With a bang, the fireworks went straight towards them.

Song Yimin subconsciously hugged Yang Lele's body and blocked in front.

At the police station, Yang Lele and song Yimin sat quietly.

"Why do you set off fireworks?" he said in a business tone.

Song Yimin sighed and answered something. Yang Lele couldn't hear it. Thanks to song Yimin, she entered the police station for the first time in her life.

They came out of the police station. It was already 10:30 p.m. and it was sparsely populated outside.

Yang Lele didn't want to say a word to song Yimin. He went directly to the side of the road and wanted to stop a taxi back to Chu Ning's apartment.

"Lele." Song Yimin looked like a child who had done something wrong. He bowed his head and dared not look at Yang Lele.

Yang Lele's mood had calmed down and suddenly became hot. "You're great. We almost died under the fireworks." she was angry because he didn't consider the consequences.

Song Yimin is also very oppressed. It was originally a very romantic thing. Who knows it has become like this.

Yang Lele shook off his hand. A taxi came this way, stopped, got in and left.

Chu ningben came to see it was late. Yang Lele had not come back yet. He wanted to call, but the doorbell rang. He thought it was Yang Lele coming back, "Lele, you..."

After seeing that it was Jiang Yunxian, he was slightly shocked, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Yunxian leaned in and pressed Chu Ning on the wall, as if he had endured it for a long time.

Bent over and blocked each other's red lips.

Chu Ning was afraid that Yang Lele would come back, pushing and blocking, "Lele should come back later."

"She shouldn't be back today."

Chu Ning wondered. Jiang Yunxian sighed and pulled her in. "Song Yimin apologized to Yang Lele. She won't come back. I can stay tonight."

Chu Ning smiled, put her arm around each other's neck, tiptoed slightly and sent her red lips.

Jiang Yunxian gently depicts the outline of his lips. His tongue slides into each other's mouth and twines.

Their breathing became rapid.

Chu Ning was glad that she was not dazzled by sugar coated shells. When she heard the sound of opening the door, she felt all over and pushed Jiang Yunxian away.

Jiang Yunxian frowned and looked at the woman in his arms who hadn't faded red.

Yang Lele entered the door. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yunxian was also there. He was depressed. "You are also there. You talk. I'll have a rest."

Jiang Yunxian sighed. On the one hand, he couldn't spend the night here today. On the other hand, song Yimin failed again.

Chu Ning didn't speak yet. Jiang Yunxian was very conscious, "I know." they were tired of being outside for a while, and he took the initiative to leave.

Chu Ning opened the door, the room didn't turn on the light, and a small piece bulged on the bed. "Lele?" she called tentatively.

Yang Lele said "HMM." Chu Ning went to the bed, opened the quilt and went to sleep, "what did you go out for just now?"

Yang Lele turned over and was facing Chu Ning. "You don't know, I'm going to be angry with song Yimin!" then she waved her hand, "forget it, I'll be angry if I don't say him."

"Well, don't talk about him, go to bed."

"What's going on?" Jiang Yunxian thought his plan was very good. Shouldn't they be hugging each other now?

Song Yimin rubbed his hair, which had become a chicken nest. "There was a little accident. Lele must hate me more now."

Jiang Yunxian looked helpless. "Otherwise, tell Chu Ning that she should have a way." he didn't want chu Ning to be involved in dumping them, but now it seems that he can't, not only for their long-term happiness, but also for Yang Lele and song Yimin.

Song Yimin slapped himself on the head. "Yes, I didn't expect that Chu Ning and LeLe were so good that she would be able to convince Lele." he said and got up.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yunxian glanced at Song Yimin who had stood up.

The other party naturally said, "look for Chu Ning."

"Now? Are you sure?" Jiang Yunxian raised his chin and motioned for him to look at his watch.

"Ah, it's so late." that's enough. Now go to find Chu Ningfeng.

Jiang Yunxian suddenly wanted to say that love makes people blind and idiot. That's about it.

She didn't sleep well last night. Yang Lele had a conflict with song Yimin, and she felt bad in her heart, but she knew that Yang Lele must love song Yimin, but she was making trouble now. After a while, she would be fine, but she was still angry for so long.

Thinking of this, she sighed. Xiao Li just came in to deliver the documents and sighed, "Jane, what's the matter?"

Chu Ning skillfully signed her name, "nothing." the mobile phone on the table buzzed twice. Chu Ning answered the phone, and Xiao Li stepped back.


"Chu Ning, you must help me this time." Song Yimin's pathetic voice came.

"How can I help you?" although she also wants to help.

The other party was stunned for a few seconds. "If I knew, I wouldn't have to ask you for help."

"I see. I'll try my best, but what did you do to annoy Yang Lele?"

Song Yimin told Chu Ning everything that had happened before.

After hearing this, Chu Ning understood, "you deserve to be happy to be angry with you."

Song Yimin heard Chu Ning say so and blurted out, "why?"

"Which woman can tolerate the relationship between the person she likes and other women, although nothing has happened, and you are good at romance, can you choose a normal one?"

Song Yimin was wronged, "what your man thought."

Chu Ning stopped talking smoothly and hung up. Will Jiang Yunxian do such a thing?

After thinking about it, she trembled, sorted out her thoughts and began to work.

Before leaving work, Chu Ning calls song Yimin and asks him to go to a cafe. Although song Yimin doesn't know why, he always thinks it's right to listen to Chu Ning.

Chu Ning returns to her apartment. Yang Lele has prepared dinner. She looks at Yang Lele for several times and seems to have something to say.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Ning hesitated, "I saw it when I came back just now, see..."

"What do you see?" Yang Lele said carelessly.

"Song Yimin is in the cafe."

Yang Lele's hand movement paused, "what does it have to do with me?"

Chu Ning put down her chopsticks. "Lele, the cold war should have a degree, right? If you keep being so cold, song Yimin might run away with others."

"He won't." it was completely firm.

"Yes, he may not. It doesn't mean that others won't, right? After all, he's handsome and rich. Who doesn't envy."

Yang Lele thought about it and felt that Chu Ning was right, but asked her to take the initiative to go back to song Yimin. She always felt that she couldn't afford to lose face.

Suddenly remembered what Chu Ning had just said, "what is song Yimin doing in the cafe?"

Chu Ning didn't answer her, but took her directly to song Yimin's Cafe.

They sat down at a table close to song Yimin. Yang Lele lowered his voice, "what are you bringing me here for?"

Chu Ning made a hissing gesture and pointed to song Yimin's table.

Song Yimin sat alone, the coffee in front of him steaming.

After a while, a woman in a red skirt walked to song Yimin, "handsome boy, is there anyone here?"

Song Yimin frowned slightly. He didn't know what Chu Ning was doing when he came here. Now there are women chatting up, and he was more upset.

He glanced around and found that there seemed to be no vacancy, so he nodded.

The woman sat down and looked at Song Yimin without hesitation.

"You see, that woman is obviously interested in Song Yimin." Chu Ning added.

Yang Lele was angry, but his face did not change. He stared at the two people not far away. Because they were close, they could hear them clearly at their table.

"Handsome boy, do you have a girlfriend?"


Women don't care, "if there are some, they will break up."

"Who said that!"

Song Yimin was surprised and looked at the sudden emergence of Yang Lele, "Lele."

Yang Lele said angrily, "I'm his girlfriend. What, do you think we'll break up?"

The woman smiled without saying anything, got up, took her bag and left.


Yang Lele's hands are on his hips. "You're flirting outside when I'm not here."

Song Yimin was innocent, "I absolutely don't. I only love you."

Yang Lele was a little angry. Maybe he realized that song Yimin was very popular!

"Lele, are you not angry with me?"

Yang Lele nodded, "no, but next time, let me know what you have with other women. I won't pay attention to you all my life."

Song Yimin smiled, raised his hand and swore, "I promise, stay away from women in the future." he said, holding Yang Lele's hand, soft.

Yang Lele said, "well," let's go and go back. "

The three go back together.

In the car, Chu Ning sat in the back seat. The two in front showed their love without taboo. They didn't look like the two who had just quarreled.

Yang Lele packed up his things and was ready to move back to live with song Yimin. "Chu Ning, thank you."

"Why do you say this? Aren't we good friends?"

Yang Lele nodded, lowered his voice and approached Chu Ning's ear, "I'm gone, so you can love your man."

Chu Ning blushed. She knew it all.

"I'm leaving."

Song Yimin takes Yang Lele's things, takes a grateful look at Chu Ning, and they leave the apartment.

Yang Lele has been here for so many days. Chu Ning is used to their life. Now the house is quiet, but she is not used to it.

Lying on the sofa, I turned on the mobile phone music, and the light music flowed in the living room.

Suddenly someone rang the doorbell outside. She thought Yang Lele had forgotten something.

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