"Mom, I put them together according to your requirements." Chu Nian was innocent. He really didn't understand what Chu Ning said.

"Well, my baby, you really put it together." Chu Ning looked at Chu Nian and couldn't help laughing. It seems that sometimes it really needs to spend a lot of time on children's cognition.

Chu Ning thought for a moment. In fact, she blamed herself. She was busy with other things these days and didn't come in to see how Chu Nian packed up. It was just the default that Chu Nian would do as she imagined. She never thought that Chu Nian was so big. Where did she pack up.

So the next time, Chu Ning took Chu Nian and demonstrated to him little by little. The clothes should be stacked one by one, and then put back; Toys and books need to find a box, put it neatly, and then pack it

Chu Nian felt very fresh when she started doing such a thing, so she helped Chu Ning very steadfastly.

Chu Ning saw that Chu Nian had something to do with her, so she went out to do something else. Suddenly, Chu Nian ran out and said, "Mom, I want to give my toys to my good friends in school, OK? They can envy me at ordinary times."

"OK, Niannian." Chu Ning happily agreed. After all, for Chu Nian's good friends in the United States, Chu Ning felt that she still needed to say goodbye, and Chu Nian obviously grew up and would begin to think of her friends.

At the weekend, Chu Ning took Chu Nian with her and took her carefully selected toys to send them to Chu Nian's good friends.

Chu Nian was obviously sad. He hugged his good friends one by one, and promised to contact them when he returned to China. He would be good friends forever.

Chu Ning looked at this scene in the car and felt very gratified. It was a kind of pride brought to her by Chu Nian, the pride brought to her mother by the continuous growth of children.

Chu Ning is so tired recently that she finally sends boxes of things back.

Looking at the suddenly empty room, Chu Ning didn't feel reluctant to give up. It was full of faint joy to go back.

Chu Ning made herself a cup of tea, sat on the sofa, looked at the bright sunshine outside, relaxed, and suddenly heard the familiar telephone ring: "Hello, Eric, I haven't been in touch for a long time."

Chu Ning felt that she was not in such a complicated mood when facing Eric since she made it clear to Eric last time, and her words became relaxed.

"Chu Ning, when are you and Chu Nian going to leave?" Eric feels the same way with Chu Ning. He thinks it's better for each other to restore the relationship of friends.

"We have booked tickets for tomorrow." Chu Ning couldn't help thinking that Eric's call was really timely. It was just the day before Chu Ning and Chu Nian left.

"Ah, you're leaving tomorrow. Why don't you tell me in advance so that I can see you off. By the way, my parents are going to the airport to see you off." Eric couldn't help but wonder.

"I was going to call you later. Who knows you called in first." Chu Ning said mischievously, but she really planned so.

"OK, OK, Chu Ning, why don't we have dinner together tonight as the last goodbye." Eric pretended to be a little sad, but he really wanted to get together with Chu Ning Chu again.

"OK, Eric, I'll let you know when I've booked a hotel." Chu Ning replied without hesitation.

In fact, even if Eric doesn't mention it, she will take time to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Eric today. After all, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Eric are her closest people in the United States.

"No, Chu Ning, you're busy. I'll fix it and let you know." Eric hung up without giving Chu Ning a chance to refuse.

In the evening, Chu Ning picked up Chu Nian and prepared to attend a dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Eric.

During the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Smith thought that Chu Ning and Chu Nian were leaving, but they were still slightly sad, which made Chu Ning sad.

Eric is more considerate. Seeing that Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Chu Ning are a little sad about leaving, he keeps telling jokes to liven up the atmosphere. He also said that Chu Ning should be well prepared. He wants to go to China with his girlfriend and let Chu Ning wait for a good reception.

Chu Ning was deeply moved by Eric's way of playing tricks. Eric has always been so considerate of her.

Chu Ning smiled and solemnly said hello.

Chu Ning felt that tonight's dinner meant a lot to her. She thanked Eric for accompanying her and warming her when she was most frustrated. When she was unwilling to accept him, she chose to take the initiative to quit and send blessings. Finally, she gave Chu Ning a chance to say goodbye.

In the evening, Eric naturally sent Chu Ning's mother and son back to their place of residence. Along the way, Chinese songs were put in the car.

Eric and Chu Ning are immersed in a kind of indifference after looking away, and feel that each other is unprecedented relaxed.

The next day, Chu Ning and Chu Nian took a suitcase and went to battle easily.

On the third day, Eric had already been waiting downstairs. Chu Ning no longer had the previous sense of guilt. As a friend, she enjoyed Eric's service safely.

Arriving at the airport, Mr. and Mrs. Smith also arrived. Chu Ning's eyes turned red.

This trip to the United States has given Chu Ning a new understanding of her mind. Chu Ning feels happy at this moment. No matter where she is, there are dignitaries who belong to her.

Chu Ning hugged and said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Eric one by one. Chu Nian said reluctantly, "Grandpa and grandma Smith, I will miss you. You want to see me."

Mr. and Mrs. Smith kissed Chu Nian, and their eyes were full of reluctance.

Chu Ning didn't take Chu Nian too much delay. After changing her ticket, she entered the security check and was ready to board the plane.

Chu Ning sat in her seat and thought silently that when she came to the United States for half a year, she was still very determined. At that time, she felt that going to the United States would break with Jiang Yunxian, but she didn't expect that after half a year, her mood had changed quietly, and she had begun to look forward to Jiang Yunxian in her heart.

Chu Nian looked at Chu Ning in a daze and asked, "Mom, will we see our father, grandparents, grandparents, uncles and aunts soon after we return to China..." Chu Ning said a series of people he wanted to see, and his face was full of expectation.

"Well, yes, Niannian." chuning scraped chunian's nose. She understood the little guy's mood, because in the past six months, chuning didn't see chunian missing the Jiang family. Sometimes chuning called Chu's father and mother while chuning could also express her missing, but chunian didn't have such a direct way to the Jiang family.

Chu Nian was happy to twist left and right, which was very different from when she came to the United States. Chu Ning felt very sad at once.

In fact, Chu Ning always wanted to reply to Jiang Yunxian with a message telling him that he was about to return home, but he edited it several times and didn't have the courage to send it.

How is Jiang Yunxian now? Haven't seen them for a long time. Can they act as if nothing has happened? Can Jiang Yunxian treat her well? Will Jiang Yunxian make the mistake again?

These problems have been lingering in Chu Ning's heart, which did not completely dispel her doubts.

Chu Ning's feelings towards Jiang Yunxian are still very complex. She wants to be close and is afraid to be close. Sometimes Chu Ning even thinks about what the real Jiang Yunxian is like now.

I haven't seen him for so long. My understanding of him depends on the network and my previous cognition. Will it be too different from reality? Will it be different from what you imagined as soon as you meet.

Although Chu Ning decided to take a brave step forward, she didn't fully think about how to face Jiang Yunxian, so Chu Ning didn't inform anyone when she returned home this time.

Chu Ning has returned home for several days. She still hasn't figured out how to face Jiang Yunxian

。 Chu Nian asks Chu Ning every day when to see Jiang Yunxian? When are you going to see Jiang Fu and Jiang mu? Chu Ning could only say that she was fast, but she didn't know how to open the hole.

Confused, Chu Ning decides to ask Yang Lele for a walk and chat to relieve her depression.

Chu Ning immediately dialed Yang Lele's phone: "Hello, Lele."

"Hello, Chu Ning!" Yang Lele's unique voice came through the microphone.

"Lele, do you miss me?" Chu Ning didn't tell Yang Lele before. Now she wants to tease her.

"You dead girl, of course I miss you!" of course Yang Lele didn't expect Chu Ning to have returned home.

"I miss you too, Lele, do you want to see me?" Chu Ning continued to sell the pass.

"Ah? What do you mean, Chu Ning?" Yang Lele thought there was something wrong with today's Chu Ning.

"Ha ha, I want to see you. Why don't we go for a walk?" Chu Ning said what she thought.

"What, are you back, Chu Ning? Are you back! You bad girl!" Yang Lele immediately began to scream. Yang Lele didn't expect Chu Ning to come back so soon.

"Ha ha, yes, I'm back, Lele, I want to see you." Chu Ning finally recovered her normal voice.

"OK, OK, I'll see you now, right away, right away. Let's go to the river and see you in the old place." Yang Lele was impatient and couldn't wait for a moment.

Chu Ning hung up the phone with a smile and disappeared for half a year. Yang Lele was still the same as before, without any change.

Chu Ning put on her coat, put on her scarf and went out.

It was close to the end of the year. Chu Ning couldn't help feeling that it was really cold at home. When she went out, she must be surrounded tightly.

Chu Ning walked to the appointed place. As soon as she came, she couldn't take a taxi; Second, Chu Ning also wants to take a walk. After all, she hasn't come back for a long time. It's a kind of enjoyment for Chu Ning to see while walking.

Chu Ning surrounded herself with only her eyes outside, walked forward with her head down, and kept thinking about the problems that had plagued her.

"Chu Ning."

Chu Ning, who was walking forward, suddenly heard someone calling her. Chu Ning looked back in doubt and saw Fang Yuhao.

Chu Ning was surprised, Fang Yuhao! Her ex husband! Chu Ning doesn't know how long she hasn't thought of Fang Yuhao.

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