To Chu Li's surprise, she actually got it right. The sudden diarrhea caused her to stay in the bathroom alive for twenty minutes.

"I don't know where you got the habit of going to the washroom when eating. Don't you know how old you are?" Luckily, this is only in front of us. If this were done in front of others, what would they think? "No manners!"

When Chu Li came out holding her stomach, she bumped into her mother. She felt a little helpless after being scolded by her like this.

"Mom, actually, if you want to buy vegetables, you can buy some fresh ones." Mom, actually, you can buy some fresh vegetables.

Mother Chu suddenly opened her eyes wide, her face full of righteousness, "Are you saying that it's not good for me to get diarrhea?" Is that what you mean? I came to see you out of good intentions and made you dinner, yet you still have the nerve to say such words. It's not like I'm stopping you from doing it. "

She sighed, as if she was a victim of an injustice, "Come on, I was doing this out of good intentions, and I even got myself a girl who doesn't appreciate my kindness! This was so infuriating! Even if it was a problem with the dishes, he would not have diarrhea so quickly! Furthermore, it's not like you ate it alone. How come there's nothing wrong between your dad and me? Don't think that working in the city is as pampered as being a city dweller! "

It was a bad taste in her heart to have eaten so badly and been educated for nothing, so she had to bear it herself and go to the toilet again and again.

After an entire night of tossing and turning, Chu Li didn't have much rest. When he woke up the next day, he was like a thin version of a panda, and a sickly, lifeless one at that.

Even so, Chu Li dragged himself to the company, only to spend the whole morning in a daze, as if his actions were out of control of his mind.

Jiang called Chu Li to his office to analyze the situation because of the competition. The moment he saw Chu Li, he felt that something was amiss.

"Are you sick?"

"Nope." Chu Li lowered his head to deny it. He always felt that it was because he didn't sleep well last night that he was so dispirited. He wanted to sleep better tonight and never sleep like this again.

Jiang Yunxian stood up and walked over. The air in front of him quieted down for a few seconds.

"I think you're sick."

When her cold hand was placed on her forehead, Chu Li subconsciously took two steps back, "I'm really alright. I ate a bad meal last night and ran to the toilet, but I didn't get a good rest. Don't worry, I won't delay my work. I'll go back and draw my script right now!"

After saying that, Chu Li was about to leave, but after just two steps, she felt a bit dizzy. Fortunately, Jiang Yunxian held her arm in time.

"You have a fever, I'll take you to the hospital."

This angle allowed him to see the contours of Jiang Yunxian's face, which was very close to him, along with his chin, and the slight quiver of his Adam's apple as he spoke. For the first time, Chu Li realized that his voice sounded somewhat pleasant.

Ah!" "No need, I'm really fine.

After staring blankly for a while, Chu Li realized that she was almost leaning against Jiang Yunxian's chest. She felt embarrassed, and blushed as she tried to struggle free.

However, Jiang Yunxian tightened his grip on her arms and shoulders, "The fever is indeed very severe! His entire face was red! Let's go! Go to the hospital now, and don't worry about your plans for the time being. "

His words made Chu Li's heart beat faster. She suspected that he was just teasing her, so she kept her distance from him as they walked into the elevator.

People came and went in the hospital, and with Jiang Yunxian's help, Chu Li was able to successfully inject the drug. However, the effect was not as fast. He sat back in his chair, feeling a little sleepy.

"Otherwise, just sleep for a bit. I'll help you watch. Call the nurse if anything happens." Jiang Yunxian was very considerate. Seeing Chu Li like this, he could not help but feel worried.

"No, there's no need …"

Right now, Chu Li was holding a suit jacket in front of him with his left hand.

Jiang Yunxian comforted her in a comforting tone, "It doesn't matter, it's only going to last two hours at most. The air conditioner will get colder after a long time, so why don't we go to bed!"

Unable to refuse Jiang Yunxian's suggestion, Chu Li could only obediently lie down on the bed. "I'm sorry to have caused you to tarry here with me."

Jiang Yunxian smiled. He even thought Chu Li was cute, but at the same time, he could not help but feel touched.

"How did you get food poisoning? Could it be because your parents are here, your family was too happy yesterday, so you ate too much? "

Listening to Jiang Yunxian's question, Chu Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If that was really the case, even food poisoning would be very happy! However, he had clearly had an unhappy family reunion.

"I hope so …" she whispered.

"What?" Jiang Yunxian didn't quite understand. He looked at her fixedly, as if he was waiting for a further explanation.

Jiang Yunxian's curious and caring eyes made Chu Feng feel somewhat embarrassed. However, he had been holding back for so long in his heart. Perhaps he could tell others about his illness?

"You probably won't feel this way about loving your family, but love them very much. Love them very much, and you're obviously very close. Why do you have to use words to hurt each other? Apart from natural disasters, what I care about most is the opinions and eyes of people close to me. Yesterday, I was not happy at all. "

Chu Li could not help but blush, "Being visited is a surprise, isn't it? But I don't think so. I wasn't afraid that they would disrupt the order of my life, but I still wanted to take good care of them. Dinner was made by my mother, who was thrifty, and she had a plan, thinking I was too extravagant and I didn't quite understand it, as if everything I did was wrong in their eyes. "

A tear fell onto that coat, causing Jiang Yunxian's eyelashes to tremble slightly.

"It's not right to be a taxi, there are too many electrical appliances in the house, it's not right to have no money, it's not right to spend money …"

"That's not your problem."

Jiang Yunxian pondered for a long time. He still did not know what to do, but the important thing was to use words to stop her crying. He simply could not do anything about a girl's crying.

"I always comfort myself like this, but you know, comforting yourself is much harder than comforting others. So in order to escape from the possibility of being chased by those bad emotions, I have to try my best to keep some distance between me and them."

As Chu Li spoke, he couldn't help but laugh. His laughter was mixed with his tears and laughter, causing his facial muscles to feel slightly sore. "So, isn't this called being beautiful from a distance?"

"I still like working, not only because the design is my favorite, but also because I can take this opportunity to get rid of some stuff and take shelter."

Listening to Chu Li's heartfelt words, Jiang Yunxian's heart was in turmoil. It turned out that such a quiet girl had hidden many things in her heart. He decided to think of the most appropriate way to comfort her.

Finally unable to resist sleep, Chu Li fell asleep.

Ah!" I've said too much, and it's full of negative energy. Don't mind it, just pretend you didn't hear anything, I think it's because of the fever.

After waking up, Chu Li felt a bit embarrassed, but she still decided to explain. After all, it seemed a bit strange to say this in front of her superior, the opposite sex.

At this time, the nurse came to help pull out the needle, completely interrupting Jiang's long period of preparation. For Chu, this was a good thing. While complaining, she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for others.

"Thank you for accompanying me here today. Actually, this is unnecessary, but it has caused you trouble. So, you should hurry up and go back!"

Chu Li thanked him and passed the jacket to Jiang Yunxian before heading out.

His body, which had just recovered from the fever, was still weak. While he was still swaying, Jiang Yunxian had managed to protect him in time.

"I've probably been lying down for too long. I feel a little dizzy."

"It's better if I send you home!" Jiang Yunxian was a bit worried, "After all, he is one of my capable subordinates. Furthermore, I also have a chivalrous heart, so …"

"I won't bother you any longer. I'm really fine. I don't have a fever anymore. I can go back by myself."

"Anyway, thank you."

When he returned home, his mother was cooking lunch with a surprised expression on her face. "Why did you suddenly come back?" Is there something wrong? No, it looks like you don't look good. Is you sick?! Lemon? "

Chu Li didn't have time to explain. She put a hand to her forehead and laughed as she blocked it, "It's fine! I have a slight fever in the morning and have been to the hospital.

Chu Mu's mother saw the IV drip in her daughter's hand and hurried over to support her. "What's going on?" Why did he have a fever? It was still fine at night! If you don't go to sleep first, I'll call you when the food is ready. "

In the muddleheaded dream, there was nothing. Other than the reproachful voices of her parents, Chu Li could not find anything to change her mood. She stretched out her hand for help, but it was all in vain.

"Lemon! Lemon! "

As she shouted again, Chu Li couldn't help but furrow her brows. She didn't want to wake up, but she also couldn't wait to wake up. To be precise, she couldn't even be sure if she was awake or not.


It wasn't until her mother had come into the room and shaken her that she realized all the nothingness had been a dream.

Lunch was not exactly good, but at least it was not as bad as last night. Lemon had no appetite, but under the earnest care of the two men, he decided to take a symbolic extra bite or two.

"That's right, being able to eat it means that there is no big problem, I am not the one saying! Lemon, you are too weak. Did you come here to harass the soil? You see, your dad and I have no problems at all. " Chu Mu's mother looked at her daughter and analyzed the cause of her illness. She had the appearance of the closest relative she knew.

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