Chu Nian felt that tonight, he seemed to be opposite the lamp. He seemed to want to see whether the lamp could endure him or whether he could endure the lamp?

The owner of the lamp did not fall asleep at this time.

Song Zian was still sitting at his desk, and he was still sitting at one of the things he had done before.

Song Zian is reading a book, still the type that Chu Nian likes. Chu Nian thought that every time song Zian sent him the sentiment, it happened to be the type he was involved in, which was quite coincidental.

But what Chu Nian didn't know was that song Zian paid close attention to all the books Chu Nian had read, the marked places and the searched authors.

In the endless lengthy and lengthy night, a cup of coffee accompanied Song Zian, page by page, read a little bit, and put the essence and thoughtful place to Chu Nian, not only in order to fit in with the idea of Chu, but sometimes even to save time for Chu Nian through his own efforts.

Just such painstaking, Chu Nian has never understood it from beginning to end.

But after a long time, song Zian has long liked the books that Chu Nian likes. Now, although he wants to get rid of the shadow and shackles of Chu Nian, his love and love of this kind of thing have long been deep into the bone marrow.

When song Zian received Chu Nian's first message, he just kept reminding himself that, as usual, Chu Nian's usual greetings are nothing strange. Don't be upset, don't be upset.

But soon, song Zian received a message from Chu Nian the next day. Chu Nian asked song Zian to go to bed early!

Song Zian was really shocked. How did Chu Nian know that song Zian didn't sleep? Song Zian's heart is full of small questions and can't put them down. It's like Chu Nian is watching song Zian and knows all the trends of song Zian.

But soon, song Zian gave up the idea and looked at his watch. It was already late at night. How could Chu Nian know whether song Zian was sleeping? It is estimated that he was right!

However, although song Zian thought like this in his heart, he could no longer be quiet. The feeling of being flattered all at once, once it comes, it's hard to disperse.

Song Zian has an unspeakable happiness and excitement. Although he has been suppressing this emotion, it still has no effect.

Song Zian felt that he was like a piece of dry land. Once he poured some water, he quickly sucked it in.

Just upset, he couldn't sit still anymore. His eyes were full of small characters, but song Zian couldn't see what he was talking about.

Just forget it. Don't watch it. Go to bed. Song Zian told himself that this feeling is also normal. The dependence and miss of Chu Nian is like the tide when it retreats, wave after wave, but one wave will eventually be lower than another.

Song Zian felt that the feeling in his heart at this time was that the wave had been low. Although he would still feel the impact, he had no much energy compared with the initial rough waves. As long as he endured it all the time, he could endure it until a calm day.

After thinking about it, song Zian stopped tangled, reached out to turn off the light and put himself on the bed.

Song Zian has had such experience countless times. What's the matter if he can't sleep? Sleep is sometimes a form. If you lie down enough, even if you haven't slept all the time, even if you haven't had a dream, you won't delay the rise of the sun the next day, or the end of the day.

Song Zian lay in his bed and ordered himself not to read Chu Nianfa's message. Because song Zian knew that he was likely to look at Chu Nian's information in a daze, and then didn't know when to stay.

Song Zian had to take care of himself. Don't touch the mobile phone. Just lie down, just lie down.

Soon, song Zian lay a little numb all over his body. He was still a little tired because of too much force.

It just doesn't matter. As long as you are tired enough, it will be easier to sleep.

As for the reply to Chu Nian's message, song Zian is not allowed to do it by himself.

After all, song Zian won't let himself do superfluous things if he can't manage himself.

Chu Nian, who was sitting in the car downstairs of the Song family in this fashion, was relieved to see that the light finally went out, although he didn't wait for song Zian's reply.

Chu Nian doesn't know what he's worried about? Does it hurt song Zian to stay up late?

It shouldn't be. Song Zian should stay up late. It's a normal existence. Of course, Chu Nian also stays up late, so they can exchange news until they fall asleep.

Just at this time, Chu Nian didn't understand. Looking at the lonely lamp, how could he feel so uncomfortable?

After calming down, Chu Nian finally started the engine. Since Song Zian has fallen asleep, Chu Nian should also go back.

Chu Nian had this understanding in his heart. It seemed that he had changed from the good night on wechat to seeing the light belonging to song Zian go out.

When Chu Nian returned to Jiang's house, it was late at night. In the dead of night, it seemed that it was particularly easy to feel lonely. But at this time, the Jiang family couldn't even find a person to chat with Chu Nian. Everyone had already entered deep sleep.

For Chu Nian's early departure and late return, everyone in the Jiang family seems to have been immune. There's nothing to make a fuss about.

At the beginning, Chu Nian often came back late because of work. When everyone got used to it, it didn't matter what Chu Nian came back late because of. So now, it seems that there are no people who even ask.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is a new day, and this day has special significance for Liu Heyan. Because of a series of things yesterday, Liu Heyan has made new plans, and today is the first day to implement them.

When Liu Heyan arrived at Liu's enterprise, Ling Tao had already started a day's work.

Before Ling Tao said hello to Liu Heyan, Liu Heyan said to Ling Tao with a very kind smile: "morning, I came early today."

Ling Tao felt silly at that time. Liu Heyan's recent fickleness was just like a woman. He put a smelly face in the company yesterday. Today, he was full of spring. Ling Tao couldn't help thinking about Liu Heyan's ways in his heart.

Fortunately, Ling Tao soon came to a conclusion. It is estimated that 80% of Liu Heyan's transformation is related to the hibiscus studio.

Ling Tao couldn't help thinking, are men and women in love not in a normal mood? Maybe we have to go through the four distinctive seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in just 24 hours a day?

But at this time, looking at Liu Heyan's so pleasant face, Ling Tao couldn't help praying in his heart. I really hope Liu Heyan can have a good start with song Zian today, so that Liu Heyan can maintain a beautiful mood all day.

If Liu Heyan can live happily with song Zian from now on, wouldn't it be better? It shows that Ling Tao can receive the care and warmth from his boss every day in the future. There is no need to worry about Liu Heyan's sudden cold in winter.

Ling Tao was still in his headless imagination when he saw that Liu Heyan was already standing in front of him.

"Ling Tao, are you distracted?" Liu Heyan looked at Ling Tao and didn't respond at all for a few seconds, making a voice to confirm.

"Ah? No, Mr. Liu, you said!" Ling Tao hurriedly said, but at the moment when Liu Heyan spoke, Ling Tao understood that no matter how good Liu Heyan was, it was estimated that Ling Tao didn't dare to make too many mistakes.

"Nothing, I just tell you that my activity after 4 o'clock this afternoon is cancelled. If there is anything I need to deal with, remember to send it to me as soon as possible." Liu Heyan didn't delve into what Ling Tao was thinking just now, but explained his arrangement today.

"OK, Mr. Liu." Ling Tao didn't hesitate to agree, but Ling Tao still had the next sentence to ask, that is, I don't know if Liu Heyan has any plans in the afternoon? Liu Heyan, who has always regarded work as his life, has to give up his work and get busy with other things.

It's just that Ling Tao absolutely doesn't dare to die at this time. It's early in the morning, but it's the golden time for work. Even if he gossips, he has to find a mind to get angry. When the work has been completed, at least he won't be punished by Liu Heyan on the spot.

Ling Tao thought, but he was still distracted. Ling Tao asked himself that he seems to know Liu Heyan very well after following Liu Heyan for so many years. No matter what evaluation, Liu Heyan is a master who is harsh and picky and hard to serve. Just such a person, I don't know what it will be like to talk about love? Will girls feel happy? How scary will Liu Heyan be when he is gentle?

However, the reason why Liu Heyan made such an arrangement today is naturally to save his off-duty time to find song Zian.

But Liu Heyan was afraid to tell song Zian in advance that he would be rejected if he went to pick her up from work. After all, song Zian seemed to hide from Liu Heyan more than once.

To be on the safe side, Liu Heyan had to stop before he got off work. Anyway, song Zian always had to get off work.

However, in order to save enough time and appear calm, Liu Heyan unexpectedly pushed off all activities after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Ling Tao had to plan carefully against Liu Heyan's schedule. Liu Heyan said such a simple sentence, but the operation is too difficult. After all, not every activity can be pushed back.

However, Ling Tao naturally does not simply think that if Liu Heyan's account has caused any losses to Liu's enterprise or affected any project of the company, Liu Heyan will be willing to carry the pot.

Anyway, Liu Heyan just arranges the tasks. As for how to do it, Ling Tao has to coordinate and arrange it. As for how many difficulties and how difficult it is, it's not what Liu Heyan worries about.

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