Jiang Yunxian couldn't help laughing. He thought it was a good day.

When I got to school, I just saw Yang Lele standing in front of the door with his daughter, as if waiting for the arrival of Chu Nian.

"Brother Chu Nian, brother Chu Nian, when you come to school, we will be a school in the future." Song Zian saw Chu Nian get off the bus and ran up. He was very happy and excited. When he ran to Chu Nian, he took Chu Nian's hand and shook it constantly.

Chu Nian felt that he was most afraid of song Zian. He felt very uncomfortable, so he gently took out his hand.

Chu Ning on one side frowned slightly when she saw Chu Nian's action, took Chu Nian's hand and song Zian's hand together, and said to Chu Nian very solemnly, "Nian Nian, you are a brother. In the future, you and zi'an's sister will be in the same school. You should learn to take care of zi'an's sister, you know?"

Chu Nian saw that Chu Ning said it very seriously. He didn't take out his hand again. He held song Zian's hand in a very awkward posture and nodded slightly.

Chu Ning saw Chu Nian nodding and couldn't help laughing. She felt that her silly boy was sometimes cold outside and hot inside. In fact, she still looked like Jiang Yunxian.

Yang Lele, looking at the awkward Chu Nian, couldn't help laughing and hurriedly said, "Niannian, aunt can give you Zian's sister. You should be responsible for protecting her."

Yang Lele's seemingly joking words were actually heard by Chu Nian. When he heard Chu Ning and Yang Lele say so, he felt that he should also protect song Zian. His little face was also solemn with silk, and he couldn't bear to lose silk.

At this time, Jiang Yunxian, who had not spoken for a long time, saw that Chu Ning had explained almost. He said to Chu Nian, "son, take sister Zian in. Mom and dad and aunt Lele will look at you at the door. Go, my little man." Jiang Yunxian also took the opportunity to kiss Chu Nian, as if it was not enough.

Chu Nian saw that everyone had explained it all over, and he didn't have much nostalgia. He took song Zian and walked towards the school. After all, Chu Nian was still very independent for school.

Song Zian, who always let Chu Nian hold her little hand, had a sweet smile on her face. In her eyes, she felt very happy to see Chu Nian holding her hand. She was happier than what kind of doll her parents gave her.

Song Zian felt that as long as Chu Nian was there, no plush toy could match him.

The two children went to their respective seats and began their first day of classmate career.

Whenever class is over, song Zian doesn't want to be honest and sit in her seat. She doesn't want to pay attention to the children who have been playing with her before.

Song Zian always ran to Chu Nian in a flash, talked to Chu Nian, and wanted to take Chu Nian out to play.

But Chu Nian's appearance is very cool. He thinks song Zian is a little girl. At least he is a man. What fun he has with her, so he basically ignores her.

Song zi'an was tired of shouting. Chu Nian would also deliberately look fierce and say, "Shh! Don't make any noise! If you make any more noise, I'll drive you back."

Hearing Chu Nian's order, song Zian immediately covered his mouth with his little hand for fear that he would make a noise and annoy Chu Nian. He only had a pair of small eyes and stared at Chu Nian and kept turning.

But when the next class was over, song Zian went to Chu Nian again.

Song Zian felt that no matter what Chu Nian told her, she was not angry. She felt that Chu Nian was good and just wanted to play with Chu Nian.

Within a few days, song Zian had a nickname called "Chu Nian's little follower." many children privately called song Zian, but song Zian didn't hear it at all, because she saw Chu Nian's brother every day.

That day, song Zian came back from the bathroom and happened to meet a group of naughty children in the class.

Song zi'an was going to walk by with his head down, but who knows, the little troublemakers immediately thought of playing tricks on song zi'an.

"Hi! Chu Nian's little follower." the little troublemakers shouted song Zian while laughing loudly.

"Who are you talking about? Who is a follower." Song Zian didn't want to manage money, but there were people laughing at her in the corridor, which made her feel very harsh and annoyed.

"Say you! Follow the asshole! That's you!" the little troublemakers were more excited when they saw that song Zian was annoyed. They shouted and turned around Song Zian.

Song Zian blushed and said loudly, "you are, you are, you are all followers."

The little troublemakers were not angry, but kept shouting and running. A little boy also pulled song Zian's hair braid and almost put song Zian down.

Song Zian was very angry and wanted to rush up and push the boy. As a result, because of his small strength and body, the boy stretched out his legs and fell to the ground in an instant.

Song Zian's small body fell heavily to the ground, and his face was even more gray, and his body was in great pain. Song Zian had never been bullied by this kind of bullying, and suddenly began to cry.

The little troublemakers saw song Zian fall. They wanted to help him, but they felt ashamed. Now they heard song Zian cry and laughed: "Yo, the asshole cried, the asshole cried." after one child said, a group of children began to shout.

Song Zian fell to the ground. No children helped her and laughed at her. Song Zian couldn't help crying more.

Chu Nian heard something moving in the classroom. He remembered song Zian for the first time. He immediately stood up and rushed out of the classroom.

When Chu Nian saw song Zian lying on the ground alone, his body and face were all gray, and a bunch of little boys were still laughing around her, Chu Nian was angry for a moment, his small fists were tightly clenched together, shouted and rushed up.

Song Zian was crying. Hearing Chu Nian's voice, he hurriedly raised his tearful eyes.

Chu Nian rushed over quickly. As soon as he went down, he jumped on the boy closest to him, reached out and greeted the little boy in the face. While beating, he shouted, "let you bully my sister, let you bully my sister."

The other little troublemakers beat people when they saw Chu Nian rushing over. For a time, there was the little boy on the ground, followed by Chu Nian, and then a bunch of little troublemakers, tearing and twisting together in confusion.

At this time, song Zian couldn't care to lie on the ground and cry anymore. After seeing Chu Nian rushing over, so many children were pressed on the ground. Song Zian quickly got up and tried to squeeze into the crowd and pick Chu Nian out.

But no matter how crowded song Zian was, he couldn't see Chu Nian's face. But he had to cry more urgently. He kept shouting, "brother Chu Nian, brother Chu Nian."

Although Chu Nian is in the center of the crowd, he has no feeling of fear. In Chu Nian's heart, song Zian is already his little sister. Although she is usually annoying, no one can bully her! No one can!

Chu Nian's anger didn't go out because of the siege. He just clenched his fist and waved it to every child next to him. He didn't care how many fists fell on his body and face.

The little troublemakers around Chu Nian saw that Chu Nian didn't give in at all, as if he had been provoked. For a moment, the scene was more chaotic.

The children on one side, watching so many children fighting together, dare not come forward to help. They can only look around. Some children still say, "stop fighting, stop fighting."

But fortunately, some clever children have quietly run to tell the school teachers.

When the teachers heard the news, they were surprised and sweated a lot on their forehead.

After all, today's children are baby bumps in the eyes of their parents. They usually knock and touch, which makes their parents very unhappy, let alone fight.

When the teachers came to the front, they couldn't help but take a breath. This group of children basically had color on their faces. Chu Nian in the middle had black and purple on his face. He usually looked at his smart big eyes and swollen at this time.

Other children were not much better, and their clothes were pulled in disorder. One child's nose left a trail of blood

The teachers rushed into the crowd, separated the children, and said very severely, "stop, no fighting!"

When the little troublemakers saw the teachers coming, they didn't dare to do it again. After all, it was also the trouble caused by their mischief. At this time, they all felt a little guilty. They all put down their small fists and retreated back, no longer waving their teeth and claws like just now.

When Chu Nian saw the teachers coming, he didn't stop. He also punched the nearest child, as if he didn't enjoy it at all.

The teacher hurriedly stopped Chu Nian and asked, "why do you fight? Don't you know that fighting is prohibited in school?"

Chu Nian couldn't stretch out his little fist any more. He was only wearing coarse clothes, but his eyes stared at the small troublemakers angrily, as if he wanted to vent his anger with his eyes.

Song Zian's children, who had been crowded nearby, although they had been crying, were not vague at the moment. They squeezed in front of the teacher and said with a crying voice: "teachers, they all blame them. They teased me and tripped me. Brother Chu Nian came to beat them!"

As song Zian spoke, he wiped his tears with his hands. After a while, his face was covered with flowers, just like a little flower cat. At this time, the little troublemakers didn't want to laugh at her again.

After listening to song Zian's words, the teacher also understood the course of the matter.

The difference between children and adults is that although children's description of things may not be comprehensive, most children rarely lie, so it is relatively simple to understand the process of things.

"Is that so? Why do you make fun of song Zian's children?" the teacher glanced at every little troublemaker present with stern eyes.

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