Jiang Yunxian stared at the expression on wechat like a fool. The more he looked, the more cute he felt. He couldn't help but put this expression on Chu Ning's face and amused himself.

"Did you sleep?" Chu Ning seemed to see that Jiang Yunxian didn't return the message and sent another one with a question mark.

"No!" Jiang Yunxian finally realized that he had forgotten to return the information.

Chu Ning also felt very fresh. She had never been in love with Jiang Yunxian, but she rarely touched each other with words, and couldn't help chatting.

Two adults, flying themselves in such a game played by children, thought that time passed quickly until the mobile phone hit their face and fell asleep with each other. They didn't know who ordered the last message.

The next day, Jiang Yunxian was still immersed in the joy of seeing him for the first time. He walked briskly and looked relaxed. He ran up and down at home and cleaned himself up very handsome.

Jiang's father and mother looked at their son's posture and couldn't help but tut their mouths. They thought that Jiang Yunxian was not like going to see his former father-in-law and mother-in-law, like going on a blind date.

However, Jiang's father and mother just teased Jiang Yunxian in their heart and told him to bring all the good things to the Chu family.

Jiang Yunxian left for Chu's house a long time before lunch, not because he had the habit of arriving early, but because he wanted to go and couldn't help it.

When Jiang Yunxian came in with big and small bags, the Chu family was busy. Chu's father and mother were also very helpful and began to prepare for the meal early.

Chu Ning takes the things in Jiang Yunxian's hands. Chu's father and mother are different from the cold in the past. They have surrounded them enthusiastically. They are still greeting to eat at home and what to do with their things.

Jiang Yunxian was very excited. The attitude of Chu's father and mother towards him had changed greatly. He couldn't help shouting excitedly, "Dad, mom!"

Chu's father and mother were surprised by Jiang Yunxian's loud voice and couldn't help laughing.

Chu LAN and Xiao Li came out when they heard the news. They kept shouting "brother-in-law."

Jiang Yunxian was so excited that he suddenly felt a little thing pouncing on him. At a glance, it was Chu Nian.

"Dad, Dad." Chu Nian shook Jiang Yunxian with a lovely little face.

Jiang Yunxian picked up Chu Nian and kissed him hard.

After the family met happily, all the previous grievances and grievances were over and no longer mentioned.

After seeing Jiang Yunxian seated, Chu's mother hurried into the kitchen and asked Chu Ning to take good care of Jiang Yunxian.

Chu Ning looked at Chu's mother's exaggerated appearance and couldn't help laughing. Jiang Yunxian is such a big man. Do you still need to take care of him?

However, Xiao Li completely listened to Chu's mother's orders and kept busy. He peeled fruit for Jiang Yunxian and poured tea for Jiang Yunxian. He was afraid that Jiang Yunxian was too polite and restrained himself.

Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian watched, even saying no, but they couldn't stop Xiao Li's enthusiasm.

Seeing that the things in the living room are ready, Xiao Li twists and turns to go to the kitchen to help, claiming that Chu's mother can't be busy alone. She wants to fight.

Chu LAN looked at Xiao Li with a big stomach and was in a hurry. "Xiao Li, don't be busy. I'll pour tea for my brother-in-law. You can sit well and don't surprise our children!"

Xiao Li couldn't help laughing when he heard Chu LAN say so. Chu LAN cared more about her day by day, as if he wanted to give her up.

Chu Ning finally couldn't see it anymore. She stood up, gently held Xiao Li and said, "Xiao Li, you are the most important key protection object of our Chu family now. Sit down. Everything has me!"

Xiao Li saw that everyone advised her, and she no longer insisted. She sat down happily.

Chu LAN wants to work in the kitchen, but Chu Ning stops her. Chu Ning insists that Chu LAN take good care of Xiao Li.

Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning and Chu LAN fighting back and forth. He wanted to intervene but couldn't. He just watched and smiled with Chu's father.

After some concessions, the Chu family finally formed a stable pattern. Chu Ning and Chu's mother are busy cooking in the kitchen; Chu LAN takes care of Xiao Li and an Ansheng sits.

Chu's father and Jiang Yunxian played with Chu Nian.

The family enjoys rare harmony and happiness.

Soon, Chu's mother was busy. The family sat around for dinner. Chu Ning looked at Jiang Yunxian affectionately. Jiang Yunxian seemed to feel something and looked back deeply.

Both felt that it was so difficult along the way.

After dinner, Chu Ning wants to help Chu's mother clean up, but Chu's mother insists on stopping her.

Chu's mother always said that it's rare to have such a good weather today. Chu Ning should go out and play with Jiang Yunxian and Chu Nian. Don't live up to such a good time.

Chu Lan also came to interrupt, saying that her brother-in-law had been waiting for so long, so don't let him wait any longer.

Chu Ning felt that everyone was a little confused, but she couldn't get in the end. She simply went out with Jiang Yunxian.

Jiang Yunxian holds Chu Nian. Chu Ning follows Jiang Yunxian closely, holding Jiang Yunxian's arm in one hand. She feels very relieved.

In the afternoon, the family of three went to many places. Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning kept silent for a long time. They just looked at each other affectionately and knew what they thought.

Only Chu Nian chattered about children's views. No matter where he went, he had a lot of curiosity.

Although many places are revisited by Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning.

But this time, there is obviously a little different meaning. They mend the old friendship with the crystallization of love. They go through it again one place at a time, and they all feel particularly meaningful.

Soon in the evening, Jiang Yunxian subconsciously wanted to drive back to Jiang's house, but suddenly thought about it, he felt a little embarrassed.

Chu Nian was already tired of playing, his eyes closed one by one, as if he were going to sleep soon.

"Chu Ning, that night... Why don't you go home..." Jiang Yunxian hesitated a little. He felt that he had to separate once a day, which was also very painful.

"Er... That..." Chu Ning didn't know whether she should agree or not, because she had recognized Jiang Yunxian's statement in her heart.

Both of them hesitated for a long time. Chu Ning whispered, "Yunxian, I think, otherwise, let's go to remarry tomorrow." Chu Ning lowered her head and felt very embarrassed.

It's true that Jiang Yunxian is stupid when he comes back this time. He doesn't take the initiative to mention this kind of thing. It's always a bit to let him go home, go home, don't remarry, and go home

But Chu Ning couldn't help laughing at herself. All along, Chu Ning can't be regarded as a very conservative person. She still has advanced views on many things, but how can she feel that she doesn't have a reputation when she comes to herself?

Hearing Chu Ning's reminder, Jiang Yunxian instantly felt that he was stupid.

Why didn't you step on the point every time? The most important thing was forgotten every time. Chu Ning had to remind himself.

Jiang Yunxian couldn't help telling himself to have a snack next time.

"OK! OK! OK! Go early tomorrow morning! By the way, when does the Civil Affairs Bureau open?" Jiang Yunxian said excitedly.

"Er... Is it eight o'clock?" Chu Ning felt a little black line, and Jiang Yunxian's reaction was too... Unexpectedly asked the Civil Affairs Bureau when to open the door? That's an exaggeration.

However, Chu Ning was getting used to Jiang Yunxian's brain circuit and answered along Jiang Yunxian's thinking.

"OK, let's go at 8:00! I'll pick you up at 7:00 tomorrow morning, Chu Ning." Jiang Yunxian thought it was like playing football. He had played more than half of the football field and was only about to kick the door. He was ready to increase his horsepower and end the battle quickly.

"OK." Chu Ning thought to herself, will it be a little early? But she agreed immediately. Chu Ning thought in her heart, what's the matter with her?

Chu Nian, who was already confused, didn't realize how embarrassing the chat between Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning was. Just as usual, it was in a vague state before going to bed.

However, if Chu Nian knew it, he would still laugh at Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning.

Jiang Yunxian sent Chu Ning's mother and son to the door. In view of the laborious expression of Chu Ning holding Chu Nian, Jiang Yunxian immediately got out of the car, picked up Chu Nian, and they walked forward together.

Jiang Yunxian is excited. When he remarries Chu Ning tomorrow, he can hold Chu Nian and return to Jiang's house with Chu Ning in his arms. He can see his beloved before going to bed every day. He can also see Chu Ning at the first sight when he wakes up every day. Thinking about it makes Jiang Yunxian excited.

After Jiang Yunxian returned to Jiang's house, he knocked excitedly on the door of Jiang's father and mother. Seeing that the second old man had not rested, Jiang Yunxian couldn't help announcing: "Dad, mom, Chu Ning and I are going to remarry tomorrow morning!"

Jiang's father and mother were very excited. They stopped what they were doing, looked at Jiang Yunxian happily, and kept talking about it.

The next day, Jiang Yunxian picked up Chu Ning in high spirits and drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau together.

Chu Ning specially wore a white lace shirt today, which was very quiet and beautiful. Jiang Yunxian couldn't help glancing at Chu Ning. He felt that Chu Ning was as beautiful as when he first met. It was clean, free of impurities, lasting and fragrant.

Chu Ning felt Jiang Yunxian's warm eyes and blushed involuntarily. Finally, she couldn't help saying, "you drive well first..."

Jiang Yunxian listened to Chu Ning's words and drove well first? Then what else? I couldn't help but have some fantasies and laughed.

Chu Ning also felt that there was something wrong with what she said. It didn't seem to be all her own meaning. She looked out of the window as if nothing had happened.

Just facing Jiang Yunxian's face, a blush gradually rose.

When they arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, they still came early.

The door of the Civil Affairs Bureau is closed. It seems that the opening time is not accurate enough.

Neither Jiang Yunxian nor Chu Ning is willing to take out their mobile phones to see the specific opening time of the Civil Affairs Bureau, let alone get off to see the row of small characters at the door.

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