Chu Ning looked at the decoration of the house and couldn't help feeling exaggerated.

Mrs. Smith decorated the house with a festive atmosphere and pulled a lot of pink flowers with a slight flavor of lovers, which made Chu Ning feel a little embarrassed.

As soon as Eric saw Chu Ning's mother and son come in, he greeted them and said happily, "Chu Ning, here you are." his eyes were still warm.

"Hello, Eric, martial mother. Long time no see." Chu Ning said politely.

Eric didn't seem to see Chu Ning's pretending alienation. Instead, he looked at Chu Nian and said, "Nian Nian, do you miss me? I haven't seen you for a few days, but I miss you very much."

"Uncle Eric." Chu Nian was very happy to see Eric. After all, Eric always played with him.

Mrs. Smith and Chu Ning watched Eric take Chu Nian and went to play. They couldn't help smiling at each other. Eric and Chu Nian were together like two children.

Chu Ning followed Mrs. Smith into the kitchen and agreed to show some Chinese dishes, but Chu Ning didn't forget.

Mrs. Smith saw that Chu Ning was busy. She couldn't help thinking of Mr. Smith's advice. How can she help Eric?

Mrs. Smith thought hard. She really felt worried about Eric.

Chu Ning cooked the dishes carefully without feeling Mrs. Smith's mind.

After thinking for a long time, Mrs. Smith finally decided to ask, and said, "Chu Ning, do you like Eric?"

"...." Chu Ning didn't expect that Mrs. Smith was so direct that she was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"Martial mother, now I just want to bring Chu Nian alone. Nothing else is important to me." Chu Ning thought for a while and finally politely refused. She felt it necessary to make it clear to everyone who misunderstood them.

It turned out that Chu Ning didn't think she was suitable for Eric, and now it's even more so. Chu Ning really wants Eric to let go as soon as possible. This has always been a great burden for Chu Ning.

"OK, I see." Mrs. Smith wanted to persuade again, but she thought they were all adults and should respect Chu Ning's idea, so she stopped talking. She just watched Chu Ning cook and the two began to talk about their cooking experience.

Mr. Smith will be back soon. He is very happy to see that Chu Ning and Chu Nian have come.

It's fun to see Eric playing with Chu Nian. Chu Ning and Mrs. Smith are busy in the kitchen and feel that the smell of home is getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, Mrs. Smith and Chu Ning cooked dinner. Everyone sat around. Eric was next to Chu Ning and Chu Nian was next to him.

Eric has been busy cooking for Chu Ning and Chu Nian. Mr. Smith opposite looked at this scene and couldn't help smiling. Mrs. Smith felt a little pity to see Eric so attentive.

Chu Ning is not used to it, but she is afraid of refusing to embarrass Eric. She is in a hurry to eat a meal.

After dinner, Chu Ning and Chu Nian leave without staying long. Chu Ning feels that Eric's hospitality to her makes her feel a lot of pressure. She wanted to say that she couldn't say it. It was like Sheng Sheng had to hold back her internal injury.

Eric offered to send Chu Ning's mother and son back. Chu Ning immediately refused. The scene was a little frozen.

Finally, Chu Ning said in a relaxed tone, "Eric, Chu and I can just go back by ourselves. You can rest early. You're tired after a busy day."

Mr. and Mrs. Smith watched Chu Ning's reaction to Eric all night. No matter how slow they were, they also saw that Chu Ning had no intention of Eric, so they all went away under the pretext of something else to save Eric more embarrassment.

Eric sighed, looked at Chu Ning helplessly and said, "Chu Ning, no matter what you think, let me see you off tonight."

Chu Ning heard the sadness in Eric's voice and felt so powerless that she had to acquiesce. She took Chu Nian's hand and walked out.

Chu Nian always had a good time. She felt that Chu Ning's mood didn't seem very good. She was also witty and silent. She just kept turning with big eyes.

Along the way, Eric and Chu Ning didn't speak. Eric just drove in silence. The burning flame in his eyes seemed to burn out slowly. He felt Chu Ning's silent refusal to him more and more.

Chu Ning also felt confused in her heart. Her feelings were like a game to tease her.

The person you like in your heart wants to forget, but you can't forget it.

People who don't like them feel uneasy when they refuse.

Thinking wildly, he got home. Eric just got out of the car and helped Chu Nian get out of the car. He said faintly, "go up and rest early." then he drove away lonely.

Chu Ning stood in the same place and looked at the direction Eric left, feeling so blocked in her heart.

Chu Ning thanked Eric for everything he did for her, but she couldn't give anything in return.

Back home, Chu Nian soon fell asleep.

Chu Ning returned to the house, still unable to sleep. Thinking of Yang Lele, who hadn't been in touch for a long time, I couldn't help dialing the phone.

"Hello, Lele, it's me." Chu Ning's voice was still a little low, and her mood had not recovered.

"Ah! Chu Ning, you bad girl finally called me! I miss you so much." Yang Lele shouted happily as soon as he heard Chu Ning's voice.

"Ha, why don't you think I call me and complain about me." Chu Ning heard Yang Lele's voice and just got out of the boring mood. Yang Lele's character always makes Chu Ning feel like a beam of light in life, warm and warm.

"Er... Um..." Yang Lele hesitated as soon as he heard Chu Ning's complaint. He was no longer as righteous as he had just been.

"Hum, you are a guy who forgets his friends. Needless to say, I know why you don't call me. You must be busy with song Yimin's love, aren't you?" Chu Ning knows Yang Lele very well. Yang Lele is very sincere to people, whether it's her best friend or her whole-hearted devotion to her lover.

"Ha ha, Chu Ning, you know me best. You're the best." Yang Lele immediately joked when Chu Ning said her nature.

"Lele, I haven't seen you for a long time. I still miss you very much. How are you doing recently? How's your family?" Chu Ning resumed her form and asked after her.

"Don't worry, Chu Ning, we're all fine. How about you? How about you and Niannian?" Yang Lele no longer plays tricks. She knows that Chu Ning must have something wrong or be in a bad mood when she calls her. Before Chu Ning was free, she chatted with Yang Lele.

"Niannian and I are very good..." when Yang Lele asked, Chu Ning's dull mood began to spread along the telephone line.

"Chu Ning, are you in a bad mood? Tell me, I'll help you share it." Yang Lele heard Chu Ning's voice lowered a few degrees, and realized that Chu Ning should be in a bad mood.

"Nothing, Lele, is to call you..." Chu lemon hesitated to make complaints about himself. Instead of being afraid of his privacy, Yang Lele knew that he was only thinking about whether he would burden Yang Lele. After all, what he had was happy.

"Chu Ning, what's the matter with you? Tell me, don't let me worry." Yang Lele was a little worried.

"Lele, I'm a little bored. I just want to talk to you... I didn't expect that I can't forget Jiang Yunxian up to now." Chu Ning thought for a while, but still spoke.

This idea has been depressed in Chu Ning's heart for too long, which makes Chu Ning feel a little uncomfortable.

"...." Yang Lele also had a moment of silence. She didn't expect Chu Ning to keep thinking about Jiang Yunxian. "Chu Ning, after you left, Jiang Yunxian went to Yimin and asked about you. I didn't say anything. I heard Yimin say that Jiang Yunxian devoted all his energy to his work for such a long time after you left, and people became much colder than before."

"Jiang Yunxian, is he all right?" Chu Ning finally couldn't help asking. She knew she shouldn't inquire about Jiang Yunxian, because it was hard to get it back after taking this step.

"No, I heard from Yimin that Jiang Yunxian seldom smiles now. He just works hard and doesn't talk about anything else. He's thin. When I heard about the interview last time, he said he had to wait for a girl!" Yang Lele said the current situation of Jiang Yunxian without hesitation. She was worried for Chu Ning. If Chu Ning could forget Jiang Yunxian, she would not mention a word.

But now these two people can't forget each other, but torture each other. Doesn't it make the bystanders worried?

"..." Chu Ning immediately burst into tears when she heard Yang Lele say so. She thought about Jiang Yunxian's recent situation many times, but she didn't think it would be like this.

"Chu Ning, what's the matter with you?" Yang Lele panicked when he saw that Chu Ning didn't speak. Did she say more? Make Chu Ning unhappy?

"It's all right, Lele. I'm just confused. I'm confused."

"Chu Ning, if you really can't, come back. Maybe you and Jiang Yunxian can try again?" Yang Lele asked tentatively. She knew that Chu Ning had always been an assertive girl. It was useless for others to say anything about her decision.

"Lele, I'm just afraid to go back..." Chu Ning said. Since she came back to the United States this time, Chu Ning has been experiencing this debate between the positive and the negative. She has been fighting fiercely in her heart at any time. She doesn't know which idea will prevail in the next moment.

Just facing Yang Lele, she decided to stick her tongue to the end before she decided.

"Alas, you are really enemies..." Yang Lele sighed. Feelings are really the most tormenting thing, because the most difficult thing to grasp is the people's heart, not only other people's hearts, but also their own hearts sometimes.

"Lele, please rest early, and I'll call you later." Chu Ning didn't want to say any more. When she heard Yang Lele talking about Jiang Yunxian's recent situation, Chu Ning felt heartache.

"Well, you have to rest early. If you have anything you want to say, please come to me at any time. I've always been there."

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