So she blurted out, "read, mom's water cup seems to have fallen inside. Would you help mom get it?"

Chu Nian looks at Chu Ning's face seriously, as if she is judging whether it is true or not. Chu Ning stops breathing for fear that Chu Nian will see something.

Chu Ning was relieved until Chu Nian said OK and turned into the school. However, the next second, the familiar male voice sounded, "Chu Ning."

The relaxed body suddenly tightened up again and nodded slightly with the other party.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Yunxian looked at it. It was the kindergarten, and then laughed at himself. "Sorry, I forgot you have a child." his expression was very sad. In the past, she wanted to have a child with Chu Ning so much, but it didn't come true.

"Well, I'll pick up my son." Chu Ning just wants to send Jiang Yunxian away quickly. If Chu reads it out, it's bad.

Jiang Yunxian didn't want to go. He wanted to see Chu Ning's children, even though they were her and others' children.

Chu Ning stood tormented and saw that Jiang Yunxian didn't go. She couldn't find any reason to let others go.

When Chu Ning was in trouble, Eric suddenly appeared beside her and held her shoulder intimately.

Chu Ning subconsciously moved and wanted to keep a distance from him. He saw Eric close to her and said in a voice that only two people could hear, "do you want him to see something?"

Chu Ning looked up slightly and found that Jiang Yunxian seemed to be looking at them. However, he had to let Eric hold his shoulder.

The dialogue between the two of them seemed to Jiang Yunxian to be an act of intimacy, and their hearts were pierced.

Eric smiled. "What a coincidence, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Yunxian nodded slightly and didn't want to stay any longer. "Sorry, I have something else to do, so I'll go first." he turned and walked away.

Seeing Jiang Yunxian gone, Chu Ning moved her shoulder and freed herself from Eric's hands. "Thank you just now." she found that she had been really bothering Eric recently, "and today's things, thank you. I'm very happy today."

Eric naturally put his hand into his pocket. "You and I don't have to be so polite. I'm happy to be happy." he looked around and found that Chu Nian wasn't there.

Chu Ning saw his doubts and explained, "read and turn back."

Just after saying that, Chu Nian came out with an unhappy face, "you lied to me."

Chu Ning showed an embarrassed look. "I'm sorry, Niannian. I forgot. The quilt was put in the car and let you go in vain."

Chu Nian snorted and walked ahead. Chu Ning followed up. Eric and Chu Ning stood side by side.

When they got home, they found that there seemed to be something wrong with the atmosphere at home. It was very depressing. They couldn't help shaking people's heart. They had a hunch that something bad was going to happen.

Chu LAN sat in the living room, as if she had lost her soul.

Chu Ning put down her bag and sat down beside Chu LAN. "What's the matter? Where are your parents?"

Chu LAN raised her eyes and looked at Chu Ning. She didn't speak.

Chu Ning was worried, "just tell me what you want.

"Mom and Xiao Li went to the hospital. Since this morning, Xiao Li has been vomiting and has a bad appetite. I'm worried about whether she's ill."

Chu Ning was stunned. This symptom

Then he smiled and patted Chu LAN on the shoulder, "you may be a father."

"Ah?" Chu LAN didn't think in that direction at all. He thought he was ill.

He was stunned and couldn't believe looking at Chu Ning, "I really want to be a father?"

Chu Ning nodded, "you think, you can't eat and vomit. Isn't this a symptom of pregnancy? If there's no accident, you'll be a father."

Eric came in with Chu Nian from outside and heard what he wanted to be a father. He couldn't help asking, "who wants to be a father?"

Chu LAN laughed at the news for a while. The legendary happiness came too suddenly, "I, I'm going to be a father." he was very happy, like a child.


Chu LAN kept excited, walked back and forth in the living room and called Xiao Li many times, but no one answered.

Chu Nian asked Chu Ning, "my uncle is going to be a father. Am I going to have a brother and sister?"

Although the seniority is not so called, Chu Ning thought about it, which is almost the same meaning, so she nodded. She thought Chu Nian wanted to have a brother or sister very much. As a result, she didn't expect the other party to frown when she nodded, "I hate children. I have to cry and make trouble again. It's annoying."

Chu Ning almost didn't push him away. She felt like an adult now. She shook her head, "play by yourself and I'll cook." because Chu's mother and Xiao Li were not in, there was only one servant at home, so she was busy cooking dinner.

Chu Nian waved his hand generously, "go."

"Cha." Chu Ning withdrew from the room.

Chu Ning was preparing something in the kitchen when she heard the sound outside. It was Xiao Li and Chu's mother who came back.

Chu LAN rushed out first, excitedly pulled Xiao Li and asked, "is she pregnant?"

Xiao Li's face was still a little pale. When he heard this and looked at his happy expression, he suddenly didn't want to tell him the truth.

Seeing that Xiao Li didn't speak, Chu LAN seemed to realize something and looked at his mother, "isn't Xiao Li pregnant?"

Chu's mother shook her head, "I ate something bad and didn't get pregnant."

Chu Lan was very disappointed. Immediately, he seemed to be comforting Xiao Li and himself. "It's okay. We are so young and will be pregnant. It's just a matter of time."

Xiao Li nodded slightly, "I'm a little uncomfortable and want to have a rest." then she bypassed Chu LAN and went upstairs.

The living room was quiet and no one spoke.

At dinner in the evening, Chu Ning went to ask Xiao Li to come down for dinner. The other party just said he didn't want to eat and continued to lie in bed.

At dinner, the atmosphere was very depressed. Chu LAN didn't take two bites. He also put down his chopsticks and went upstairs.

Chu LAN pushed open the door of the room and walked in lightly.

Xiao Li heard the voice and thought it was Chu Ning coming in. "I really don't want to eat and want to rest."

The next second, she felt one side of the bed sink, and she was taken into a familiar embrace. A stuffy voice sounded overhead, "we will have our own children."

Xiao Li turned and was facing Chu LAN. She held him tightly and put her head on his chest, "I'm sorry."

Chu Lan was distressed and kissed her head gently. "Fool, why do you say I'm sorry? You're not wrong."

"You want children so much, but I can't conceive them all the time. I'm really useless."

"Shh, stop talking. Let's lie down for a while." Chu LAN tried to calm her down. In fact, she also calmed down and didn't say anything more.

"Listen, this matter has nothing to do with you. We will continue to work hard and be pregnant with children. You don't have to think about anything, okay?"

Xiao Li nodded. She was glad she met him.

The days are still going on. Chu Ning hasn't been home for several days because of her work. This matter has been protested by Chu Nian, as well as by Chu's father and mother.

Chu's mother saw that Chu Ning worked very hard, so she cooked some dishes and sent them to Chu Ning's studio.

"Mom, why are you here?" Chu Ning was surprised.

Chu's mother looked at Chu Ning's haggard face and was distressed. "Look at you, you haven't eaten well, haven't slept well, you're thin again, and the dark circles under your eyes are so heavy."

Chu Ning's heart was warm. "Mom, I'm fine. Just be busy for a while. How about Niannian?" speaking of Chu Nian, she was very guilty and didn't accompany him well.

"Everything is very good. Eric accompanies him every day. However, he always talks about you. Go back and have a look when you are free. Work is really important, but it's important to think about and your body."

"I see, mom."

Chu's mother gave Chu Ning the heat preservation bucket. "I made some dishes you like to eat. Eat them while it's hot."

"Thank you, mom."

After Chu Ning sent Chu's mother away, she continued to work. Yu Guang saw the heat preservation bucket, smiled, put down her hands, opened the heat preservation bucket, the smell of the food floated out, took out the dishes one by one, put them on the table and had a good meal.

"Knock knock."

Chu Ning is cleaning up the mess, "come in."

"Jane, this is the invitation to the charity party hosted by President Wang this evening." the secretary put the invitation on the table.

"I see." maybe it's because lemon studio has developed rapidly recently. Chu Ning has been invited to many such parties.

The secretary put down the invitation and went out.

Chu Ning looked at the invitation in a daze. Who should she choose to go with her?

Girls are unlikely. On that occasion, we must find a man.

On reflection, Chu Ning gets up, opens the office door and goes out.

Other people were surprised that Jane, who was usually very busy, was free to inspect their work today.

Although Chu Ning is very close to her at ordinary times, everyone is afraid of losing their job, so they work hard.

Chu Ning wandered around outside and looked at all the male compatriots in her studio. Her appearance is high, but it's not suitable after all.

On reflection, she chose one of them.

"Xiao Lin, are you free tonight?"

Kobayashi, who was called Kobayashi, was startled and looked at his boss in horror. "I'm still dating my girlfriend tonight."


Kobayashi suddenly changed his words, "but if you have anything to tell me, I will finish it up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire."

Chu Ning patted him on the shoulder with appreciation. "Good. There will be a charity party tonight. You can go with me."

"Ah?" Kobayashi cried, "I can't. I'm afraid of such a big occasion!"

"What are you afraid of? I'm by your side. As long as you tell me, I promise there's nothing and you can see the world."

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