But it's lovely to look so silly.

Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning may have tossed enough tonight, and they didn't have much words. They fell asleep.

In her dream, Chu Ning saw Jiang Yunxian in college. She was very student like. Her hair was a little longer than now. It was white and clean. There was no sense of oppression formed by the superior,.

Wearing a long windbreaker and a plaid scarf, he stood in the snow and looked at Chu Ning and smiled.

Smile very warm and clean, as if to melt all the snow

Chu Ning is infatuated with such a beautiful dream. It seems that when she was young, all her fantasies about love focused on the boy in the snow.

Chu Ning stood not far away and looked at Jiang Yunxian smiling. It seemed that they had known each other for a long time. As for how long ago, they couldn't remember

Jiang Yunxian has a similar dream.

Chu Ning in the dream, wearing a bright red down jacket, sets off Chu Ning's delicate waist.

Chu Ning wore a thick POM POM wool hat and a beige scarf around her face. Only two eyes were exposed on her face, but she smiled into a crescent moon.

Chu Ning like that was so beautiful and moving. Jiang Yunxian couldn't help running over and holding Chu Ning in circles in the snow. The world seemed to be static, leaving only Jiang Yunxian's voice calling Chu Ning and Chu Ning's silver bell like laughter.

When the alarm clock rang, Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning didn't want to wake up from their sleep at all. They were still immersed in their dreams.

Until the alarm clock rang several times, Jiang Yunxian opened his eyes and reached out and pressed the stop button.

Jiang Yunxian rubbed his eyes. Fortunately, Chu Ning in his dream was still in front of him. Jiang Yunxian responded with a very reassuring smile and was ready to start a new day.

The first thing Jiang Yunxian wakes up is to wake up Chu Ning. Chu Ning has no sign of waking up. He still has a smile on his face with his eyes closed. Jiang Yunxian thinks it's good. The two people can feel happy every day.

Jiang Yunxian kissed Chu Ning on her face. He was a little reluctant to wake her up.

Chu Ning, who felt the kiss, finally slowly opened her eyes and said vaguely, "Yunxian, what time is it?"

"It's seven o'clock," said Jiang Yunxian, holding his head in his hand and staring at Chu Ning.

"Eh, why don't you get up and watch me?" Chu Ning hurriedly urged Jiang Yunxian.

"Ha, you urged me first. I'm a big man. Can I pack up slower than your women?" Jiang Yunxian woke up and began to talk.

"That's right. I'll get up too." Chu Ning immediately sat up with a carp. In fact, it's not that Chu Ning gets up so quickly every day. The main reason is that Chu Ning still remembers to take Chu Nian to see the snowman yesterday.

After all, it took Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning a lot of effort to pile it up.

Chu Ning still wants to show off, even to Chu Nian?

After Chu Ning packed up, she was ready to call Niannian to get up. Seeing that Jiang's father and mother were already in the living room, she hurriedly said, "Mom and Dad, you've got up? Why don't you sleep more?"

"I'm old and can't sleep, unlike you young people." Jiang's mother couldn't help feeling and seems to be very envious.

"Look what you said, mom, you're not old. You look forever young." Chu Ning couldn't help but start talking. She didn't know if she was infected by Jiang Yunxian.

"You..." Mrs. Jiang smiled even more when she heard the speech. After all, it's lucky to have children around. It's even more desirable to make herself happy every day.

"Mom, I'll call Niannian to get up." Chu Ning is ready to do business.

"Well, I've just called once. It's cold. Is the little guy lying in bed?" said Jiang mother. These two days, Chu Nian obviously doesn't get up as quickly as before. Is it a bit of hibernation rhythm?

Chu Ning walks to Chu Nian's room. Chu Nian really hasn't got up yet. Her eyes are closed and she is wandering in her dream. Her long eyelashes are slightly warped, like two small fans.

"Niannian, get up, get up quickly, and you'll be late for school soon." Chu Ning patted Chu Nian gently, ready to pull Chu Nian back from his sleep.

"Mom, don't move, don't move, for a while..." Chu Nian felt Chu Ning's gentle shaking and said slightly discontentedly.

"Niannian, mom told you, if you want to get up quickly, we still have time to go outside to see the snowman. The snowman is beautiful!" Chu Ning thought of a good method when she saw that Chu niansi didn't cooperate at all.

Sure enough, Chu Nian immediately opened his eyes and asked soberly, "where is the snowman?"

"Ha ha, outside, your father and I made a snowman last night." Chu Ning's tone was still a little proud.

"I'm going to see it, I'm going to see it." Chu Nian really got caught up. He didn't want to stay in bed anymore. He was struggling to get up.

When Chu Ning read it out with Chu, breakfast was ready.

"Niannian, Chu Ning, come to dinner." Jiang's mother saw Chu Ning and Chu Nian come out and quickly greeted them.

"Grandma, is it snowing outside?" Chu Nian asked excitedly, thinking about the outside world.

"Well, it's raining. I don't know if it's stopped." Jiang's mother heard Chu Nian say so and hurriedly stretched out her head to see how the snow was outside.

"Dad, mom, hurry up, I'm going out to see the snowman." Chu Nian excitedly pulled Chu Ning and Jiang Yunxian to run outside.

"Read, eat first, and let's go together after eating." Chu Ning felt that if she didn't eat anything early in the morning, she would not be frozen.

"No, no, what if the snow melts now?" Chu Nian was very worried and felt that the most important thing at present was to go out to see the snowman.

"Ha ha, the snow won't melt away so quickly. You see, there's no sun, and the snowman is still there!" Jiang Yunxian couldn't help laughing when he heard Chu Nian's question. He thought Chu Nian was very anxious and cute.

"Niannian, you are obedient. Eat something first. It will be very cold if you go out later. If you don't eat, there will be a strong wind blowing you away..." Chu Ning saw that Chu Nian insisted on going out immediately and made up a lie to deceive the child.

"Well, is it true?" Chu Nian looked back thoughtfully, as if shaken.

"En en." Chu Ning immediately nodded her head. At this time, she must stick to her own point of view.

Jiang Mu and Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Ning and Chu Nian. They both smiled and looked at what Chu Nian was going to do. It seemed that they endured very hard.

Chu Nian looked at Chu Ning, Jiang Yunxian and Jiang Mu at this time, trying to confirm what Chu Ning said on everyone's faces.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Chu Nian finally nodded and said, "well, let's eat quickly and go to see the snowman after eating."

Jiang's mother saw Chu Nian ready to eat, and hurriedly began to get busy.

But this morning, Chu Nian was obviously absent-minded. Under Chu Ning's repeated supervision, Chu Nian reluctantly ate some bread, half a glass of milk and half an egg

When Chu Ning handed something to Chu Nian again, Chu Nian obviously couldn't stand it. It seemed that she was going to jump off the stool the next second.

Jiang Yunxian looked at Chu Nian's forbearance. He also felt that he couldn't bear it. Finally, he took Chu Nian's hand and said, "are you full? Let's go."

"I'm full. I'm dead. Let's go!"

Chu Nian's heart had already flown outside. At this time, as soon as he heard Jiang Yunxian's words, he was eager to leave immediately. He jumped down from the stool and ran out with Jiang Yunxian's hand.

"Niannian, schoolbag, your schoolbag hasn't been taken." Chu Ning watched Jiang Yunxian take Chu Nian out. Chu Nian didn't even wipe his mouth, let alone take the schoolbag.

She could only helplessly shout Chu Nian in the back, thinking that Jiang Yunxian was really a little childish and didn't look like a father.

"Mom, take it for me. We'll wait for you outside." Chu Nian shouted as she walked, unwilling to stop and delay a moment.

"Go, Chu Ning, don't delay." Jiang's mother looked at the back of Jiang Yunxian and Chu Nian and couldn't help laughing. The child's happiness is actually much simpler and simpler.

"Mom, let's go." Chu Ning said hello to Jiang's mother and went out.

Chu Ning walked slowly forward and looked at the small snowflakes all over the sky. She felt that there were two kinds of scenery during the day and at night.

The snow during the day feels very pure, and the snow at night makes people feel quiet.

Chu Ningshen, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, finally found the snowman made last night. Chu Nian stood in front of the snowman and studied carefully. It seemed that a lot of questions were written on his small face.

"Dad, did you make this?" Chu Nianyang asked Jiang Yunxian.

"Yes, mom and dad piled up together last night. Are mom and dad powerful?" Jiang Yunxian looked like Chu Nian's Playmate at this time. Chu Ning looked at it from a distance and felt that this feeling was also excellent.

"Dad, why didn't you call me last night?" Chu Nian seemed dissatisfied with Jiang Yunxian's question.

"Well, we saw you fell asleep and didn't want to wake you up." Jiang Yunxian was embarrassed to say that Chu Ning was afraid of freezing Chu Nian and making Chu Nian noisy.

"Then you can wake me up! I also want to make a snowman." Chu Nian couldn't help pouting and felt that Jiang Yunxian and Chu Ning were very unkind.

Chu Ning approaches and hears Chu Nian's dissatisfied muttering. She can't help thinking. It seems that she will take Chu Nian with her next time. After all, for children, everything is full of freshness and exploration.

Chu Ning realized at this moment that she should not limit children's behavior with the ideas of adults, which would kill a lot of children's happiness.

Chu Nian saw Chu Ning approaching and couldn't help but say, "Mom, next time you and dad come out to play, remember to call me."

As if to play a certain emphasis effect, when Chu Nian said the last sentence, he slowed down and increased the intonation.

"OK!" Chu Ning answered seriously.

Chu Nian heard Chu Ning's promise and was happy again. Her unhappiness was swept away.

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