After hesitating for a long time, Murong Bai finally decided to beg Jiang Yunxian. Although Jiang Yunxian made it clear that she would turn herself in, would she let Jiang Yunxian look at her past feelings and be soft hearted again and let her go?

Murong Bai couldn't help thinking that she lied to Jiang Yunxian about her cancer. At that time, Jiang Yunxian believed it and promised to accompany her for a week. At her request, she didn't tell Chu Ning the truth

Perhaps, in Jiang Yunxian's heart, he should still care about her and won't really send her to prison.

Murong Bai seems to have finally found great courage. She believes she can soften Jiang Yunxian's heart and help her again.

Murong Bai didn't delay any longer. He hurried to find his favorite clothes, painted his makeup, put on high heels and was ready to find Jiang Yunxian.

Along the way, Murong Bai kept thinking about what to say when she met Jiang Yunxian, what to do if Jiang Yunxian refused, how she would move Jiang Yunxian, and unknowingly came to the door of Huangtian group.

Murong Bai did not hesitate or prepare to inform Jiang Yunxian in advance. He stepped on high heels and looked up, just as he always entered Huangtian group every time.

With her usual pride and arrogance on her face, she walked in with a sense of superiority.

Everyone in Huangtian group is concentrating on something. Murong Bai is no longer familiar with female staff chatting gossip and male staff glancing at her, which makes Murong Bai stunned.

Her heart wondered, what happened to Huangtian group? Why suddenly changed the atmosphere?

Murong Bai wanted to ask someone at random, but seeing that everyone was walking in a hurry, he didn't mean to stop at all. He didn't feel that he had some chat up, so he had to go straight to Jiang Yunxian's office.

The little secretary at the door of Jiang Yunxian's office saw Murong white Dynasty coming here, stood up and said, "Hello, Miss Murong, are you looking for President Jiang? Have you made an appointment in advance?"

"No, I'll go straight in." Murong Bai is not used to being an outsider here.

Seeing that Murong Bai was going straight in, the Secretary didn't dare to really stop her. He picked up the phone and prepared to report to Jiang Yunxian.

"Don't be so troublesome." Murong Bai had gone and knocked at the door.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, Miss Murong is here..." the Secretary said eagerly.

Jiang Yunxian was stunned when he heard the knock on the door and the Secretary's report. He had forgotten about Murong Bai in the past two days. Didn't he ask her to turn herself in?

Why is she still looking for herself?

Jiang Yunxian was impatient and said, "please come in."

"Yunxian..." Murong Bai heard Jiang Yunxian's voice, so he quickly opened the door with a smile on his face. His voice was full of flattery.

"What are you doing here?" Jiang Yunxian was more upset when he heard her voice.

"Long time no see, let me see you." Murong Bai couldn't seem to hear Jiang Yunxian's impatience, but said what she wanted to say.

"We have nothing to see. I think I made it clear to you last time." Jiang Yunxian just wants to end his meeting with Murong Bai quickly. All his unhappiness now basically comes from this woman.

"Yunxian, how can you be so cruel? Do you have to speak like that?" Murong Bai saw that Jiang Yunxian's tone had not improved at all, but began to be charming.

"I've finished what I should say. There's nothing else to say." Jiang Yunxian's patience with Murong Bai has already run out. Now he feels disgusted to hear her say every word.

"Yunxian, I came to you this time to let you let me go." Murong Bai said and walked slowly to Jiang Yunxian.

"Impossible, you'd better turn yourself in quickly." Jiang Yunxian had no room for discussion.

"Yun Xian, I didn't mean to do that. Listen to me..."

"You shouldn't explain to me, you should go to the prosecutor to explain!" Jiang Yunxian's tone increased unconsciously. He felt more and more upset every minute with Murong Bai.

"Yunxian, I don't want to turn myself in. Give me another chance." Murong Bai came to Jiang Yunxian and held Jiang Yunxian's hand tightly.

"Get up! As I said, don't pester me anymore. I won't change my mind."

"But I really didn't mean it. Now only you can help me. If I turn myself in, I can only go to jail." Murong Bai couldn't help crying. She hoped that Jiang Yunxian could pity her at this moment and let the nightmare pass quickly.

"When you did this, you should have expected the consequences." Jiang Yunxian felt very angry. He didn't understand why Murong Bai was so brazen and did everything. He designed him again and again. Now he has done something outrageous, and even tried to pretend that he didn't know anything and wanted to get away with it!

"Don't you care about our love for so many years!" Murong Baiyue said more and more sad, covering her face and crying. She was thinking of all ways to move Jiang Yunxian.

"Don't mention anything between us! If it weren't for you, why would Chu Ning and I be here?" Jiang Yunxian was even more angry when he heard Murong Bai mention the past. If Murong Bai hadn't designed him, so many things would not have happened that annoyed him and Jiang's parents.

"Yunxian, I just like you, otherwise how could I do so many things..." Murong Bai came to Jiang Yunxian's back, hugged him tightly and explained eagerly.

She doesn't like Chu Ning. She is jealous of Chu Ning. She hates Chu Ning. She doesn't understand why Jiang Yunxian likes a woman who has nothing. She doesn't allow it.

"Go away!"

Jiang Yunxian broke Murong Bai's hand and wanted to push her away as soon as possible, but Murong Bai held it tightly. As soon as Jiang Yunxian made an effort, Murong Bai sat on the ground without stopping.

Jiang Yunxian, a gentleman used to doing such a thing, instinctively wanted to reach out and pull Murong Bai up, but he didn't even want to look at her when he thought that Murong Bai had done so many things to him and Chu Ning.

Besides, Murong Bai is not only scheming deeply. He designed him and Chu Ning. Now he is still a murderer. Jiang Yunxian thinks he has known Murong Bai for so many years and has never seen her clearly. Now her beautiful appearance can't cover up her ugly soul.

"You go, don't pester me here. I've made it clear to you. Turn yourself in. This is my last kindness to you!" Jiang Yunxian walked to the window. He just wanted to stay away from Murong Baiyuan.

Murong Bai kept sobbing. She didn't think about what Jiang Yunxian would do to her, but she didn't think Jiang Yunxian would be so cruel. Murong Bai couldn't help being angry.

"As long as you don't hand over the evidence, everything will be the same as before. I promise that as long as you don't hand over the evidence, I will never appear in front of you and Chu Ning again. I won't disturb you again!" Murong Bai thought of all the ways to make Jiang Yunxian change his mind.

"Don't worry about me and Chu Ning! Chu Ning is my wife, and I will be responsible for her. It has nothing to do with you! It was all because you lied to me, and now I won't listen to your lie!" Jiang Yunxian thought it was meaningless to talk to Murong Bai here. He just wanted to get rid of him quickly.

"How can you not hand over the evidence..." Murong Bai felt more and more desperate. She didn't know how she could find a way to live for herself.

"You've always been wrong. It's not what I want to do to you. You should be punished if you do something you shouldn't do! If you continue to be so stubborn, I can only give the evidence to the police. You don't even have a chance to turn yourself in." Jiang Yunxian feels that the dialogue with Murong Bai can't go on. His three views with Murong Bai are not in the same space at all.

"As long as you don't hand over the evidence, you can let me do anything!" Murong Bai jumped up and hugged Jiang Yunxian's leg, like grasping his own life-saving straw.

In order not to go to jail, Murong Bai can only keep begging.

"You don't have to say it again, it's impossible!" Jiang Yunxian raised his feet and got rid of Murong Bai.

Murong Bai's heart was full of despair at the moment. She didn't know what else to do. She stood up in a daze, and her heart seemed to explode.

She roared and came to her desk. In an instant, she pushed all the things on Jiang Yunxian's desk to the ground and looked at Jiang Yunxian like a complaining woman.

Jiang Yunxian has never seen such Murong Bai. He seems to be a madman.

He couldn't bear it any more. He said sternly, "murongbai, what are you doing? You're crazy! You'd better turn yourself in, or I'll personally hand over your criminal evidence to the police station in three days!"

Seeing Murong Bai just standing and not making any noise, Jiang Yunxian asked the Secretary to call security.

When the Secretary at the door heard what was going on in the office, he was already terrified. At the moment, hearing Jiang Yunxian's orders, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, so he dialed the security section.

Murong Bai begged, cried, and made trouble. Seeing that Jiang Yunxian was unmoved, his heart was full of resentment against Jiang Yunxian.

Seeing that Jiang Yunxian asked the security guard to blow her out, he said angrily, "don't call the security guard. I'll go myself! Jiang Yunxian, you'll regret it!" Murong Bai said, picked up the bag on the ground and walked away. He brushed the last tear on his face with the back of his hand before going out.

Seeing Murong Bai leave, Jiang Yunxian's anger didn't subside at all. He ordered the Secretary to come in and clean up the mess.

He couldn't help thinking about how Murong Bai became like this. Although Murong Bai He knew before was arrogant, arrogant, domineering and willful, he still had the bottom line of life. Now it seems that he is cruel and crafty.

I only hate that I didn't understand her nature earlier, and then there were many things later.

Jiang Yunxian looked at the Secretary to clean up the mess. He was very angry. He made Murong Bai make a scene for no reason. He couldn't help urging the Secretary to hurry up.

The Secretary saw that Jiang Yunxian was in a bad mood and became more flustered. Everything on the ground hurriedly returned to its original position.

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