Chu Nian didn't speak. He leaned close to their ears. "I miss you. Take me to KFC."

Jiang's mother and father were amused. Chu Ning stood beside them and laughed together.

They gave Chu Nian the prepared food and left without saying much.

When Jiang Yunxian returned home, he couldn't help feeling a little strange when he saw that neither Jiang's mother nor Jiang's father were there.

"Where are my parents?"

The servant bowed his head. "The master and his wife went out and said they were going to see their grandson."

Jiang Yunxian nodded to show that he knew.

He took off his coat and went into the study. Just finishing up the information, the assistant called in.

"Boss, that woman doesn't want to testify."

Jiang Yunxian was silent for a few seconds, "I know."

It seems that he went there himself.

The next day, Jiang Yunxian set out for the countryside.

The country road is very rugged and turns around.

Finally, a few hours later, Jiang Yunxian arrived at the so-called village.

I don't think there are many people in the village, because there are only a few houses, all of which are thatched huts.

Jiang Yunxian saw the assistant at the entrance of the village.

"Here you are."

"Well, where does that man live?" he just wanted to deal with it quickly and go back.

The assistant pointed to one of the houses. "That's it."

They walked towards the house.

Jiang Yunxian knocked politely at the door, "is anyone there?"

There was a sudden sound inside. With a bang, Jiang Yunxian kicked open the already dilapidated door and rushed in.

The woman fell to the ground, looking very painful.

The assistant immediately picked her up and rushed out.

After asking the people in the village, I found the village clinic.

The woman was so sick because of appendicitis. The doctor operated on her immediately.

Jiang Yunxian and his assistant are waiting outside.

About an hour later, the doctor came out. "No big problem."

Jiang Yunxian entered the room. The woman was lying in bed with a pale face. She was even more shocked to see Jiang Yunxian.

"Mr. Jiang."

"Do you know me?"

Jiang Yunxian has always had no impression of other women.

The woman smiled, "I know you. I saw you when I was a domestic helper in Murong."

Jiang Yunxian nodded, "in fact, I came this time to let you testify that Murong Bai killed Zhao Xinru."

Hearing this, the woman's face became more pale. "I didn't see anything."

"Then this photo..." Jiang Yunxian took out the photo.

The woman turned her head and didn't want to see it again.

"I hope you can help me."

The woman did not speak for a long time and sighed, "Mr. Jiang, you saved my life. I will help you."

"Thank you. Can you tell me what happened that year?"

Women speak, "That day, Zhao Xinru came home to find Miss Murong Bai. I don't know why they were quarrelling. We servants didn't dare to come forward to persuade us. We were just doing our own things. I had finished my work and wanted to walk in the yard. I wanted to shoot the peach blossoms in the yard. I accidentally caught the scene of Miss Murong Bai pushing Zhao Xinru. I was at that time I was frightened. I didn't know what to do and didn't tell Miss Murong Bai about it. After that, I suffered every day. Later, I thought of quitting altogether. That's what happened. "

"Then you don't want to testify because?"

The woman sighed, "Miss Murong Bai was kind to me. How can I bite the hand that feeds me?"

Jiang Yunxian sighed, "if you really don't want to, I won't force you."

"I'll go."

Jiang Yunxian wanted to take the woman directly to Murong Bai, but seeing that the woman's health was not very good, he gave up the idea and went back with his assistant first.

Back in the city, Jiang Yunxian immediately took the photos to find Murong Bai.

Murong Bai was inexplicably flustered when he saw Jiang Yunxian coming again, because every time, as long as Jiang Yunxian came to her on his own initiative, there was nothing good.

Jiang Yunxian directly threw the photo in front of Murong Bai, "what else do you want to explain now?"

Murong Bai was stunned, his hand trembled slightly, picked up the picture, and immediately fell on the table, like a hot potato.

How? How?

"You killed Zhao Xinru." Jiang Yunxian's words were like a judge. Murong Bai lost his strength and sat down in a chair. He looked at Jiang Yunxian and couldn't say a word.

Jiang Yunxian did not urge her to say anything, but sat quietly beside her. Seeing Murong Bai like this, he had no sympathy at all. She suffered all this by herself and should not complain.

For a long time, Murong Bai seemed to have regained consciousness and summoned up the courage to pick up the photo again. In the photo, it was the scene in which she suddenly pushed Zhao Xinru. Seeing this, that scene appeared in her mind again. She held her head in pain. She was haunted by nightmares every day in the days when things happened. Later, she gradually got better. However, The pain has now been picked out again.

She was very painful, "Yun Xian, believe me, I really didn't mean to kill her. I just pushed her a little, she, she..." in my mind, she fell in a pool of blood.

"You'd better keep these words and tell the police. Maybe the police will believe you." Jiang Yunxian was light hearted and didn't care about his own affairs.

Murong Bai panicked. If she goes to jail, everything will be over, so she must not go to jail!

She got up and prayed and pulled Jiang Yunxian. "Yunxian, you won't be so cruel, will you? You will read our past love and won't call the police. You know, I can't go to jail. How can I go to jail?"

Jiang Yunxian sneered, "I'm not sure."

Murong Bai suddenly let go of Jiang Yunxian's hand, and the whole person was stunned. A few seconds later, she stood up from the ground, "if I told you about Chu Ning before, could you not call the police?"

Jiang Yunxian picked his eyebrows, held his chest naturally with both hands, hesitated, "yes."

Murong Bai pursed his lips, as if he had made a great determination. "Chu Ning left you a few years ago because I forged the abortion book with your signature on it. I told Chu Ning, you don't want the child in her stomach, and I'm pregnant with your child, I..."

The next second, Jiang Yunxian suddenly grabbed her neck, and her voice stopped suddenly.

Murong Bai struggled and grabbed Jiang Yunxian's hand like steel, but it was all in vain.

Her face flushed, her breath was short, and she stared at Jiang Yunxian. She felt that she was about to die.

"Cough! Cough!" the big hand on his neck suddenly loosened. Murong Bai breathed the fresh air and had lingering palpitations.

"You're so damn!" Jiang Yunxian said this sentence almost biting his teeth.

He never thought that Murong Bai had done such a thing a few years ago. No wonder Chu Ning would say that he knew what he had done, but why didn't she tell herself when she was pregnant?

Otherwise, there will be no misunderstanding behind all this.

Murong Bai coughed a few times, straightened up and said the doubts in Jiang Yunxian's heart, "do you know why Chu Ning didn't tell you she was pregnant?"

Jiang Yunxian looked at her and motioned her to go on.

However, she suddenly stopped talking.

Jiang Yunxian lost patience. "I'll give you a few seconds to consider whether to tell me."

"I can tell you, but I have conditions."

Jiang Yunxian held his hands tightly and endured Murong Bai to the extreme. "Say."

"You are not allowed to call the police!"


Murong Bai was relieved, "I think Chu Ning didn't tell you she was pregnant, it should be because of me. At that time, you were connected with me, you..."

"Don't go on." Jiang Yunxian couldn't listen any more. He wanted to break the woman in front of him! But he knew he couldn't.

"I hope you can keep your word." Murong Bai is really afraid of going to jail.

Jiang Yunxian suddenly smiled, which made Murong Bai feel seeping.

"If I don't call the police, it doesn't mean that others won't!"

"You..." Murong Bai pointed to Jiang Yunxian's calm face and couldn't say a word. How could she forget that this man had been rolling in business for several years? How could she compare with him in terms of tricks and means!

Jiang Yunxian tried to suppress his anger. "I don't call the police because of our past love. You turn yourself in."

Murong Bai smiled with self mockery, "surrender? How can I surrender?" she could imagine that once she was in prison, others would say something about her behind her back and poke her spine, which might affect the Murong family's business and leave a stain for a lifetime.

"It's not too late to know that you are wrong. If you don't turn yourself in, I don't mind helping you."

Jiang Yunxian once again forced Murong Bai to a desperate situation.

Murong Bai took a deep breath and then became calm. "I know. I'll turn myself in and give me some time."

"This is the best." Jiang Yunxian left Murong Bai and went out, because now he can't wait to go back to Chu Ning and tell her that they can get together again if there is a misunderstanding between them.

After Jiang Yunxian left, the house suddenly quieted down.

Murong Bai fell to the ground and looked at the snow-white ceiling. Her mind was blank. After a few seconds, there was only one thought in her mind that she must not go to jail.

After Jiang Yunxian came out of murongbai's house, he immediately drove to Chu Ning's studio.

However, when she arrived at the studio, she was told that Chu Ning had gone out to talk about business and might not come back until the afternoon.

Jiang Yunxian couldn't wait, so he asked Chu Ning where to talk about business. The secretary was very embarrassed, but after hesitation, he told Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian immediately went to the restaurant again.

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