After all, I feel so tired of living with a lot of worries every day!

Action precedes the brain. When thinking, Chu Ning has taken out her mobile phone and sent a wechat to Yang Lele.

"Did you sleep?"

"Not yet" Yang Lele almost seconds back.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much. Come out tomorrow?" Yang Lele replied with "hypocrisy", but soon they decided on the time and place to go out tomorrow.

After everything was done, Chu Ning felt a little relaxed. Lying in her soft big bed, she suddenly felt satisfied and comfortable. Sleepiness gradually hit. When she was going to sleep again, Chu Ning seemed to see Jiang Yunxian's firm eyebrows and eyes and low words "always together..." with a sweet smile, Chu Ning finally couldn't resist sleepiness and fell asleep.


Chu Ning just stepped into the cafe, a strong smell of coffee beans came into her breath, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised a smile. This place is really easy to relax!

Chu Ning went in and looked around.

"Ningling, I'm here." Yang Lele waved his hand and shouted.

Looking in the direction of the sound, Chu Ning successfully saw Yang Lele. The smile on Chu Ning's face deepened a bit and walked to Yang Lele's position.

As soon as Chu Ning sat down, the waiter served a cup of coffee.

Subconsciously frowned, Chu Ning looked at Yang Lele.

"I ordered it for you, your favorite," said Yang Lele, sipping the coffee in the cup with a satisfied expression on his face.

Chu Ning's heart warmed and took a sip of coffee.

"Come on! What's the matter with calling me out?" Yang Lele put down his coffee and looked at Chu Ning.

Chu ningbai glanced at Yang Lele, "how do you feel that what you say seems that every time I look for you is to talk to you."

"Isn't it?" Yang Lele looked innocent.

Hearing the speech, Chu Ning choked. Well, if you want to come, it seems that there is nothing wrong with Yang Lele's words.

So Chu Ning straightened up and told Mrs. Jiang about asking her to leave Jiang Yunxian. When Chu Ning finished, Yang Lele's heart didn't mention how angry he was.

"The Jiang family is one of the best in Z city. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Jiang is such a person." Yang LeLe always says what she thinks. What she says is what Chu Ning thinks.

Chu Ning curled her lips. If Mrs. Jiang hadn't asked her out this time, she wouldn't have thought that Mrs. Jiang was such a person.

"What do you think I should do now?" Chu Ning asked.

Hearing the speech, Yang Lele fell into meditation. After a long time, Yang Lele looked at Chu Ning and said seriously, "I think the most important thing about this matter is Jiang Yunxian's attitude. You can't make a decision because of Mrs. Jiang. Jiang Yunxian also has the right to know about this matter." Yang Lele's tone was serious.

"Is that so?" Chu Ning murmured.

Chu Ning here is in a dilemma, and Shen Hanxi, who won't die if she doesn't do it on the other side, is also having a hard time at this time.

Shen Hanxi could hardly count how many times she had been humiliated by the palace sunny design.

Fang Yuhao held Gong Qingtian's shoulder. Yu Guang saw Shen Hanxi sitting on the ground and had no superfluous feelings.

Shen Hanxi now just wanted to find a hole to drill down. She got up quickly and wanted to run out. However, her high heels stepped on the corner of her skirt.

"Hiss." with a hiss, Shen Hanxi's skirt became two sections, revealing her slender legs.

Some wronged tears swirled in the eyes, and Fang Yuhao looked for help.

However, the latter's face was indifferent, as if he didn't know her.

Shen Hanxi seemed to be in the cellar, from body to heart.

She stood in the same place, the voices of the people around her became louder and louder, and her sight began to be blurred.

The last thing left was that she had to get out of here quickly.

He stumbled towards the door.

Gong Qingtian sneered and fought with me! It was a little tender. He turned around and said something to Fang Yuhao. They talked and laughed with the others present.

There was a cold wind outside. Shen Hanxi hugged his arm and wanted to get a trace of warmth. However, it didn't work at all.

Pedestrians on the road looked at Shen Hanxi with strange eyes.

The humiliation just now suddenly came to my mind.

"What are you looking at?" the tone was very fierce. Then he raised his head proudly and walked towards the front.

Sitting on the park bench, Shen Hanxi looked at the two children playing not far away and sighed. Now the palace sunny day obviously had the upper hand. She didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Shen Xiujuan's face flashed in her mind. She seemed to see a glimmer of hope and said to herself, "yes, she will definitely stand on my side." Shen Xiujuan used to help herself.

Thinking like this, Shen Hanxi got up and wanted to go to Fang's house.

Her whole body trembled slightly. She realized that her skirt was broken. She went to the nearby mall to buy a dress and put it on. Then she went to Fang's house.

Maybe it's because Gong Qingtian and Fang Yuhao are still outside. Shen Xiujuan is the only one in the Fang family.

When Shen Hanxi saw Shen Xiujuan, all her grievances suddenly appeared on her face, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Shen Xiujuan hugged Shen Hanxi. "What's the matter? She cried." after all, she is a relative and still cares about Shen Hanxi in her heart.

Shen Hanxi sucked his nose, "aunt, she is in the palace on a sunny day..."

Shen Xiujuan stopped talking. Originally, she wanted Fang Yuhao to marry Shen Hanxi. Who knows that Gong Sunny is back now. They also mean to get married. She also respects Fang Yuhao's choice, but it also hurt Shen Hanxi.

"Han Xi, it's my aunt. I'm sorry for you."

Shen Hanxi raised her eyes and looked at Shen Xiujuan. "Aunt, what do you mean by this?" she thought Shen Xiujuan would stand on her side, but now it seems

Shen Xiujuan lowered her head slightly and apologized, "my aunt knows that you are also devoted to Yuhao and have waited for Yuhao for so many years, but marriage can't be forced."

Shen Hanxi sat up straight, "aunt Gong, she doesn't love Yuhao at all on sunny days. Yuhao won't be happy with her. Only I, only I, is the most suitable for Yuhao."

Shen Xiujuan sighed, "Han Xi, this is not my has the final say, after all, Yu Hao is living."

"Aunt." Shen Hanxi was a little coquettish. He didn't say anything. The voice of Gong sunny came from outside, "did you have a good time tonight?"

Fang Yuhao said a faint "um", shoulder to shoulder with Gong Qingtian.

Gong Qingtian's smiling face changed immediately after seeing Shen Hanxi, "Why are you here?"

Shen Hanxi, relying on Shen Xiujuan, is now in the palace. It must be a sunny day. Therefore, she becomes proud and charming, "I'll come if I want."

Gong Qing smiled coldly, "you think it's your home. Come if you want?" she put her bag on the sofa and looked at Shen Hanxi with her hands holding her chest.

Shen Xiujuan saw them coming back, said a few words and left the living room.

Fang Yuhao didn't want to join their battle, so he went to the study to deal with his own affairs.

Shen Hanxi felt that he was in a helpless position, and his Qi field was weak.

"I warn you, don't come later!" Gong Qingtian sat down on the sofa like a hostess.

Shen Hanxi was unwilling. "Why, have you married Yu Hao?" there was a trace of pride in the corner of his mouth.

Gong Qingtian made a move and looked ugly.

Shen Hanxi sneered and continued, "I said you're still shameless. You started living together before you married Yu Hao. I don't know what others will say if it's spread!"

"We'll get married sooner or later."

"Oh? Really?" Shen Hanxi looked incredulous. "Yuhao won't marry you. I'm the best person for him."

Just after her words, Fang Yuhao came out of his study with a happy face, "on a sunny day, my studio can be built."

Gong Qingtian was also very happy, even some couldn't believe it, "really?"

"HMM." the happy two completely forgot Shen Hanxi who was still in the living room.

Shen Hanxi was a little embarrassed and coughed twice. They realized that Shen Hanxi was still there.

"You're still there. Ah! By the way, let me tell you something. We're getting married." it was agreed before that Fang Yuhao's studio was built and they'll get married.

Shen Hanxi was stunned and looked at Fang Yuhao.

Fang Yuhao didn't speak and was still immersed in the joy of happiness.

Gong Qing ordered to chase guests all over the world, "you can go."

The cold fingers gradually fell into the palm of his hand. Shen Hanxi looked at the palace sunny day with hatred and left the Fang family.

She walked aimlessly in the street alone.

However, the world is so small.

"Shen Hanxi?" Chu Ning really didn't mean to say hello to Shen Hanxi, but she saw two men following her. No matter how much she hated her, Chu Ning couldn't be indifferent.

Shen Hanxi returned to her senses. She saw Chu Ning, some of whom ran away. She directly came forward and grabbed Chu Ning's shoulder and shouted, "why, why do you all treat me like this?!"

Chu Ninggang wanted to get rid of Shen Hanxi's hand. A dark shadow around her had pulled Shen Hanxi away, and then fell into a warm arms, watching Shen Hanxi warily.

Chu Ning broke away from Jiang Yunxian's arms, "I'm fine."

Now, Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian are undoubtedly showing their love in her eyes, and their emotions are more excited, "why can you get happiness? Why?"

Chu Ning rubbed her temples and didn't want to talk nonsense with Shen Hanxi, "go back early." she reminded out of her inner kindness.

Then he turned to Jiang Yunxian, "let's go."

Shen Hanxi seemed to grasp the last straw, pulled Chu Ning's hand, nuzui, and finally said nothing and let go of her hand.

The more miserable Shen Hanxi's current situation is, the more moist the sunny days in the palace are.

Although the Fang family has money, Gong Qingtian has long known it.

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