordered a good dish, she saw a familiar figure coming in the restaurant. Chu Ning looked at it. It was really a narrow road. Unfortunately, she met Murong Bai.

Murong Bai walked straight in and looked a little stunned when she saw Chu Ning. Obviously, she didn't expect to meet her so accidentally. She soon recovered nature and directly ignored Chu Ning's indifference and walked to the counter.

After Murong ordered a few dishes, he added, "take it away!"

I don't know if it's Chu Ning's psychological role. I always think Murong Bai chose to take food away because of her existence.

But Murong Bai always sees her like a stranger. She can her relationship with Jiang Yunxian. How could Murong Bai really not know her? The last time I met Murong Bai while shopping with Yang Lele, maybe it's understandable that Murong Bai didn't see her.

This time, Murong Bai was not ready to say hello to her.

After a while, the dishes ordered by Chu Ning and Murong Bai came up together. Murong Bai hurried away after getting the lunch box. Chu Ning looked at the food in front of her and suddenly lost his appetite.

Murong Bai's inexplicable actions always made her feel insecure and insecure.

"Forget it, I don't want to. There are still a lot of finishing work in the design draft!"

Chu Ning shook her head and muttered to herself. She hurried to finish her meal and threw herself into work again.

Unknowingly, it was getting dark. Chu Ning sipped the coffee at the table and sat here all day. Her back was sore. She was getting ready to get up and have a rest. The phone rang.

As soon as I answered the phone, Jiang Yunxian's gentle voice rang out: "are you still busy with work? I'll go and see you now. Do you have anything to eat? I'll take it up for you."

Upon receiving Jiang Yunxian's phone call, Chu Ning unconsciously aroused a sweet smile, but he still pretended to be indifferent and joked: "how can you make it like I'm a prisoner in prison, carrying things to visit prison from time to time."

This metaphor made Jiang Yunxian smile a few times and said, "no, no, you're not a prisoner! I think I'm a prisoner. You're the one who wants to take care of me and the one who wants to take care of me all my life. How about Chu Ning? You should be loyal to your duty."

Chu Ning lowered her head, smiled and compromised: "OK, I'll take care of you all my life. Hurry to buy some food and bring it up. I'll be hungry. If you starve me to death, no one will take care of you."

"Yes! My guardian." Jiang Yunxian agreed in a very serious tone. Chu Ning was about to say something, so he immediately hung up the phone.

Chu Ning had to swallow what she had just said.

Although she and Jiang Yunxian often meet, somehow Chu Ning misses him when she can't see him all day. She looks forward to him coming after working every night.

Thinking like this, Chu Ning tidied up all the sundries on the table. Otherwise, if Jiang Yunxian spilled any of the food on her labor achievements, she would be angry and couldn't eat.

Unexpectedly, just half cleaned up, Chu Ning suddenly felt black in front of her eyes. A pair of warm big hands covered her eyes. The people standing behind her had her familiar taste and body temperature.

Chu ningsi was not flustered and timid. She smiled and said, "Jiang Yunxian, you play the same trick every time you come. Fools will guess it's yours, okay?"

Jiang Yunxian, who was named again, reluctantly put his hand back, stuck out his tongue and said mischievously, "it's really hard to play. You guessed it every time. Can't you play with me?"

Chu Ning could not help twitching a few times at the corners of her mouth. She looked at him helplessly and said, "look how old you are. You still play this child's trick and play it again and again. If it comes out, aren't you afraid of damaging your CEO's image?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Whatever they say, I'll only do it in front of you anyway."

Jiang Yunxian said as he opened the food he had brought, and Chu Ning also sat down.

"Don't you eat?" seeing that Jiang Yunxian only brought a pair of chopsticks, Chu Ning asked in some doubt.

"Yes, I ate before I came. I brought what you like to eat. When you are full, I will be full." Jiang Yunxian nodded seriously.

Chu Ning turned his eyes angrily, took the chopsticks impolitely and said, "I've been glib all day. In that case, I'm not polite!"

Although she said so, she was still very sweet in her heart. She knew that Jiang Yunxian, as the CEO of a multinational company, had no less busy work than her on weekdays, but she would still take some time to see her every day and bring some food.

Chu Ning was moved by this thought alone.

While eating, Chu Ning suddenly thought that she met Murong Bai when eating in the downstairs restaurant this noon. In addition, she met Yang Lele when shopping last time. She really couldn't help telling Jiang Yunxian her doubts.

"Yun Xian, how's Murong Bai doing recently?"

"Hmm?" Jiang Yunxian obviously looked up at her in surprise. He didn't expect Chu Ning to take the initiative to ask himself about Murong Bai. He was stunned and said strangely.

"She's just the same as usual. Who cares about her? It's just that you're so strange today and ask me about her?"

Chu Ning sighed and said frankly, "when I went shopping with Yang Lele two days ago, I accidentally met her, but she didn't seem to know me at all. I thought it was just a coincidence, but when I had dinner this noon, I met her again. She also looked at me like a stranger. Murong Bai's response and attitude really made me a little uneasy."

Jiang Yunxian rubbed her hair and whispered, "that's all. I thought something had happened. Don't worry about him. You don't have a good relationship with her. Why do you want her to say hello to you? Just think she doesn't exist."

"It's not whether I have a good relationship with her. I just always feel that the way she looks at me makes me feel a little uneasy." Chu Ning shook her head and frowned. She recalled that when she met Murong Bai twice, no matter how she looked, she always felt that something was wrong with Murong Bai.

In fact, it's not that she pays too much attention to Murong Bai, but Murong Bai used to be Jiang Yunxian's girlfriend. This alone makes her have to pay more attention to Murong Bai. Moreover, Murong Bai's family background and talent are much higher than Chu Ning.

Of course, these are not the most important. What Chu Ning really cares about at this moment is that although Jiang Yunxian's mother doesn't have a good relationship with her, she is like a mother and daughter with Murong Bai.

You know, if Chu Ning wants to be with Jiang Yunxian in the future, his mother must pass, but the current situation is too unfavorable to her.

Seeing that Chu Ning was a little serious, Jiang Yunxian took her seriously and comforted her: "well, don't think about these unimportant things. Heaven and earth are big, and eating is the biggest! If you don't eat again, the love night I bought for you will be cold!"

Jiang Yunxian's words also pulled Chu Ning's thoughts back. She nodded and hurriedly said, "you're right. It's still the most important to eat. Don't think about it."

Chu Ning hurriedly picked up the rice and fed it to Jiang Yunxian from time to time. The atmosphere between them was very sweet.

After eating, Jiang Yunxian sent Chu Ning back home and left.

Early the next morning, Chu Ning was bombed by more than a dozen missed calls from Yang Lele while still sleeping. She rubbed her bleary eyes, frowned and answered the phone with some displeasure.

As soon as she got through, Yang Lele screamed. Chu Ning couldn't help but take the phone away from her ear, and didn't hear what she said.

"Yang Lele! You're going to die. You woke me up when you called me so many early in the morning. I was still sleeping!"

Chu lemon some indignant holding the phone Tucao, the eyelids still remain open, she has not waken up, and feel that the sky is spinning, just want to make complaints about returning to the warm quilt.

Yang Lele, who was on the other side of the phone, did not expect to come to Chu Chu's Tucao. He didn't make complaints about it. He said, "no, I'm dying. You're dying! You feel like you're turning on the computer to see the news, about Murong Bai and your mother Jiang Yunxian!"

After that, Yang Lele hung up the phone like a little angry.

As soon as Yang Lele said that it was about Jiang Yunxian's mother, Chu Ning's heart immediately clicked. Just when she was sleepy, she came to her spirit. She believed that Yang Lele would not call her and bomb her in the morning for no reason. As expected, something happened.

She felt something wrong when she met Murong Bai yesterday. Sure enough, it was only the past night, and the news came out so soon.

Thinking about it, Chu Ning nervously turned on the computer. As soon as she turned on the computer, the headline bounced out, and the big italics Title immediately came into view: Murong Qianjin and Jiang Yunxian's mother were photographed to go to the coffee shop together, talking and laughing very closely.

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