Jiang Yunxian has long intended to further expand the publicity effect and establish a better corporate image and industry reputation for Huangtian group, but has not convened relevant departments to come up with specific implementation measures.

Hearing that the Secretary mentioned an interview with himself, he nodded his head and asked the Secretary to contact the public relations department and the publicity department to do specific contact work.

After the Secretary finished his report, he closed the door carefully and went out.

Looking at the piles of documents at hand, Jiang Yunxian immediately devoted himself to his busy work, as if confirming that career is the best way to reflect men's charm.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the appointed interview time, Jiang Yunxian still paid more attention to the interview. He specially changed a straight suit and cleaned his hair carefully again.

When Jiang Yunxian came out of the office, every employee of Huangtian group raised his head in surprise.

Jiang Yunxian is so handsome today. Although he is usually the representative of the company's beauty school, it is more than enough to shoot the cover of entertainment magazine after careful dressing.

But he is also the boss of Huangtian group and a career man with great skill.

When the male employees were surprised, they all lowered their heads, while the female employees were surprised that stars floated in front of them

Jiang Yunxian didn't seem to see people's eyes, but walked forward by himself.

Without too much waiting, the interview began soon.

Jiang Yunxian made a detailed introduction to the current situation and future development direction of Huangtian group, and rarely showed a gentle smile.

The host saw that Jiang Yunxian had almost talked about Huangtian group. He couldn't help but turn the conversation and asked a topic that slightly embarrassed Jiang Yunxian.

"Excuse me, Mr. Jiang, what's your current emotional situation? Is it booming like your career?" the host seemed to have premeditated, looking at Jiang Yunxian and asked playfully.

"Well, this..." Jiang Yunxian was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that there were questions about his love life in the interview.

With a slightly exploratory look, he glanced at the Secretary outside the spotlight.

The Secretary also looked at a loss. Obviously, he didn't know it before.

"Mr. Jiang, you are so handsome and successful in your career. Isn't there any girl chasing you in life?" the host didn't intend to let Jiang Yunxian go and asked again. A pair of sharp eyes smiled on Jiang Yunxian's face.

"No," Jiang Yunxian subconsciously replied.

I was thinking about how to deal with this problem. It seems that this is still a live broadcast of the TV station, and I should not ask for it to be cut off.

"Haha, how could that be possible? Why don't you report something in our program today? Do you have a girlfriend ready to get married or are you still single?" the host still asked, obviously more interested in this issue than the development of Huangtian group.

"There has always been someone in my heart. I've been waiting for her now. I think I'll keep waiting." after a little thinking, Jiang Yunxian said sincerely to the camera.

He doesn't want to hide anything about this issue. It was the concealment of Chu Ning that caused today's situation. He has already thought that he will not hide anything from Chu Ning in the future, if there is any future.

"Ah! Who is so happy? I didn't expect that our young and promising President Jiang has a master. I really want to wish you to wait for your sweetheart as soon as possible." the host seemed to have never expected Jiang Yunxian to say so. He felt hopeless and couldn't help letting Jiang Yunxian go.

"OK, thank you." Jiang Yunxian still looks very gentleman, but his heart can't be calm.

He didn't expect that he spoke his heart to the TV camera so naturally. He really hoped Chu Ning could see and understand his current mood.

"OK, I'm very happy to interview Mr. Jiang today. I wish your career will be more and more prosperous and your feelings will blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible. Thank you again and hope to come back to our program as a guest." after this slightly private topic is over, the host will also meet well. The interview program is finally over.

The Secretary followed Jiang Yunxian back all the way and secretly looked at Jiang Yunxian's look for fear that Jiang Yunxian would be unhappy because of additional problems.

But seeing Jiang Yunxian's look as usual, he seemed to have a little hope, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After Jiang Yunxian's interview program was broadcast on TV, it quickly spread wildly on the Internet. Everyone was very interested in the young, rich and handsome president. They couldn't help leaving messages on the Internet and talking about who the girl said on Bajiang Yunxian's mouth was. They had a posture of trying to get her flesh out.

However, before that, Jiang Yunxian had been very low-key, rarely appeared in the public view, and there was no celebrity effect. Therefore, his private life had been relatively secret and aroused everyone's appetite.

Jiang Yunxian's interview program gradually lost its popularity, but Chu Nian, who is far away in the United States, still watched it again and again. This is one of the few opportunities he can find to see Jiang Yunxian directly.

Chu Nian was born and raised in the United States after all, so after returning to the United States, he soon reintegrated into the life here.

But there is only one thing different from before. He misses Jiang Yunxian and Jiang's father and mother. Since he knew his biological father and grandparents, he wanted to be with them in his heart. It was an instinctive closeness.

But he can't bear to see Chu Ning sad. He knows that Chu Ning doesn't accept Jiang Yunxian in his heart, so he can only secretly collect Jiang Yunxian's news on the Internet.

Chu Nian was really excited to find Jiang Yunxian's interview program. He didn't want to report it. He entered three words of Jiang Yunxian on the Internet. As a result, a whole screen of links suddenly jumped out, which brightened his eyes in an instant.

He looked at it over and over in his room with headphones. He thought his father was handsome!

At last, when Jiang Yunxian said he wanted to wait for a girl, Chu Nian couldn't help crying.

He wants to call Chu Ning and show her this video. Chu Nian firmly believes that the girl Jiang Yunxian said is Chu Ning.

Little Chu Nian really doesn't understand that Jiang Yunxian likes Chu Ning so much. Why can't Chu Ning accept Jiang Yunxian?

If Chu Ning can accept Jiang Yunxian, their family can live together every day. Jiang Yunxian can take him out to play and eat delicious food at any time.

Children's world, can not understand the emotional entanglements of adults, just simply want to be with their relatives, just simply want to do everything to make him happy.

"Chu Nian, come out for dinner." Chu Ning cooked the meal and hurriedly called Chu Nian out for fear that Chu Nian would be hungry after waiting for a long time.

Chu Ning brings out the food in the kitchen one by one. Since she came back from China, Chu Nian has gradually fallen in love with Chinese food and feels that Chinese food tastes more to his taste.

Fortunately, Chu Ning was good at cooking before going abroad. Otherwise, it would be difficult to satisfy Chu Nian.

Chu Ning couldn't help laughing.

Chu Ning quickly arranged the food and dishes and chopsticks. Seeing that Chu Nian was not as usual, he jumped to the table as soon as he heard the call. He couldn't help wondering and walked to Chu Nian's room.

He knocked on the door and still didn't answer. Chu Ning couldn't help but push open the door and saw Chu Nianzheng looking at something with headphones.

Chu Ning approached and was stunned. Chu Nian was watching Jiang Yunxian's news with a focused and sad expression.

Chu Ning was at a loss for a moment. She didn't know what to do. She didn't expect that Chu Nian returned to the United States and had been paying attention to the news of Jiang Yunxian.

She paused. She could only put her hand gently on Chu Nian's shoulder and said softly, "Nian Nian, have a meal."

Chu Ning's sudden move startled Chu Nian. As soon as she looked back, she saw Chu Ning standing behind him, staring at the computer screen in front of him, and couldn't help shouting, "Mom."

"Niannian, it's time to eat. I told you not to answer, so I came in to have a look. How do you think of watching dad's news?" Chu Ning pretended not to. She knew that Chu Nian liked Jiang Yunxian, and she didn't intend to force Chu Nian not to recognize Jiang Yunxian. It was too selfish and cruel.

"Mom, I miss my father." Chu Nian couldn't help hugging Chu Ning's waist.

It doesn't matter what he usually pretends, but the sudden miss will still make him sad. He really hopes to tell Chu Ning that Chu Ning can take him back to Jiang Yunxian and they can be a family of three.

"Niannian, you miss your father, but your father is in China. Isn't it good for your mother to accompany you?" Chu Ning's eyes were wet in an instant. No matter how strong her mother was, she was sad when she saw that her child wanted to find her father.

She didn't know how to refuse Chu Nian. She began to doubt whether she was right to do so. She began to feel that she deprived Chu Nian of her right to see her father and grandparents.

"Mom, I want you to accompany me. I also want my father to accompany me, as well as my grandparents. I want to be with each of you." Chu Nian choked when he spoke.

Chu Ning felt heartache when she heard every word Chu Nian said.

Chu Nian's request was not excessive, but the most basic right that every child should have, but she couldn't give it to him. Chu Ning couldn't help crying.

Feeling Chu Ning's tears falling, Chu Nian no longer begged. Although he was young, he was a sensible child.

He knew what he said made Chu Ning sad. Little Chu Nian cared about Chu Ning very much. He couldn't help saying, "Mom, let's go to dinner."

Chu Ning nodded. Hearing Chu Nian say so, she was even more sad. Chu Nian knew how to take care of her emotions at a young age.

The mother and son ate silently, and Chu Ning mixed food for Chu Nian, but Chu Nian was obviously not as lively as usual. He wolfed down everything and just slowly chewed the rice in the bowl. Chu Ning didn't urge him, knowing that he was worried about Jiang Yunxian and Jiang's father and mother.

In fact, Chu Ning can't eat it herself. Her emotional problems now affect not only herself, but also Chu Nian's childhood.

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