The two children have been used to the wind and water since childhood. They don't pay much attention to any serious affairs. If they don't properly restrain their mind, it will be a big trouble in the future.

Of course, Chu Nian also knows that although he suppressed the two little guys a little today, when song Zian comes tomorrow, he will bring them all they want.

"Brother, you're really our brother. I love you so much!" Jiang Yun said bitterly and sat down helplessly, like a slightly deflated balloon. It's very cute.

Chu Nian finally finished sharing his carefully selected gifts and sat down to catch his breath.

Jiang's father and mother immediately asked about all kinds of situations in the United States. Chu Nian didn't stop for a moment, and immediately told them vividly.

It's just that the expression on his face can't cover up the rampant dark circles.

After Song Zian went home with Yang Lele and song Yimin, he was naturally very fresh. He chatted with Yang Lele all the way.

It is said that her daughter is her mother's little cotton padded jacket. Yang Lele felt the warmth of the quilt after Song Zian came back and kept laughing.

As soon as song Zian entered the house, he felt that the atmosphere at home was different.

Yang Lele even pasted a landscape on the wall with colored balloons in the living room.

Yang Lele used song Zian's favorite pink balloons. A word was written on each balloon, just forming the words "welcome Zian home".

As soon as song Zian saw the new decoration in the house, his eyes immediately turned red.

Song Zian jumped into the arms of Yang Lele and song Yimin again and said quietly and solemnly, "Mom and Dad, I love you. I'll never go again."

Yang Lele and song Yimin both patted song Zian on the shoulder. The atmosphere was momentary and moving.

Unlike in the past, song Zian, who just got home today, is surprisingly patient. He just sits at home with Yang Lele and song Yimin and doesn't go out to play.

Yang Lele felt that before he knew it, song Zian was still sensible. He was usually busy for half a minute. Today, he sat still at home.

As soon as Yang Lele got home, he did all kinds of busy work, serving fruits and snacks, as if to make up for song Zian's leisure when he was not at home.

Even song Yimin has been busy with Yang Lele. It seems that he can't calm down if he isn't busy.

"Mom and Dad, don't be busy, just sit down and have a rest." Song Zian looked at Yang Lele and song Yimin and felt sorry that he was so far away from home.

But luckily they still have each other and can take care of each other together.

"It's all right, it's all right." Yang Lele and song Yimin still came to song Zian while talking. At this time, song Zian's words are like an imperial edict. Yang Lele and song Yimin are eager to listen more.

"Mom and Dad, look at the gifts I brought you." Song Zian saw that Yang Lele and song Yimin finally sat down and quickly took out their carefully selected gifts.

Song Zian selected a full set of TF lipstick for Yang Lele and took it out in a big row. Looking at it with great momentum, Yang Lele was startled.

"Zian, you buy so much lipstick for your mother. When can mother finish it?"

Yang Lele is more pragmatic. After all, lipstick is a favorite of every woman, but it's too exaggerated to buy so many at one time.

"Mom, I honor you! I don't use the money you and dad gave me. I earned it during my internship. I just want you to be my father and my princess forever." Song Zian said very forthright.

She looks very much like Yang Lele when she was young.

As song Zian spoke, he hugged Yang Lele's shoulder and expressed his daughter's deepest love.

"That's too much..." Yang Lele thought her daughter's words were the most moving love words in the world. Just looking at this big string of lipstick, she still felt a little numb.

"Mom, don't worry. Just use it and expand your makeup cabinet. My father doesn't understand. He will only swipe your card. I'm different. I'm carefully selected to ensure that you are happy to use it. Moreover, you can't use it by yourself. You can give it away. It's more face when you say that your daughter bought it for you from the United States."

As soon as song Zian finished his lyric, he began to become immoral again, as if he wanted to see Yang Lele crying and laughing.

Of course, Yang Lele also changed his expression. After listening to song Zian's words, he immediately smiled, reached out and pinched song Zian's face. He felt that his empty heart was suddenly filled.

Song Zian has given Yang Lele a gift. It's song Yimin's turn.

Song Zian took out a big box from behind. It turned out to be a pair of handmade leather shoes.

Song Yimin couldn't wait to open it. He was also moved. He couldn't help asking, "Zian, how do you know how big I wear?"

"Ha ha, Dad, guess?" Song Zian looked at Song Yimin with a proud face.

"Your mother told you?" Song Yimin naturally thought. It is estimated that the mother and daughter have discussed it. He knows that song Yimin has a preference for leather shoes.

"Ha ha, Dad, you underestimate me. I'm your daughter. I don't know what you like and what size you wear? Do you think your foot size has changed over the years?" Song Zian couldn't help laughing.

Song Yimin was very moved. After all, song Yimin never thought that the silly girl in her family was so careful. She always thought that song Zian would take care of herself. She was afraid she couldn't do it.

In the twinkling of an eye, song Zian can take care of their husband and wife, and will pay attention to their preferences and emotions.

Seeing that Yang Lele and song Yimin were satisfied, song Zian suddenly couldn't help asking, "Mom and Dad, I've always wanted to ask you a question."

"Well, what?" the two men looked up at Song Zian at the same time.

"Well, why don't I have younger brothers and sisters?" Song Zian always admires Chu Ning's younger brothers and sisters. He thinks it's a kind of valuable feeling and company, but he doesn't even have brothers and sisters.

Song Zian felt that life would be unimaginable if he had not been accompanied by his brother Chu Nian since childhood.

"Well, this, zi'an, do you want a brother or sister?" Yang Lele didn't expect that song zi'an had grown up and would suddenly care about this problem.

"No, it's just strange, but fortunately I have brother Chu Nian with me all the time." Song Zian immediately brought a joy that belongs to a girl when he mentioned Chu Nian.

"Zian, your father and I didn't think about it before. We just wanted to let it go, but we may not have this fate."

Yang Lele is quite helpless to mention it. After all, she also admires Chu Ning. Now her children are around

Even if Chu Nian went to the United States, there were two around him. Unlike himself, as soon as song Zian left, he felt that his family was suddenly deserted.

Rao, no matter how badly the heating is turned on, it seems that he is wrapped in a diamond mask.

"Ha ha, mom, look what you said. I just said it casually. Why, you won't be sad." Song Zian felt some emotion when he saw Yang Lele. He immediately joked and adjusted the atmosphere.

"By the way, Zian, how many times have I told you that you are a big girl. Should you keep a distance from Chu Nian?"

Song Yimin, who hasn't spoken all the time, even remembered to mention this stubble.

"Dad, why? Brother Chu Nian is not an outsider." Song Zian doesn't pay attention to this problem at all.

"Well, Zian, after all, you're not a child. When you were a child, you were just together every day. Now you're so old. It's not good to haunt Chu Nian every day!" Yang Lele thought of it and was a little anxious.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry about this. I know this well. Don't worry."

Song Zian doesn't want to have an in-depth discussion on this issue. After all, how can traditional people like Yang Lele and song Yimin understand song Zian's wishes all the time?

"Mom and Dad, I'm hungry. What shall we eat?" Song Zian quickly changed the topic before Yang Lele talked to song Yimin.

As soon as Yang Lele was ready to go into the kitchen, song Yimin grabbed her from behind. "Lele, let's go, go out to eat, what else to do, let the girl order today, or hurry up."

"Oh, good." Yang Lele immediately turned around, put on his coat, and the three of the family went out.

Song Zian walks between Yang Lele and song Yimin, intimately playing with the arms of Yang Lele and song Yimin, feeling the long-awaited family time.

The next day, it was the weekend, and the repaired Chu Nian and song Zian were glowing with new brilliance.

Because of the young relationship, no matter how tired you are, you can instantly revive with full blood after a night.

When song Zian got up in the morning, he immediately remembered the most important thing today, that is, to find Chu Nian.

"Mom and Dad, I went to Chu Nian's brother's house." Song Zian dressed himself up beautifully and shouted at Yang Lele and song Yimin who were still busy in the house.

"Zi'an, don't panic, stand there." Yang Lele hurriedly ran out of the kitchen and shouted at Song zi'an.

"Mom, what's the matter? I'll go for a while and I'll be back before noon."

For fear that Yang Lele would stop her, song Zian quickly made a guarantee.

"Why are you running around without breakfast?" Yang Lele sighed. I really don't know what to do with song Zian.

"I'm not hungry, mom." Song Zian skimmed his lips, looking rather cheeky.

"Zian, go after dinner."

Song Yimin also came out and wanted to stop song Zian, but seeing that the girl was about to rush out, she felt hopeless for a moment.

Song Zian reluctantly walked back, ate a piece of bread and drank a glass of milk, stood up with full vitality, said "goodbye to mom and Dad", and ran away happily.

"Look at your daughter," said Yang Lele, looking at Song Yimin unhappily.

"Not your daughter? What did she carry?" Song Yimin was also quite helpless.

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