Chu Ning murmured something and fell asleep in Jiang Yunxian's arms.

Chu Ning woke up refreshed and felt the warm hands on her abdomen. Her heart was also warm. She turned slightly and was facing Jiang Yunxian.

Men have short hair, a tall nose and slightly pursed lips.

Unconsciously stretched out his hand, depicting the outline of a man.

Suddenly, the latter quickly took her dishonest hand, "does it still hurt?"

Chu Ning blushed, didn't speak, just shook her head.

"Do you want to see a doctor?" seeing how badly she hurt, his heart was tightly clenched.

Because this kind of thing still goes to the hospital, Chu Ning always feels funny, "No."

Jiang Yunxian lifted off her broken hair on her forehead, "go to sleep again."

"I want to get up." Chu Ning got up and ran into the bathroom. Jiang Yunxian got up with him.

After dinner, they sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Chu Ning saw half of it, got up and went to the refrigerator to get two ice creams, and gave one to Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian frowned and grabbed the ice cream in the woman's hand. "You're not allowed to eat."

Chu Ning said, "why?"

"Just can't eat." he saw on the Internet yesterday that women can't eat cold things and some spicy food when they have menstruation.

Chu Ning is unhappy. She misses her toes and wants to grab the ice cream in Jiang Yunxian's hand.

The latter relied on his height advantage and straightened his hand. Chu Ning couldn't touch it.

After several attempts, Chu Ning simply gave up, sat down on the sofa and took a look at Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian took a bite of each ice cream, as if he was afraid of eating Chu Ning again.

Chu Ning was so bored that she didn't want to watch Jiang Yunxian any more. She couldn't even watch TV. She just got up, went back to her room, took a book and sat on the bed looking very happy.

Jiang Yunxian threw the ice cream into the trash can, entered the room, sat down beside her, Chu Ning moved, trying not to be next to him.

Jiang Yunxian leaned over and held her.

Chu Ning just wanted to break away from the man's hand. When her mobile phone rang, she didn't care about the former and answered the phone.


"Where are you? Come out and play." Song Yimin can't accompany her because the company has something to do. She's bored to death alone.

"Well, come out right away." Chu Ning hung up and got ready to get up.

"Where are you going?"

"Lele let me go out."

Jiang Yunxian's eyes paused. "Can I go?" he looked pathetic, like a pet that can't be spoiled.

"No." Chu Ning pushed away Jiang Yunxian's close head, got out of bed and changed his clothes.

Before she left, Jiang Yunxian specially asked, "no ice cream, no cold drinks."

Chu Ning's flat mouth didn't take it to heart.

The two met at the milk tea shop.

Chu Ning was stuffy. Yang Lele asked, "what's the matter? Unhappy?"

Chu Ning told Yang Lele what happened this morning. Yang Lele smiled. Even a person as nervous as she knew what Jiang Yunxian meant. "People are for you. They don't know to take care of themselves during menstruation."

Chu Ning was slightly stunned. Every time she didn't have dysmenorrhea, she would forget about her menstruation. So, it was all for her? It's warm in my heart.


Chu Ning's smile magnified at the corner of her mouth, "HMM."

Holding hands, they went to the nearest bus stop and were ready to go shopping.

The bus didn't come, but Fang Yuhao waited for it.

Fang Yuhao parked his car next to the bus stop and said, "where are you going? I'll see you off." although it doesn't matter, they can't ignore it.

Yang Lele's eyes wander. Gong Qingtian wants to seduce Jiang Yunxian. The most hateful thing is to seduce song Yimin. How can she swallow this tone. "Fang Yuhao, you don't know."

Fang Yuhao was confused and didn't understand what Yang Lele meant.

Chu Ning glanced at Yang Lele and suddenly understood what she wanted to do. She pulled her clothes and lowered her voice, "Lele, forget it."

Yang Lele shook his head. "If you don't avenge this, you're not a gentleman." then he turned to Fang Yuhao, "your favorite palace sunny doesn't love you at all. You foolishly regard her as a treasure."

"What are you talking about?" Fang Yuhao was a little angry.

Yang Lele seemed to speak carelessly, "Gong Qingtian is not as beautiful as you think. She doesn't hesitate to seduce Jiang Yunxian and song Yimin for her glory and wealth."

Fang Yuhao paused and got out of the car. "Don't talk nonsense. I also have my own company. If they can, I can give it!"

Yang Lele sneered, "can you compare with Jiang Yunxian and song Yimin?"

Fang Yuhao was stunned and was speechless for a moment. Then he returned to God, "what evidence do you have?" he always didn't believe that Gong Qingtian must love him, nor was she the vain woman Yang Lele said.

"Still don't believe it?" Yang Lele tried to take out his mobile phone. Before, Gouzi accidentally took photos of song Yimin and Gong Qingtian, and she bought them at a high price.

Chu Ning pulls Yang Lele, "forget it." now, she and Jiang Yunxian, Yang Lele and song Yimin are very good. Fang Yuhao and Gong Qingtian are really in love, and there is no need to get involved in this matter.

"How can you forget it? Gong Qingtian has repeatedly asked you for trouble. This time, take a good breath."

Chu Ning just wanted to calm things down now. "Forget it, let's go." she said, holding Yang Lele ready to leave.

Yang Lele finally advised Fang Yuhao, "don't be cheated by the appearance of Gong Qingtian!"

Fang Yuhao stood where he was. Although he believed that the palace was sunny, he was more or less affected.

After a long time, he got in and left.

There was no one at the bus stop. Suddenly, a woman came out from behind.

She whispered, "it's sunny in the palace. I'll see how you explain this time!"

"Why don't you let me expose the sunny days in the palace?" Yang Lele thought it was a pity.

"I think we're fine now. We don't want any more trouble."

Yang Lele sighed and said helplessly, "you are so kind, so everyone likes to bully you."

Chu Ning held Yang Lele's hand tightly, "don't bully me."

They smiled at each other and walked into the mall.

Jiang Yunxian lay on the sofa, tossing and turning, and his eyes remained at the door.

Then he got up, changed his clothes and went out.

Chu Ning and Yang Lele strolled in the mall for a while, and they stayed in a clothing store all the time.

Chu Ning tried on a light green cheongsam.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Yang Lele praised, "it's wearing out the charm of Chinese classical beauty."

The clerk nearby also praised, "Miss, this is very suitable for you."

Chu Ning looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheongsam was just the size, wrapped in a concave convex body, and lined with white skin.

Chu Ning hesitated. Just now when she was changing this dress, she took a look at the price. Well, it can only be said that it was expensive. Besides, she bought this dress and usually had little chance to wear it. After thinking about it, she'd better give it up. "

Chu Ning went into the fitting room and changed his cheongsam.

"No? You look good in it."

Chu Ning shook her head. "Let's go." they left the clothing store.

"Wrap the cheongsam that the lady tried on just now." the man took out the card from his wallet.

"Why don't you wear that cheongsam? It's really nice to wear." Yang Lele still feels a pity. It's very suitable.

"I can't wear cheongsam on any occasion."

Yang Lele couldn't resist Chu Ning, so he didn't say anything.

They parted ways and went home.

Chu Ning opens the door. The living room doesn't turn on the light. She is a little confused. She doesn't know where Jiang Yunxian has gone.

She used to go home and change her clothes, so she opened the bedroom door, "ah."

She covered her mouth and looked at the light green cheongsam under the light. Tears swirled in her eyes.

Suddenly, the back pasted on the warm chest, and the unique low male voice sounded, "do you like it?"

"You..." Chu Ning didn't speak any more and smiled, "like." turned around and put his arm around Jiang Yunxian's neck.


Chu Ning took her clothes to the bathroom, put on her cheongsam and went back to her bedroom.

Jiang Yunxian, who is looking at the schedule of tomorrow's haircut on his mobile phone, looks up slightly and can't bear to move his eyes anymore.

Under the lamp, a woman's long hair is casually draped over her shoulders, and there is a blush on her face, which makes a woman look more attractive.

Jiang Yunxian got up and surrounded Chu Ning, breathing a little fast.

Everything happened so naturally

After making up with song Yimin, Yang Lele began to go to school and work normally.

However, what she didn't expect was that Shen Hanxi came back to find her.

The woman picked up the coffee in front of her, took a sip, and came straight to the point, "give me the photos you secretly took before Gong sunny day to seduce song Yimin." it was completely a request.

Yang Lele was slightly stunned. How did she know?

She hated Gong sunny days. She didn't mind giving the photos to Shen Hanxi. Who knows her tone, "why should I give them to you?"

"You..." Shen Hanxi smiled, "don't you want to help Chu Ning take revenge?"

"It's none of your business. In my eyes, you are no different from Gong Qingtian. You can't be trusted."

Shen Hanxi couldn't sit still. "Our purpose is the same. We all hope that the palace will get due retribution on a sunny day."

Yang Lele raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Really?" he kept calm just now.

"How can you give me the picture?"

Yang Lele smiled, "impossible." he got up and went out of the cafe.

Shen Hanxi is angry, but there is no way. Now she can only put the palace together on a sunny day if she gets the photos.

What Yang Lele didn't expect was that Shen Hanxi really didn't give up. When she saw her at the door after work, she was slightly shocked, but ignored it.

Shen Hanxi grabbed Yang Lele's way, "how do you want to give me the picture?"

Yang Lele raised his eyebrows and seemed to think seriously. "How about giving money?" he was completely joking.

Who knows, Shen Hanxi took it seriously, "OK, how much do you want?"

Yang Lele was stunned. "No matter how you say it, you'll have to pay 200000."

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