Jiang Yunxian looked attentively at the road ahead. His eyes suddenly stopped at the co pilot. This position can only be Chu Ning's. although she may never take his car again, she still wanted to leave it to her.

What Jiang Yunxian didn't expect was that he thought Chu Ning might not take his car in the future. He didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

After work that day, Jiang Yunxian unknowingly drove outside Chu Ning's studio. When he was ready to leave, he saw a familiar figure coming out of the studio. She walked to the bus stop and sat down.

Jiang Yunxian looked at his car, then got out of the car, moved all the things in the trunk to the back seat, and determined that there was no place to sit down. He slowly drove the car to Chu Ning.

"Doodle doodle!"

With a series of car sounds, someone who is playing with his mobile phone with his head down just feels very noisy. He just wanted to say whose car doesn't go up when it comes, disturbing the residents!

She felt a strong look, forcing her to lift her eyes and look at the man.

"Get on the bus." Chu Ning looked around to make sure he was talking to himself, "no, the bus will come later."

Jiang Yunxian rolled down the window again. "Can't even make friends?"

Chu Ning was stunned and got up. She wanted to open the back seat and sit in. She found that the back seat was full of things. She had no choice but to open the front passenger's door and sit in.

Chu Ning was forced to sit. He didn't think they could sit together at such a quiet distance.

"Fasten your seat belt." the man's reminder sounded nearby.

Chu Ning reacted and fastened her seat belt.

I have to say, only in front of him, she would be so flustered.

"Where do you live now?"

Chu Ning paused and didn't intend to say it.

Jiang Yunxian smiled, "otherwise how can I send you back?"

Chu Ning covered half of her face and wanted to die. She knew the address in the newspaper. She stopped talking and said more wrong!

Jiang Yunxian didn't ask her any more. He seemed to be driving very seriously.

Chu Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and her tight body relaxed a lot.

"Why didn't he pick you up? How dangerous it is for women to go back at night." there was an unknown reproach in his tone.

"Well, he's busy today. I told him not to come."

Next, they didn't say a word.

The car stopped outside the house and Jiang Yunxian got off.

"Thank you for bringing me back today. I'll invite you to dinner another day." Chu Ning was just polite.

Who knows, Jiang Yunxian answered very seriously, "OK."

Chu Ning was stunned and pointed to the house. "Then I'll go first. You, drive carefully." she turned around.

"Chu Ning, don't you invite me in?"

Chu Ning shows a look of embarrassment. What she thinks is that Chu Nian must be at home now. If Jiang Yunxian sees it

Jiang Yunxian misunderstood and thought it belonged to Chu Ning and Eric, so

"I see. It's all right. I'll go first." Jiang Yunxian turned and got into the car.

Chu Ning didn't stay outside much and entered the house.

"I just saw a man send you back." Chu Nian's words just fell. Chu LAN, Xiao Li, Chu's mother, Chu's father, including Eric, everyone looked at her with complex eyes.

"Who is it?" asked Chu's mother.

Chu Ning rubbed Chu Nian's head, "I met a friend I knew before and sent me back. It's nothing."

"Hey!" a collective sigh expressed regret, except Eric.

Chu Ning had dinner and took Chu Nian out for a walk.

Yang Lele called, "Chu Ning, shall we come to your house tomorrow weekend?"

"Yes." Chu Ning certainly would.

"I've made up my mind. Let's have a barbecue tomorrow."

Chu Ning casually kicked the stones on the ground, "I can."

When he lowered his eyes, he just saw Chu Nian, "ask an an, do you want to say something to Nian Nian?"

This time back, they haven't met yet!

Then Chu Ning heard Yang Lele's voice calling song Zian, and then a waxy female voice sounded, "read brother."

Chu Ning puts her mobile phone beside Chu Nian's ear. Chu Nian is evasive.

"Stand up, Ann is talking to you."

Chu Nian did not move, listening to what was said on the phone.

For a long time, Chu Ning was tired of lifting her mobile phone, but she didn't hear a word. Chu Nian said, "I've hung up." she hung up the phone. I don't know why ANN has been talking for so long alone?

The next day, Chu Ning was awakened by the sound of the doorbell before she got up. She went downstairs to open the door because she couldn't bear to kill the people outside the door.

Yang Lele stood outside the door spiritedly, as well as song Yimin and song Zian.

"Aunt hasn't got up yet." Ann's milk voice sounded.

In the laughter, Chu Ning rubbed her hair awkwardly and asked them to come in. "You can take it as your own home. I'll wash and change my clothes first." she went upstairs.

Yang Lele visited everywhere and really regarded it as his home. He took care of himself and set up a barbecue rack in the yard outside. Song Yimin helped, while an an made trouble.


"An an, look at what you did!" Yang Lele looked at the chili powder on the ground and was angry.

Song Zian bowed his head and dared not look at Yang Lele. Song Yimin looked nearby and couldn't help coming forward, "Lele, or..."

"I'm educating her." Yang Lele doesn't give her any face.

Ann stood for a while, took the initiative to come to Yang Lele's side, carefully pulled her clothes, "Mom, I know I'm wrong, I won't be in the future."


Ann nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Yang Lele kissed her face with satisfaction. "This is my mother's good baby. Go and play by yourself." she got up and continued to work.

Song Yimin laughed. He spoiled his daughter as soon as she was born. Yang LeLe always said that he should learn from her.

He made a great gesture, and Yang Lele smiled proudly, "don't look who I am."

When he found that there was no wire on the table, Yang Lele put down a sentence, "I'll get the wire." he entered the house.

Then a scream came from inside the house, "ah."

When song Yimin heard the sound, he threw down his hand and ran straight inside.

Chu Ning was also frightened upstairs and hurried downstairs.

The whole house has been startled out.

"What's the matter?" Song Yimin nervously looked at his little woman and found that her eyes rested on the man with bread in front of her, and couldn't help frowning.

"Who are you?" Yang Lele pointed to Eric. "Why are you here?!"

Eric is sure that Yang Lele refers to himself and that he doesn't know the woman in front of him. "Then who are you?"

Chu Ning hurried downstairs. "It's my fault. I forgot to introduce you. This is my good friend in America, Eric."

"Eric?" Yang Lele repeated excitedly, looking at Chu Ning, the fake married Eric?

Chu Ning nodded. Yang Lele looked at Eric again with a different look. "Hello."

Eric looked at the different women, stunned and stretched out his hand, "hello."

Yang Lele whispered in Chu Ning, "you look so handsome!"

"What are you talking about?" Eric asked.

Chu Ning smiled awkwardly. "She asked me where the kitchen is. Help yourself. I'll take her there."

They went into the kitchen together.

"I think Eric is OK." this is Yang Lele's initial feeling.

Chu Ning had a headache. "Why are you like this?"

Hearing that there were others, Yang Lele asked excitedly, "who else said that?"

"My mother." Chu Ning was not angry. "Just tell me this. Don't let him hear it."

They just walked out of the room.

Because there were so many people eating at noon, there was not enough food at home, so Chu Ning had to go out and buy it, plus a coolie Eric.

They soon bought ingredients from the supermarket and helped do something else.

Eric made their small mixed dishes. He was afraid of bad taste, so he tried chuning. "Tell me what's missing after you eat."

Chu Ning nodded and turned to look for chopsticks. Eric stopped her, "don't be so troublesome."

Eric grabbed a little from the bowl with his hand with a plastic bag and sent it directly to Chu Ning's mouth.

Chu Ning was stunned and opened her mouth to catch it.

She could feel the temperature of his hand across the plastic pocket and blushed.

I've forgotten all about the smell in my mouth.

"How's it going?"

"It's delicious." Chu Ning was perfunctory.

Standing not far away, Yang Lele and song Yimin saw this scene and made two noises.

"I think this Eric is very good. It's also good for Chu Ning, don't you think?"

No one answered. Yang Lele touched song Yimin, "I ask you something!"

"Not necessarily." Song Yimin always stood on Jiang Yunxian's side.

Yang Lele "cut" and continued to be busy with his own affairs.

After serializing everything, there is only the step of baking.

Chu Ning found two stools, put them down next to the grill, sat down, put the grill on the shelf and began to bake.

Eric sat down beside her. "Let me help you."

"It's all right. Go and play with them." Chu Ning looked at several people playing cards not far away.

"It's all right, I won't," said Eric. Eric took some barbecues in Chu Ning's hand and put them in front of him. While oiling, he was very skilled.

"Have you ever had a barbecue before?"

Eric shook his head. "No, for the first time, why do you ask?"

"You look very skilled. I thought you had learned it before."

Eric picked up the barbecue and turned it over. "It's very simple. You'll see it a few times."

With Eric's help, the barbecue was soon finished, and they sat together.

"Come on, let's have a drink, except you two." Yang Lele looked at Chu Nian and song Zian.

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