Mrs. Jiang said these words with a confident and sure look. For a moment, she was blocked and couldn't say a word. The temperature under her eyes became colder and colder.

"The second point I want to say is that Yunxian will only and can only marry Murong Bai in the future, and you can only be regarded as a small episode before Yunxian's marriage. I hope you can know yourself. If you don't belong to your world, don't set foot forcibly, otherwise you will be hurt in the end."

Chu Ning's silence made her more disdainful and contemptuous in Mrs. Jiang's eyes. In her opinion, Chu Ning was just an ugly duckling who wanted to go to heaven and become a phoenix through Jiang Yunxian.

As a woman, she has seen so many funny and stupid women. When Mrs. Jiang was young, there were many similar women and Jiang Yunxian's father. They had no clear relationship. Finally, they were all settled by herself.

In her eyes, Chu Ning is attributed to that kind of women, but the object has become her son.

But Chu Ning at this moment was caught in Mrs. Jiang's incomprehensible world outlook for a moment. She couldn't understand it, and it was more difficult to express her inner silence in words. It turned out that in the eyes of Mrs. Jiang, a so-called "upper class society", marriage is such a thing full of interests and examination taste, and it is also an environment she Chu Ning can't integrate into.

She took a deep breath and adjusted her thoughts. Just now, she was pulled into a moment of meditation by Mrs. Jiang's remarks. At the moment, Chu Ning finally couldn't sit still. Although Mrs. Jiang was Jiang Yunxian's mother, she couldn't care so much.

"Mrs. Jiang, I don't know what arrangements you have for Yunxian's marriage. That's what you mean. At least I should respect Yunxian's meaning. Moreover, I never thought of stepping into the so-called your world. In my opinion, we all live in the same world. There is no difference. I don't know how you get the sense of superiority?"

Mrs. Jiang sneered, looked at Chu Ning with interest and said with a smile: "I didn't expect your willpower to be so firm. My words have reached this point. Can you continue to pester Yun Xian calmly?"

She sipped her coffee again. In Chu Ning's opinion, she was full of contempt. Although she felt that Mrs. Jiang might not like herself very much, after all, she looked much worse than Murong Bai, but she never thought that Mrs. Jiang was not as reasonable as she thought.

I really don't know how the mother of such values cultivated people like Yunxian!

Chu Ning couldn't help sighing. At this moment, she felt that she couldn't communicate with Mrs. Jiang in any language, and even felt very angry about her attitude. However, she was still Jiang Yunxian's mother anyway. If Chu Ning's relationship with her was too rigid, it would be absolutely no good for herself.

"Mrs. Jiang, I can understand your intention to be good for Yunxian, but I don't know why you use entanglement to describe the relationship between me and Yunxian. Yunxian and I have always been in love. As for Murong Bai, it's just his past. I'm not interested in the arrangement of your family. If Mrs. Jiang doesn't have anything else, I'll leave first!"

After these words, Chu Ning stood up and prepared to pay the bill and left. She knew very well that if she continued to argue with Mrs. Jiang, she was afraid that she could not unify her ideas for three days and nights, but would make their relationship worse.

Instead, she might as well take a step first to resolve this situation. After all, if Chu Ning wants to have a bright future with Jiang Yunxian, she must also hope to get Mrs. Jiang's blessing.

It was the so-called thirty-six stratagem. Just when Chu Ning was ready to leave, God didn't seem to care for her today. Before he could leave the chair, Mrs. Jiang stopped her first and said, "wait a minute!"

In desperation, Chu Ning had to smile and ask, "Mrs. Jiang, is there anything else?"

Mrs. Jiang looked up at her indifferently and seemed to sigh. She didn't know if Chu Ning was wrong. Then she saw that she took out a bank card from her bag and put it on the table.

"This is 50 million. If you don't think it's enough or you want other things such as an RV, we can discuss it again. I just hope you don't pester Yun Xian in the future. You and he are not people of the same world and can't last long."

Seeing that Mrs. Jiang was still moved by her good intentions, Chu Ning looked at the bank card on the table, listened to her words, couldn't help laughing, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Usually she thought she was only going to make complaints about the blood of her son leaving her son's blood. It would only appear in TV dramas and novels. On weekdays, she was always too fond of Yang Lele and Tucao.

Even though the 50 million yuan may have been earned by Chu Ning for a long time, in the face of such a situation, she not only didn't feel the slightest move, but also felt full of humiliation lingering in her heart.

At first, she only felt that Mrs. Jiang was dissatisfied because of her family background and value, but Chu Ning felt that her strength would be seen by Mrs. Jiang one day, but now it was obvious that Mrs. Jiang regarded her as a money worship woman who approached Jiang Yunxian for money.

Those words in front of Chu Ning can be regarded as Mrs. Jiang didn't know herself to bear it, but the bank card she put down is a complete insult to herself.

Seeing Chu Ning looking at the bank card, I didn't know what she was thinking. Mrs. Jiang frowned with disgust, paused and took out a card from her bag.

"This card has 20 million yuan. I didn't bring much money when I came out today. If you don't think it's enough, we can contact you later. How about Miss Chu? Can you agree to the terms I said?"

Now in Mrs. Jiang's eyes, Chu Ning is not only a greedy woman, but also a greedy label. This kind of woman resolutely enters the house.

This is just getting along with Yunxian. The lion has opened his mouth. If such a woman enters the Jiang family, there will be no trouble in the future.

At the thought of this, Mrs. Jiang felt that she was really making a quick decision. If it weren't for her regret in the future.

But all this is just Mrs. Jiang's imagination. The actual Chu Ning was already very disappointed with her just now. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jiang took out another bank card and humiliated her again and again.

"Oh! Mrs. Jiang, do you think you are a little too self righteous? Do you think everyone does things like you and only recognizes money? I repeat many times that Yunxian and I are happy with each other, not me pestering him. With this money, you'd better fund more charitable projects!"

Chu Ning looked at Mrs. Jiang coldly, picked up her bag indifferently and settled the account. Mrs. Jiang stood up angrily and said, "don't have too much appetite. I won't give you such a chance again! You can get money this time, and you won't get anything next."

Chu Ning, who was about to leave, stopped, turned and looked at Mrs. Jiang, who was a little excited. She said sarcastically, "you'd better take the money to see a psychologist." after that, she left without looking back.

The last sentence is naturally angry, but in the face of Mrs. Jiang's behavior and words, she is angry and sad, because there is another barrier between her and Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning came out of the cafe and went directly back to the studio. After Mrs. Jiang's trouble, her thoughts became more and more confused. She couldn't calm down in the studio, but the more so, the more she looked for a lot of work and kept busy.

In the evening, Jiang Yunxian sent her a message as usual to come over. If Chu Ning would happily agree, but now she feels very confused. At this moment, the last person she wants to see is Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning had to sigh and refused him for a reason. One day, it was OK. For several days, Chu Ning refused to meet Jiang Yunxian for various reasons.

After a few days, the fool could see that something must have happened. Chu Ning had never been like this before. Jiang Yunxian was more and more flustered. Today, he finished his work early and immediately drove to Chu Ning's apartment.

He can't wait any longer. No matter what happens, he can't bear it alone.

But it was getting dark. Chu Ning hadn't come back yet. Anxious Jiang Yunxian called her, but she couldn't get through. She could only walk back and forth like an ant on a hot pot.

Chu Ning at the other end forced herself to work overtime. Now, she walked forward with a dull look. Her brain was blank and wandering outside. It's just that the way home is too familiar, so distraction doesn't matter.

The mood is very complicated. Her mind these two days is full of the way Jiang Yunxian's mother humiliated her a few days ago. She is a person who respects her elders, not to mention Jiang Yunxian's mother, but

The arm was suddenly caught by someone. Chu Ning was surprised and interrupted the confused thoughts in his mind just now. I just wanted to look up and see who was so rash and impolite, but I looked into a pair of deep and worried eyes.

Chu Ning is a little dull. "How did you come back? How many phone calls did I make to you? Do you know?" seeing her figure, Jiang Yunxian's hanging heart was slightly put down. Then he thought of the anxiety that he had just made so many calls but no one answered, and couldn't help asking.

"I......" Chu Ning frowned and hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her bag. Only then did she find that her mobile phone had been powered off for a long time.

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