He casually called a car. He was going to go back to the villa. As a result, he found that he was still holding Chu Ning's shoes. He smiled. It was God's will.

The car turned and drove in the opposite direction.

When Chu Ning got home, she found no car to follow. She was relieved. When she entered the house, she was scolded by Chu's mother. "You too. Work belongs to work. How can you forget to pick up Chu Nian? Fortunately, Eric is here. Otherwise, I think you only have to cry."

Chu Ning really neglected this matter, so Chu's mother is right to say so.

Chu's mother didn't say much when she saw her sincere attitude of admitting her mistake.

Chu Ning walked up to Chu Nian and felt guilty, "Nian Nian, I'm sorry."

"Uncle Eric came to pick me up."

Chu Ning rubbed Chu Nian's head and felt warm in her heart. "Thank you for picking up Chu Nian today, but how do you know I didn't pick up Chu Nian?"

Eric smiled, "it's nothing. I just saw the usual time. You went to school before you came back."

"Anyway, thank you." Chu Ning is getting more and more separated from Eric now, probably because he doesn't want to delay him or give him any chance, so she has to be indifferent.

Chu's mother greeted them to come over for dinner. Chu Ning's mobile phone suddenly rang. Seeing that it was Jiang Yunxian, she had a headache, hung up the phone and continued to eat.

Within a minute or two, the phone rang again.

On the table, for a moment, everyone's eyes stopped on her face.

Embarrassed smile, got up, took the cell phone and answered the phone.

"What do you want to do?!" she was a little angry. She was really going to be driven crazy by Jiang Yunxian.

"You didn't take your shoes. I'm at your door."

Chu Ning wanted to say no shoes, but thought, "I know."

She hung up the phone and went out to the door. Sure enough, she saw Jiang Yunxian standing in the gatehouse. The street lamp lengthened his figure.

Seeing her coming out, he took the initiative to send the shoe box to her hand. His voice was intimate, as if they had never separated, "still so confused."

The warm light hit his face, leaving Chu Ning in a trance for a few seconds. Then she returned to her senses, put down a thank you, opened the door and went in. After thinking about it, she thought something was wrong. She opened the door again and saw that Jiang Yunxian hadn't left yet. "I repeat, please don't come to me again. It's impossible between us."

Jiang Yunxian just looked at her and didn't speak.

Chu Ning didn't hear Jiang Yunxian's answer. She didn't go in if he didn't speak.

Jiang Yunxian chuckled, "I know."

Chu Ning just entered the door and thought he wouldn't come again tomorrow.

As a result

"Good morning."

Chu Ning pushes open the door of the office and sees Jiang Yunxian sitting eating breakfast. "Why are you here?" who let him in!

"I told the guard uncle that I was your husband, so he let me in. How much breakfast do you want?" he said and picked up the breakfast.

Chu Ning felt speechless. She said so much yesterday that he didn't listen to a word!

She was too lazy to say that as long as she ignored him, he would naturally leave.

Chu Ning ignores Jiang Yunxian, turns on the computer and starts working.

Jiang Yunxian sat on the sofa, moved and complained, "your sofa is a little hard. You can change it, and your chair is not very comfortable..."

His voice was still echoing in the office. Chu Ning held her hand and tried her best to endure, "if you're talking, get out."

Jiang Yunxian's voice suddenly stopped. Some innocent people looked at Chu Ning as if they had been wronged.

Chu Ning put on her headphones and listened to the music while processing the documents, which was not disturbed by Jiang Yunxian.

The assistant knocked on the door several times, but didn't hear the answer. They didn't dare to go in because they were afraid that Chu Ning would blame her. Jiang Yunxian let her in!

Jiang Yunxian heard the voice, like the master, "come in."

The assistant opened the door and came in. Seeing Chu Ning listening to the song, the assistant boldly patted the table.

Chu Ning took off the earphone, "what's the matter?"

"There's your express outside."

Chu Ning wondered. She didn't seem to have bought anything. With doubt, she got up and went out without looking at Jiang Yunxian.

At the door, an express boy stood at the door with a bunch of roses, "Miss Chu Ning, isn't it? Your express."

Chu Ning looked at this big bunch of flowers and couldn't react. "I didn't order flowers."

"It was ordered by a gentleman in our store. We are only responsible for delivering it. Please sign for it."

Chu Ning signed her name and went back to the studio with flowers in her arms.

When the others saw Chu Ning holding such a big bunch of flowers, they surrounded many people, "Jane, it seems that someone wants to pursue you."

"I envy someone to send flowers. I haven't collected flowers for a long time."

Chu Ning sent the rose to her, "why don't you give it to you?"

She was flattered and quickly waved her hand, "I'd better not. After all, it was given to you by others."

"All right, let's go to work."

In fact, they all know that this flower must have been sent by Jiang Yunxian. Judging from the fact that Jiang Yunxian has been relying on the studio yesterday, he probably wants to recover Chu Ning again.

Chu Ning came into the office with the rose in her arms. She never figured out who sent it to her.

Until the man's voice sounded, "do you still like it?"

Chu Ning was stunned. How could she forget such a big trouble!

She casually put the flowers on the ground and didn't care. "I think what I said before is very clear. Your appearance has caused me a lot of trouble."

Jiang Yunxian got up and went to the desk. "So, forgive me."

"Impossible!" Chu Ning ignored Jiang Yunxian and continued to do her own thing.

Jiang Yunxian touched his nose and returned to the sofa. He didn't go to the company for a day or two. Things have been piled up.

Chu Ning is afraid that she forgot to pick up Chu Nian today, so she adjusted an alarm clock to remind herself.

The afterglow of the afternoon shone into the office and spread warmth on them.

A ringing bell broke the silence.

Chu Ning turns off the alarm clock, simply packs up her things and is ready to pick up Chu Nian.

Seeing that Chu Ning is leaving, Jiang Yunxian also packed up his things and prepared to leave with Chu Ning.

Chu Ning pretended not to see Jiang Yunxian, packed up her things, and then opened the door of the office and went out. All the others in the office looked here at once. Chu Ning came out first and Jiang Yunxian came out later.

Chu Ning went outside and saw that Jiang Yunxian was still following him. He couldn't help stopping, "can you not follow me?"

Jiang Yunxian shook his head decisively.

Chu Ning didn't want to talk much, because Jiang Yunxian didn't listen to her at all, so she didn't care about Jiang Yunxian and went directly to Chu's school.

They stood at the door together and waited for Chu to read it out.

As soon as Chu Nian finished school, he was more happy to see that Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning were waiting for him together, because this had never been before.

Chu Nian walked up to Chu Ning. "Why did you come together?"

Before Chu Ning spoke, he heard Jiang Yunxian ask, "are you happy?"

Chu Ning subconsciously looked at Chu Nian's face. He nodded, "happy."

Jiang Yunxian took Chu Nian's hand. "Do we want to play today?"

Chu Nian looks at Chu Ning and seems to be asking for Chu Ning's consent.

"It's rare to be so happy," Jiang Yunxian reminded.

Chu Ning sighed, "where do you want to play?"

"Today, the teacher said there were parent-child activities after class. Let's go."

When Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian stood at the scene of the parent-child activity Chu Nian said, they were stunned.

There are many people in front of us, most of whom are parents with their children.

Chu Nian pointed to a robot not far away. "The teacher said that whoever wins can get the robot. I want the robot."

"Nian Nian, why don't I buy you one?" Chu Ning asked. After all, it's not so easy for so many people to win.

Chu Nian shook his head. "I don't want it. I'll just do it." he's rarely so interested in anything.

"Dad will help you get it."

They signed up for this activity. Most of the first few projects need to be completed by children and parents, but the latter projects have directly become the cooperation between father and mother.

Chu Ning looked at a bowl of noodles in front of her. The purpose of this activity was to see who ate the noodles first. What kind of parent-child activity is this? She began to doubt.

The host is still talking about the rules. Chu Ning can't listen to anything.

"Wait a minute. Our Father feeds noodles to our mother. Which group eats the fastest, even if it wins. Now, let's look at the three groups at the top. The first is our Chu Nian children, the second is Chen Ziyi children, and the third is our Lin Xin children. Well, our game will begin immediately."

Chu Nian stood at the table and looked at Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian. "Come on, I want the robot."

Chu Ning wanted to cry without tears. As soon as the beginning voice sounded, she urged Jiang Yunxian to hurry up.

Jiang Yunxian was afraid of choking Chu Ning, so he fed slowly. He looked at Chu Ning deeply, which made Chu Ning blush and had no desire to eat any more.

"Don't look at me!"

Jiang Yunxian had no choice but to turn his head to one side. He couldn't see where Chu Ning's face was at all. He directly poked the noodles into Chu Ning's face.

Chu Ning blew up. "Forget it, you'd better turn around."

Chu Nian looked at her anxiously and shouted, "you eat quickly. You're behind."

Jiang Yunxian accelerated some speed, and Chu Ning tried to swallow it.

Just when Chu Ning felt she was about to choke to death, the noodles finally bottomed out, and the host's voice sounded in her ear, "our parents of Chu Nian children have finished eating."

Chu Ning felt uncomfortable in her stomach and almost didn't spit out. After today, she won't eat noodles for a long time.

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