The receptionist was a little embarrassed. "Sorry, you can't go in."

Chu Ning also understands that if anyone can enter a large company, it's not a mess. She just wanted to go out. Someone stopped her, "Miss Chu Ning?" the visitor was Jiang Yunxian's assistant. "Are you looking for President Jiang?"

Chu Ning nodded, "is he there?"

"President Jiang has just gone out. It seems that there is something urgent."

Chu Ning thanked her and went out of the company.

The sun was hot outside, steaming and baking the earth.

She took her mobile phone out of her bag and called Jiang Yunxian. It was turned off. She sighed slightly. She was disappointed. She called a taxi and went back to the studio.

Jiang Yunxian arrives at Chu Ning's apartment and runs to the sixth floor. However, Chu Ning is not there and returns to the company disappointed.

When the assistant saw him, he wanted to tell him that Chu Ning had come to him, but the other party said, "don't bother me." he slammed the door and stayed in the office.

Chu Ning's situation is similar. She stays in the office all afternoon.

Unknowingly, it was dark. Chu Ning came out of the studio a little late. He felt a slight pain at the thought of Jiang Yunxian.

She wandered around the studio and met an old lady sitting outside in the shade. She was very enthusiastic and told Chu Ning a lot of love stories with her wife when she was young.

Chu Ning glanced at the old lady and asked unconsciously, "where's your wife?"

The old man sighed, and Chu Ning immediately understood, "I'm sorry to mention your sadness."

"It's all right. Even if he's gone, he still seems to be by my side. People, you will meet many people in this life. It's rare to meet what you like, so don't let go and don't leave regrets."

Chu Ning was slightly stunned, quickly got up and was a little worried. "Grandma, I have something to talk to you next time. I'll go first."

Yes, she doesn't want to leave regrets. Anyway, she wants to hear his answer.

What Chu Ning didn't expect was that as soon as she came home, she saw Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian was deep in the sofa. When he heard the sound of opening the door, he was in a trance. He got up directly and opened the door. Before he could react, the figure rushed into his arms with a trace of fragrance.

"Chu Ning? You're back at last." Jiang Yunxian couldn't believe it until he felt his hands tight on his waist and hugged her tightly with a sense of reality.

Neither of them spoke and stood quietly at the door.

In the living room, Jiang Yunxian put a glass of juice in front of Chu Ning.

Chu Ning blushed slightly, blushing for her bold behavior just now. Take the juice and drink it. If she wants to work hard, if she drags on, she must flinch again.



speak with.

Jiang Yunxian smiled, "you say it first."

Chu Ning swallowed her saliva, and her heart pounded, as if to jump out of her chest. "Do you want to be with me?"

Jiang Yunxian's eyes moved. Unexpectedly, Chu Ning would ask this question. He was stunned.

However, in Chu Ning's eyes, he hesitated.

My fingers stirred and I suddenly felt a little impulsive. "I see, we..."

Before speaking, I felt a pair of warm big hands holding me in my arms. There was a familiar smell between my nose and breath. A low male voice sounded overhead, "I want to be with you. No matter how many people object, I still want to be with you."

Chu Ning smiled and fan hugged the person in front of him.

Suddenly thinking of something, she pushed Jiang Yunxian away, "but your mother won't let us together."

Jiang Yunxian was stunned and hugged the person in front of him again. "You don't have to worry about this problem. I'll solve it. You just have to stay by my side."

As soon as her heart was warm, Chu Ning increased her strength in her hand and held him tightly.

"Goo Goo." an awkward voice sounded in the empty room.

Chu Ning blushed and Jiang Yunxian smiled, "what do you want to eat?"

She suddenly looked up. "Do you cook yourself?"

Jiang Yunxian said with a proud look, "of course." he got up, took two steps out, thought about it, turned around, and took Chu Ning, who was still sitting on the sofa, to the kitchen. "Eat noodles, it's faster." he couldn't bear to starve her.

Chu Ning nodded and had no other opinion.

Jiang Yunxian rolled up his sleeves and put on his apron, and suddenly became a man at home.

Chu Ning stood by, quietly looking at the man under the lamp, and the warmth in her heart slowly dispersed.

Once, how she wished she could have a home, a warm home.

Later, she had a home. Unfortunately, it was not as warm as she imagined

Jiang Yunxian turned around and was about to talk to Chu Ning when he saw her in a daze. Reluctantly shook his head and walked in front of her. His cool fingers poked her forehead, "what do you think? Come and wash this for me."

The coolness on his forehead made Chu Ning suddenly return to his mind. He followed Jiang Yunxian to the sink. Jiang Yunxian commanded, "wash these."

Chu Ning nodded, fully cooperated, opened the water dragon and began to wash vegetables.

The warm light hit them

Chu Ning had nothing to do, so she stood in the kitchen and looked at the busy men and the gradually fragrant food. She always smiled at the corners of her mouth.

"Eat." Jiang Yunxian put the noodles in front of Chu Ning, with a hint of tension.

Chu Ning smelled it. Under Jiang Yunxian's expectant eyes, he put the noodles into his mouth, and the thick smell of chives spread quickly in his mouth

"How's it going? Is it delicious?"

Chu Ning raised her eyes indifferently and frowned slightly.

Jiang Yunxian was a little flustered, "isn't it delicious?"

The next second, Chu Ning couldn't help laughing, "I lied to you. This is the best noodles I've ever eaten."

Jiang Yunxian smiled. Chu Ning was willing to joke with him, which showed that she really opened her heart and became herself in front of him. "Well, eat more."

One eats and the other watches.

Chu Ning was a little uncomfortable. "Why don't you have some?"

Jiang Yunxian just wanted to shake his head, then nodded, directly picked up the chopsticks Chu Ning had eaten, tastefully ate a mouthful of noodles and commented, "well, it's very delicious."

Chu Ning's face turned red to his ears. Get the chopsticks again, stop and continue to eat.

Chu Ning finished the noodles and went into the kitchen with bowls and chopsticks. Jiang Yunxian followed him, "I'll come."

Chu Ning thought of something and joked, "forget it, you'll break the dishes and chopsticks again later." she was surprised, "you can't even wash the dishes and chopsticks. How can you make noodles?"

There was a trace of unnaturalness on Jiang Yunxian's face. "I can learn. Don't worry, I won't let you do housework in the future. We can hire a nanny."

Chu Ning's face became more red, and the topic turned a little faster. "Who's going to be with you?" he said, put down his dishes and chopsticks and went out of the kitchen.

Jiang Yunxian followed him out. "Don't you want to be with me?"

"No." Chu Ning was duplicity.

Jiang Yunxian walked to Chu Ning in two or three steps. He wanted to hold her from behind. Who knows, he accidentally kicked the foot of the chair and rushed directly at Chu Ning.

They both fell on the sofa and were deeply trapped in the sofa.

Jiang Yunxian put his hands on both sides of Chu Ning and looked deeply at the people under him.

Chu Ning breathed a little quickly and looked at Jiang Yunxian.

"Can you?" a voice with temptation sounded.

Chu Ning blushed and pushed away Jiang Yunxian with a voice like a mosquito. "Why do you ask me about this?"

Although the voice was very small, Jiang Yunxian heard it and raised his mouth slightly.

The next second, Chu Ning was empty. His subordinates consciously took Jiang Yunxian's neck and slightly lowered their heads. They didn't dare to look at him.

Jiang Yunxian strode to the bedroom and gently put the person on the bed. Just thinking of the next move, Chu Ning stopped, "can I take a bath first?"

Jiang Yunxian was stunned and got up. "Of course." he waited so long and didn't care for so few minutes.

He opened the drawer, took out a white shirt, a new towel and toothbrush, and put them in Chu Ning's hand.

Chu Ning didn't say a word and ran into the bathroom with these things.

The moment she closed the door, she breathed a sigh of relief. God knows how nervous she was, even though she was the man she loved.

She took a deep breath, which calmed her mood. She put water in the bathtub and prepared to take a bath.

About 30 minutes later, Jiang Yunxian sat on the bed, with eagle eyes, staring at the bathroom door as if to burn a hole in it.

He raised his hand again and looked at the time. He got up and knocked at the door. "What's the matter?"

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Chu Ning was startled. Her just recovered heartbeat began to speed up again. She hardened her scalp and answered, "it's all right."

Jiang Yunxian was still worried, "if you don't come out again, I'll take the key in."

"Ah, I'll be out soon." Chu Ning looked at herself in the mirror. Her wet hair and water drops from the tip of her hair disappeared in front of her chest from her neck to her clavicle. Her shirt was very short, just able to wrap her hips and slender legs

"Zhi." Chu Ning opened the door, like a child curious, and looked out to know where Jiang Yunxian was. Suddenly, a pair of deep eyes.

"Ah." Chu Ning was startled.

Jiang Yunxian leaned against the bathroom door and glanced at her carelessly.

Chu Ning paused, hardened her head and walked out slowly. She kept pulling her shirt to hide something.

Jiang Yunxian's eyes became a little turbid, his throat moved, stretched out his hand and pressed the woman next to him on the wall. Their bodies closely adhered to each other.

Between the breath, there is a faint smell of shower gel and someone's breath.

Chu Ning could feel the temperature from Jiang Yunxian through the thin cloth. His face turned red and he bowed his head and didn't dare to look at him.

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